Pubblicato in Serbia - Primi passi in eRevollution - 27 Nov 2021 01:43 - 17
Even though I find war module and game boring since introduction of warfare (dynamite) and I don’t participate in battles since
then, (that is probably worst update this game ever had – made it possible for
richest players with highest health pool to reverse course of any battle in
last minute, so average players can shoot for 50 min and their contribution to
final result would become irrelevant at the end (so better do something else
for 50 minutes then shoot for nothing)), occasionally some new
players pop up, so I’ll write guide for them.
Guide is only for new F2P player who starts with starter pack (if your intention is to spend some money to progress faster, then you can
play as ever you want – it is much easier).
Main goals are:
- self sustained with food (and earning CC with food selling)
- being able to build Air factories
- research center Q4
First thing – don’t spend gold on training centers and weapons until you build basic economy.
When you start to play with starter pack you’ll earn good amount of gold quickly, but that will dry out soon, and if you hadn’t built enough factories with first gold you’ll be in very bad position.
Training centers are not an issue. Even If you totally skip ’em, game have catch-up mechanic. Whenever admin raise bar for STR and INT in starter pack, if you are lower, you’ll get free training centers.
You'll want to build TCs eventually (especially ones where training is free), but it is not first priority.
Food factories are easiest one to build for new players.
At the start build only Q3 food factories (best cost vs benefit ratio – they cost 100g each).
Food is item you can always sell, so it is good even if you’re not spending all food you produce.
Also you’ll need food raw companies to support food factories.
Most profitable raw companies are Q4, so build those at the start (later when you start earning more gold you can switch to Q5 raw).
It is wise to build one Q5 food factory, just to have place to use your workers.
For possibility of building air factories there are some prerequisites(if nothing is changed in recent years).
Air factory requires Q5 Heli and Q5 Ship factory.
Ship factory requires Q5 Sub factory.
Heli factory requires Q5 Tank factory.
Tank factory requires Q5 Weap factory.
Cost of building one Q5 factory is 640g (10+20+70+170+370).
First build Q5 Weap and Q5 Sub factories – total cost 1280g
Then build Q5 Ship and Q5 Tank factories - total cost another 1280g
Than build Q5 Heli factory – cost 640g
Dissolve Q5 Weap, Q5 Sub and Q5 Tank companies (leave ‘em at lvl1 you’re gonna
need those for missiles) – earn 945g from dissolving
Now You have Q5 Ship and Q5 Heli factory and you can build Air factories.
Total cost to reach this was 1280+1280+640-945 = 2255 g
After this build some Q4 air factories (those are most profitable for new players)
If you don’t have all this gold + some for Q4 air factories + some for weapon raw factories to support them, don’t go this way at all, and invest all in food instead .
As Disko reminded me - Of every gold you spent on companies 10% goes to country treasury, and most countries return large chunk of it to player who used it (before spending gold U need to check with your country president what are requirements and how much they are returning).
That way you can save nice amount of gold.
When you done all this with economy, build Q4 research center and few raw companies to support it (research center will provide you with workers and one temp HB daily).
After all this you can use extra gold for upgrading training center and
building more Q3 food or Q4 air companies (you can’t have too many of them – only issue will be storage space for all that food
then, (that is probably worst update this game ever had – made it possible for
richest players with highest health pool to reverse course of any battle in
last minute, so average players can shoot for 50 min and their contribution to
final result would become irrelevant at the end (so better do something else
for 50 minutes then shoot for nothing)), occasionally some new
players pop up, so I’ll write guide for them.
Guide is only for new F2P player who starts with starter pack (if your intention is to spend some money to progress faster, then you can
play as ever you want – it is much easier).
Main goals are:
- self sustained with food (and earning CC with food selling)
- being able to build Air factories
- research center Q4
First thing – don’t spend gold on training centers and weapons until you build basic economy.
When you start to play with starter pack you’ll earn good amount of gold quickly, but that will dry out soon, and if you hadn’t built enough factories with first gold you’ll be in very bad position.
Training centers are not an issue. Even If you totally skip ’em, game have catch-up mechanic. Whenever admin raise bar for STR and INT in starter pack, if you are lower, you’ll get free training centers.
You'll want to build TCs eventually (especially ones where training is free), but it is not first priority.
Food factories are easiest one to build for new players.
At the start build only Q3 food factories (best cost vs benefit ratio – they cost 100g each).
Food is item you can always sell, so it is good even if you’re not spending all food you produce.
Also you’ll need food raw companies to support food factories.
Most profitable raw companies are Q4, so build those at the start (later when you start earning more gold you can switch to Q5 raw).
It is wise to build one Q5 food factory, just to have place to use your workers.
For possibility of building air factories there are some prerequisites(if nothing is changed in recent years).
Air factory requires Q5 Heli and Q5 Ship factory.
Ship factory requires Q5 Sub factory.
Heli factory requires Q5 Tank factory.
Tank factory requires Q5 Weap factory.
Cost of building one Q5 factory is 640g (10+20+70+170+370).
First build Q5 Weap and Q5 Sub factories – total cost 1280g
Then build Q5 Ship and Q5 Tank factories - total cost another 1280g
Than build Q5 Heli factory – cost 640g
Dissolve Q5 Weap, Q5 Sub and Q5 Tank companies (leave ‘em at lvl1 you’re gonna
need those for missiles) – earn 945g from dissolving
Now You have Q5 Ship and Q5 Heli factory and you can build Air factories.
Total cost to reach this was 1280+1280+640-945 = 2255 g
After this build some Q4 air factories (those are most profitable for new players)
If you don’t have all this gold + some for Q4 air factories + some for weapon raw factories to support them, don’t go this way at all, and invest all in food instead .
As Disko reminded me - Of every gold you spent on companies 10% goes to country treasury, and most countries return large chunk of it to player who used it (before spending gold U need to check with your country president what are requirements and how much they are returning).
That way you can save nice amount of gold.
When you done all this with economy, build Q4 research center and few raw companies to support it (research center will provide you with workers and one temp HB daily).
After all this you can use extra gold for upgrading training center and
building more Q3 food or Q4 air companies (you can’t have too many of them – only issue will be storage space for all that food

SophiaStevan GafatdedechicagolupanpaChild of FireBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuBunnyLiuTsiggersteppenwolfTutakamenPony of DarknessPony of DarknessL0rd pabloKame SenninKingorionNoJobJereemYAFKKFlorin IgaladraelCommenti (17)

great 1st paragraph

nice artickle

Dodaj da pri gradnji kompanija obavezno traže povrat poreza od svoje vlade. Većina država danas vraća 90% uplaćenog poreza.

A neki i 80% 

Wow, very good!

A, neki i 100%😝😝

tako je

Not new players but a single idiotic whale keeps up this stinking pile of garbage called Erevollution.

Konačno neko nešto dobro da napiše u novinama.

I dont know if there are new players but its a good guide actually.
The only thing that you should include is the discounts. The new players should save their gold to upgrade the companies in a discount period. So the gold prices are the half.

If i remember well admin says that they will not discount company ever! But it can change 🤣

This is a really good guide for new players. Thank you Cooi. I will recommend this to all new players whom I support with supplies. I remember that I too wanted to know more about company upgrades when I was new and I had to really ask many people and then got different answers! USA is open for refunds on company upgrades. PM me if interested.

Čekaj, zar u ovoj igri ima novih igrača ????????

Ma kakvi novi igrači, to Admin pravi multije samo da mu drugi kupuju starter packove

Pojavi se tu i tamo poneki (ili novi, ili stari koji je davno prestao pa sad krene iznova).
Pre nekoliko meseci bio Jeremy, sad Nesalomiv mi lakse kad imam clanak da ih usmerim tu, nego svakom ponaosob pomagati.