Pubblicato in Georgia - Intrattenimento - 14 Feb 2022 03:04 - 11

o all. yesterday i was guest in my friends house and in georgia we had 6.2 earthquake. i have hope everyone. in my friends house wall haves cracks wall almost destroyed. dogs started barking and people was in panic at start.  we opened stadium door and people have enetered in stadium with their cars. we bought beer and start drinking at the stadium with people at the back  of cars. yesterday night was scary and funny after earthquake. stay strong all


77teshu77RomyJerryZGBPony of DarknessGigaspageBATRANUL99BunnyLiuChocolata

Commenti (11)

Stay safe
stay strong
Oo is everything ok with your friends and their house?
stay safe my friend my friends house
I hope they can fix the house! Stay safe o7
Stay Safe bro, i hope u are OK.
Thanks guys o7
Stay safe and be brave