Pubblicato in Japan - Dibattiti politici e analisi - 27 Oct 2023 07:23 - 1
Hello eRevollution !!!!
Join Japan, Join NOW !!!
I know this miss you !!!
So i am back in my ehome land eJapan, and i want to wake up Japan and all eRevollution community. For now we are only 2 Japanese 😪 but i hope after this article to get some new players how want to join Japan after WoN event.
We don't have a region for now, i contact CP of country how occupied temporarily eJapan to peaceful make some arrangement to get back Japan regions.
We don't have MPP so if u need a ally send MPP
We don't have CC or Gold in our country tresor, so if u have some to donate, DONATE NOW!!!
We don't have players, so i CALL ALL OF YOU how want new challenge to fights and take back regions of Japan. To fights for new ally of Japan. To take some regions in neighborhood of Japan and see Japan growing
Join Japan, Join NOW !!!
rontowZeparZeparZeparZeparTBPTKOKhaleesiCommenti (1)

Good luck!! If more native Japanese people join and form a larger community, the admin is increasingly finding it more difficult, but you can also consider joining a larger community. in eperú you would be welcome.