Romy nowhere

Pubblicato in Turkey - Intrattenimento - 30 Jul 2024 03:23 - 14

First of all, i want to say that, i'm writing this article as a citizen, as a player.... I will pour out what's inside me with my terrible english:)

Wars, relationships, everything ends, but this words will always stay here forever!!!!

Think a country, for world ranking,  5/10 of players are  from that country at top10 ... (Respect)
Think a country, conquered 24 country, total 177 regions ( Respect)
Think a country, mostly ~50% of online players of game from that country ( Respect)
Think a country, have full bonus for long time (Respect)

And attacked to 25. country's main region, who have few original players ( Indonesia) who only wants plays this game...  And they got this attack cos of me/us (!) why? Cos he wants to be 1 country in game... everyone must work for them!!! (Not Respect)
when TR have some bonus, and some players produce in TR, this situation disturbed them... Cos of this, that Strong(!) country's president attacked to innocent country, and ignored that country's players... As personal, i'm sorry for that country... ( not Respect )
Is this first time that titzenhayu did this? how many "small"country's are empty now cos of his egoism? You players from different countries know better then me.... And how many players left game cos of this... (Israel, Japan etc etc etc)

he have only 1 answer for this : "This is a game"....
and for the game mechanics "IF YOU HAVE POWER YOU CAN DO ANYTHING"... 
BUT THIS GAME IS NOT ONLY WAR MODULE!!! you forget this.... 

i discuss with him several times, about "pls respect to other players too"... but he never understand this.. 
as personal, i always have been with contact with the countries who is weak then us, before  our attack, and I always respected them. (1 player country or more not important)...
at past, you used IRAN against us, when we dont have any problem with them.... where is Iranian players now that you support... 
today you use 1player country Georgia against us.. 
these are so normal for game mechanics, you can do all this dirty play... not problem for this.. 

You have problem with TR? You have personal problem with me? dont harm another players for this ( like Indonesia) !!! and as always said to you, Fight like a "man", not like a "g*y"... 

now sit on your , and think... why nobody like you except Romanians... not only dislike, why rest of them hate you as personal.. I never believe but, i HOPE u will see this.. 

2 days ago u came, i said to you : "NEVER attack to innocent players and continues cos of me/us... Respect Indonesian players and stop your attacks on them... if u have problem with me/us, solve with me/us.. Thats all...." but  you attacked again for nothing!!! 

And as personal, when you did this, i have nothing to talk with you anymore... be sure that, i wont stop against you until i will leave from this game..

PS: all my words are for 1 player,  not against Romanians., and also not from Turkiye..  Romanians never  see somethings inside... try to look from other side! and if you still defend him, nothing to say.


afatdedeMurattikamilTsiggerZabcisterFrancesco LentiniRed Eaglesansarsansarsansarsansard0ct0rward0msipinaGral Velasco

Commenti (14)

Its typical romanian behaviour, as these people are scams of piss in real life they have nothing else to do in game but to fulfill their desires at least here. Whenever you are a small country against them, either you become slave and lick master to them, or else you lose the will to play this game. As you can guess Israeli players chose to leave the game
hhow does mando keep getting out of the mental institute?
Voted the article because it was being written without personal attack and with a lot of reasons that proves your statement. However, I don't think you're 100% right. I wonder if the game mechanics don't help Romanians to dominate with such manner the erev world? Never admin hasn't considered to balance somehow the things between small countries and the big ones. The periodical reshuffle of raw regions it isn't enough! Maybe it will be a great idea to have a reshuffle of citizenships based on IPs and after that the proccess to change it should be harder and limited than now.
if you are trust, i can discuss with you till morning Shaddy... tell me 1 reason about attack to Indonesia? what is your problem with thatplayers????? they still didnt say 1 word!!
vote o7
I mi place sintagma : jucatori nevinovati ; De unde naiba ai scos o ?
I'm not the person to answer to this question. I'm rather a player who isn't up to date to all strategies of a country. I prefer to develop myself as good as I can and almost always to follow the orders of my MU or country. But I think I understand what you're trying to say. Somehow I lived a similar situation in Guild Wars when 2 Romanian guilds made everything it's possible against us not to complete the event Cheeky Of course I haven't complained because I understand it's a game and everyone has the right to play as it wants, but I have noticed some evil tendencies...
i said at first and at last @Shaddy... my word are not about Romania.. and i see that you understand this. o7
The problem in erev1 is Titzian, he got into Peru's internal problems and divided it into 2 factions, those who humiliated themselves and submitted to Titziano have Brazilian citizenship as their government. And those who fought are without a country, as is my case. However, I will never submit to that tyrant and will fight until the game disappears. I don't understand why there are cowardly tanks that submit to him!! !!!