Pubblicato in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Primi passi in eRevollution - 18 Dec 2021 08:10 - 6
Hello everyone this time i will write in english although i use google translate so i can and admin games understand...
The question for the players is why none of you will write, even if you bother the administrator of this game to give some ideas, even if they were stupid, but at least the idea
I mention this because I have a ban that is I mutated writing on discord..why am I mutated? Because I write a lot on discord and mix a little English a little Bosnian and the admin is angry hahahahah.
Message to the Admin why it takes us back to the original regions?Whay???
Why did you open the game erev2??and there are a few of us in the game anyway..
I understand that you want to earn euros from the game, but why do you spoil our success in the game, why do you destroy our will to play,,
there are many questions and few answers..
how much activity will be in the game now when you take us back to the original regions..
there is no unity in this game as it was at the beginning of the game when the players decided on all the changes when they boycotted the medals..
now only the player who will have less dmg for the sake of punishment pays nothing more..
What is my idea for the game???
whatever you write, you won't even hear it, you just say we won't.
I have a lot of crazy ideas but you won't post it.
if where i am wrong in spelling you blame google translator.
The question for the players is why none of you will write, even if you bother the administrator of this game to give some ideas, even if they were stupid, but at least the idea
I mention this because I have a ban that is I mutated writing on discord..why am I mutated? Because I write a lot on discord and mix a little English a little Bosnian and the admin is angry hahahahah.
Message to the Admin why it takes us back to the original regions?Whay???
Why did you open the game erev2??and there are a few of us in the game anyway..
I understand that you want to earn euros from the game, but why do you spoil our success in the game, why do you destroy our will to play,,
there are many questions and few answers..
how much activity will be in the game now when you take us back to the original regions..
there is no unity in this game as it was at the beginning of the game when the players decided on all the changes when they boycotted the medals..
now only the player who will have less dmg for the sake of punishment pays nothing more..
What is my idea for the game???
whatever you write, you won't even hear it, you just say we won't.
I have a lot of crazy ideas but you won't post it.
if where i am wrong in spelling you blame google translator.
HercigovasteppenwolfStevan GChild of FirespageB A T A S H ARIAL MAXPony of Darknessadinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17adinn17Commenti (6)

Ma svi u Core regije je najbolje, pa onda rat kako valja. Svakih 6 meseci ja bih vracao sve u Core regije. A na svaka 3 promena bonusa. Idi na Facebook pa igraj farmvile.

pa zato treba da igraci pisu makar glupe prijedloge a ne samo da šute,zato i imam mute na discordu je škrabam svašata

dobar engleski prijevod, bolje nego kad admin piše članak

Ma mi sami mozemo uciniti ovo zanimljivo, jednostavno naselimo mrtve zemlje po grupama i igramo se rata, ali svi bi da se uvale u bonuse i to je to.

Ko što sam na eRev2 uzeo cs kine pa tamo Bugare zezam nomstop dow ih 

It is actually funny that you get banned for Bosnian on discord, because owner of this game is himself from Bijelina suburbs.