Arenga SIerra

Pubblicato in Peru - Analisi finanziarie - 23 Nov 2022 14:35 - 8

Perú, The new not-aligned economic possibility!!!

Got tired of the same allies with their bonuses cartel?
Got tired of the 1 and only Alliance dominance above all the erev eWorld?
Got tired of feeding the same countries everytime you work there, just see how they wipe your homelands?
Got tired of Addmin?
The cartel vs Peru economic map.

Don't give up, there's now a different option: Perú!

After a cruel and long war against the Greek empire (and a later exile in The German Reich) Perú retook it's liberty showing
up courage, respected by their enemies, and signed a prosper peace agreement with Greece.

Now, Perú achieved to expand it's territories by mostly diplomatical movements, uring smaller countries a rental agreement
and cooperation. 

And finally, there's the new possibility for all the non-aligned countries: The economic possibility of Perú
Pizarro's Palace, built in XVI century.

What does Peru offer?

-More dignity of working outside the dominant alliance economic network.
-80 x 4 bonuses.
-Stable monetary market at 0.006 rate.
-Many job offers up to 120 cc.
-Possibility to get Peruvian cs without compromises, and get 1% production fee advantage. 
-Discount and 50% manage tax refund for entire UMs producing in Perú.
-Business creation refund up to 90% (with SS proofs). Up to 95% for allies.
-Many weps, food, houses and RAW at a competitive price in the Peruvian market.
-MPPs with the main non-aligned countries in the eWorld, to lower travel costs!.
-TWs to ure not only RW battles.
And many more yet to come!
80x4 Bonuses, Not 100x4, but quite close.
Cheap Weps at peruvian market!, buy at will!.
The best real state services in Perú.
Stable MM at 0.006
Competitive Market prices!!.

We are aware this game need a change from the Admins, but in the meanwhile, Perú would like to offer you a minimal
possibility of fun and dignity in a game stucked with the same dominant countries. 

Lets be part of the change!. 

Welcome everyone to our lands, we will be waiting you with Pisco, ceviche, lomo saltado and a lot more!. 

Isaak Sirk0, CP of Peru.
Macchu Picchu, Perú. 


For Peruvian and Argentinian, will be published a spanish version soon.
Even not aligned with the Alliance, Perú actually holds peacy and prosperity deals with Greece and Serbia to ure its grow and stability.


chorrillanoCyrax Mk3Deo ZeusMiltiadosMiltiadosMiltiadosEl Tito ThedonitoMariscal CaceresMariscal CacerescybertelcybertelrivertonPeakySkirataAtahualpa

Commenti (8)

o7 Perú
Suscrito, votado y endosado
Debemos retornar al Virreynato
The idea is to work for our friends, not for our enemy
aqui estamos apechugando
Peru o/
Si no se pega en batallas, o las pegadas son deficientes, simplemente la diplomacia seria ineficiente o no surtiría efecto Smile