Pubblicato in France - Analisi finanziarie - 09 Apr 2016 15:02 - 23
i have never thought that i will write so much frequently articles...
but a lot of people allready asked me how the prices will improve and where they should spend gold after the update i will write a new article before i have to copy past my answeres to everyone...^^
at first: at first happy birthday to me... :)
i am accepting gifts... :D
the first one who is comenting will get 20 q5 helis
the second will get 20 q4 helis...
and the third will get 20 q1 helis...
and because i finally want my MM medal too (after admins stopped me with sub deletion when i was havin 98 subs... :/ ) i will do that in every article that i write in the future...
so if you sub to my newspaper you know at first if i publish a new article...
i have to do that bribe because i hate sub for sub so pls DO NOT send me your sub number and newspaper link per PM... ;)
second and main reason why i write this article:
the raw, damage and production output update...
at first i will show you the old system how it was the last days:
production efficiency:
and the profit calculation for manager work and 100% weapon bonus:

here are the new numbers after the update so you dont have to scroll so much to see the differences...^^


so what does that mean?
the raw need per weapon is now for every quality nearly the same...
i say nearly because admins took some very ugly numbers for those calculations but its all between 10 and 13.333333 raws needed per weapon...
together with the output update with that you can produce now 30 q5 weapons per worker instead of just 20 it means that the high quality comps make even more profit than low quality ones...
so in fact i think the high q prices will go down and the low q prices will go up...
because of the damage update wich is coming and will be continued the q5 tanks will get even more expensive than q1 helis...
and of curse the q5 tank comps will make much more profit than the q1 heli comps...
but in the next some days (as long as admins dont update the damage even more) the q1 helis will still stay the weapon of choice for the most players...
how long this will stay that way i cant say...
depends on how gold will get invested in the comp upgrades and how fast q5 comps will grow...
on very long term q5 heli comps will be the ones with the most profit...
just take a look how the profit is if i sell all weapons for the same price:

q5 comp owners can sell their helis for 0.04g each AND make 0.67g profit with manager work or can pay 0.67g at maximum as salary per worker...
so q1 comps will get the most unprofitable comps ever...^^
in the future you dont have to save your money you earn with q 1 comps until you have enough to build the next higher technology q1 comp anymore...
its more profitable to upgrade your comps as fast as possible because the higher the quality the more win you can make with the products...
also q5 raw comps are now a bit more profitable than q3...
q1,2 and 4 raw comps will be still useless even for CPs wich can buy them at a rate of 1g=200CC...
i think the weapon raw prices will go down a lot in the next some days because q1 heli farms used a lot of raws and it needs time to get the money for upgrading enough comps to get back on the same raw demand level as before...
so after a high impact on the raw price it will go higher again about the time...
because a q5 weapon needs nearly same much raws like a q1 weapon the raw price on long term will be lower than today...
that means still noobs will get even less gold per day from own production but even more from salarys because there will be a very high demand on workforce...
this will also result in a high amount of farm workers wich do nothing else than working in someones companys and maybe their traíning/DO too...
also there will be a high danger of multi accounts wich work for their big brothers...

in the fight against low q comp manager work farms its a good update but at high costs...
low q prices will stay but go down on long term...
high q prices will go down too... q5 tank price will improve better than q1 heli price
raw prices will go down a lot at the beginning recover again later but will stay lower than today...
q1 helis will stay the mos used weapon the next days (because less q2,3,4,5 heli comps are on the market)
q5 tanks will get more expensive after the damage update is finished...
multi/farm/less active countrys will have a favor...
i have never thought that i will write so much frequently articles...
but a lot of people allready asked me how the prices will improve and where they should spend gold after the update i will write a new article before i have to copy past my answeres to everyone...^^
at first: at first happy birthday to me... :)
i am accepting gifts... :D
the first one who is comenting will get 20 q5 helis
the second will get 20 q4 helis...
and the third will get 20 q1 helis...
and because i finally want my MM medal too (after admins stopped me with sub deletion when i was havin 98 subs... :/ ) i will do that in every article that i write in the future...
so if you sub to my newspaper you know at first if i publish a new article...
i have to do that bribe because i hate sub for sub so pls DO NOT send me your sub number and newspaper link per PM... ;)

second and main reason why i write this article:
the raw, damage and production output update...
at first i will show you the old system how it was the last days:
production efficiency:

here are the new numbers after the update so you dont have to scroll so much to see the differences...^^


so what does that mean?
the raw need per weapon is now for every quality nearly the same...
i say nearly because admins took some very ugly numbers for those calculations but its all between 10 and 13.333333 raws needed per weapon...
together with the output update with that you can produce now 30 q5 weapons per worker instead of just 20 it means that the high quality comps make even more profit than low quality ones...
so in fact i think the high q prices will go down and the low q prices will go up...
because of the damage update wich is coming and will be continued the q5 tanks will get even more expensive than q1 helis...
and of curse the q5 tank comps will make much more profit than the q1 heli comps...
but in the next some days (as long as admins dont update the damage even more) the q1 helis will still stay the weapon of choice for the most players...
how long this will stay that way i cant say...
depends on how gold will get invested in the comp upgrades and how fast q5 comps will grow...
on very long term q5 heli comps will be the ones with the most profit...
just take a look how the profit is if i sell all weapons for the same price:

q5 comp owners can sell their helis for 0.04g each AND make 0.67g profit with manager work or can pay 0.67g at maximum as salary per worker...
so q1 comps will get the most unprofitable comps ever...^^
in the future you dont have to save your money you earn with q 1 comps until you have enough to build the next higher technology q1 comp anymore...
its more profitable to upgrade your comps as fast as possible because the higher the quality the more win you can make with the products...
also q5 raw comps are now a bit more profitable than q3...
q1,2 and 4 raw comps will be still useless even for CPs wich can buy them at a rate of 1g=200CC...
i think the weapon raw prices will go down a lot in the next some days because q1 heli farms used a lot of raws and it needs time to get the money for upgrading enough comps to get back on the same raw demand level as before...
so after a high impact on the raw price it will go higher again about the time...
because a q5 weapon needs nearly same much raws like a q1 weapon the raw price on long term will be lower than today...
that means still noobs will get even less gold per day from own production but even more from salarys because there will be a very high demand on workforce...
this will also result in a high amount of farm workers wich do nothing else than working in someones companys and maybe their traíning/DO too...
also there will be a high danger of multi accounts wich work for their big brothers...

in the fight against low q comp manager work farms its a good update but at high costs...
low q prices will stay but go down on long term...
high q prices will go down too... q5 tank price will improve better than q1 heli price
raw prices will go down a lot at the beginning recover again later but will stay lower than today...
q1 helis will stay the mos used weapon the next days (because less q2,3,4,5 heli comps are on the market)
q5 tanks will get more expensive after the damage update is finished...
multi/farm/less active countrys will have a favor...
ednaugastonbonbonCommenti (23)



congrats... all helis donated...
you guys are very fast readers... 

They didnt read fast they just saw firs part of article
bro wait there will be more changes about raw materian and companys 

heli for me plizz 

HB Raf

Congrats wish you all the best o7


Happy birthday ^_^

Alles gute !



die allerbesten glückwünsche raf. und gute Übersicht. thx

s95 and happy birthday xD

how old are u bro ?

31 now...

as expected from your wise answers n viewpoint

RIP raw factories

here goes your 100th suscriber
nice article

thx gastonbonbon 

