Pubblicato in France - Intrattenimento - 06 May 2016 08:07 - 17

i whould like to do a small tutorial with you all...
so at first you have to learn the language:
STR = strength
TG = training ground (TG1 is training ground at quality 1)
DO = daily order (the 50 hits you do in a battle set by your MU comander/captain)
MU = military unit
CC = country curency (so FRF, PLN, SRB and so on...)
lvl = level
ED = energy drink (the green wonder you get once a day from fullfilling your DO)
HQ5 = helicopter quality 5 (or house quality 5 but mostly it is helicoper)
MPP = mutual protection pact (you can hit in every battle wich the country you are located in is having a MPP with...)
RW = rebellion war (is a battle wich can be started in a occupied region by a single player... no need of declaration of war proposal)
TA = true allie medal (wich is worth 2.5g... every damage you do in a direct battle for a MPPed country is counted as TA damage)
TP = True patriot medal (wich is worth 5g... the damage you do in a battle for your country no matter if RW or direct battle is counted as TP damage)
i think that are the most important...
if i have to add something just write it in the comments... ;)

so where should you invest your money at first?
clear answer in your TGs...
you get 5 STR per day with q1 TG plus 10 STR from the second TG wich is just available until you reached 1k STR...
5 STR are worth 5 damage per hit if you have rank 0...
for every rank you get 5% damage bonus...
so if you double your STR you also double the bonus you get from your rank...
1 level is worth 5 STR but it gets harder and harder to level up with every level more...
so your STR is the main category wich is influenting your damage per hit...
you get gold from TA and TP medals...
also from time to time you get the super soldier medal for every 250 STR you reached...
so the higher your STR the faster you can earn gold... ;)

where should you invest your hard earned money in if you allready have TG4?
to be honest thats a question i cant answer...
you have to go your own way here...
but i can show you at least the costs of every company...
q1 company cost 10g to build... (7.5g)
upgrading from q1 to q2 cost 20g... (15g)
upgrading from q2 to q3 cost 70g... (52.5g)
upgrading from q3 to q4 cost 170g... (127.5g)
and finally upgrading from q4 to q5 costs 370g... (277.5g)
so to build a q5 company from nothing cost 640g... (480g)
if you choose the weapon industry you have to know that you need a q5 gun company to be able to build a q1 tank company...
and you need a q5 tank company to be able to build a q1 heli company...
remember that there is a 25% dicount event at this weekend (i added the cost for the weekend in the brackets...)
what do you get for your investment?
all numbers for full bonus...
in a q1 weapon comp you can produce 20 weapons (same numbers for guns, tanks and helis) wich needs 200 raws...
also you can hire 1 worker wich is also producing 20 weapons... (40 output per comp)
in a q2 comp you produce 22 weapons with 240 raws and are able to use 2 workers per day... (66 output per comp)
in a q3 comp you produce 24 weapons with 280 raws and are able to use 3 workers per day... (96 output per comp)
in a q4 comp you produce 26 weapons with 320 raws and are able to use 5 workers per day... (156 output per comp)
in a q5 comp you produce 30 weapons with 400 raws and are able to use 10 workers per day... (330 output per comp)
in the food sector its a bit different...
the output of every company is the same...
but because you are producing a higher quality of food the energy you get from the needed raws is raising with high q comps...
in a q1 comp you produce 200 q1 food with 200 raws and can use 1 worker (so 400 energy for 200 raws/800 energy maximum output 2 energy/raw)
in a q2 comp you produce 200 q2 food with 240 raws and can use 2 worker (so 800 energy for 240 raws/2400 energy maximum output 3.3 energy/raw)
in a q3 comp you produce 200 q3 food with 280 raws and can use 3 worker (so 1200 energy for 280 raws/4800 energy maximum output 4.3 energy/raw)
in a q4 comp you produce 200 q4 food with 320 raws and can use 5 worker (so 1600 energy for 320 raws/9600 energy maximum output 5 energy/raw)
in a q5 comp you produce 200 q5 food with 400 raws and can use 10 worker (so 2000 energy for 400 raws/22000 energy maximum output 5energy/raw)
a house can be activated for 7 days...
in that 7 days you get a faster energy refill and you get more energy...
so for example with a active q1 house you have 550 energy and 550 energy recover and you regenerate 10 energy every 5.48 minutes instead of 500 maximum energy and recovering 10 energy every 6 minutes...
the energy and energy recover increase is cumulative with every quality of house you activate...
it counts just one house each quality...
the energy refill time reduction just counts from the highest quality of house wich is activated...

in a q1 comp you can produce 0.4 q1 houses with 2000 raws and hire 1 worker (0.8 houses per day maximum output... 50 more energy, 12s faster energy refill)
in a q2 comp you can produce x q2 houses with x raws and hire 2 worker (x houses per day maximum output... 100 more energy, 24s faster energy refill)
in a q3 comp you can produce x q3 houses with x raws and hire 3 worker (x houses per day maximum output... 150 more energy, 36s faster energy refill)
in a q4 comp you can produce x q4 houses with x raws and hire 5 worker (x houses per day maximum output... 200 more energy, 48s faster energy refill)
in a q5 comp you can produce x q5 houses with x raws and hire 10 worker (x houses per day maximum output... 250 more energy, 60s faster energy refill)
tbh i dont know the numbers of the other qualitys... :/
you can send them by PM or write them into the comments so i can add them later...
raw comps:
all raw comps have the same output and costs...
but you should chose the right one for you...
the raw comps bought with CC are nearly useless because there is allways a better company...
if you want a high output per invested money the q3 comp is the best for you...
if you want a high output per needed energy (or you want to use workers for production) the q5 raw comp is the one you should build...
you should never invest your gold into defense system or hospital companys...
it is nearly impossible to sell them and they are very expensive to build...
those companys should just be built from CPs or close members of the goverment wich using them as country companys...
eCarterMohammad SaadAdminMoersAncestralEl ProfesorCommenti (17)


voted!!! gj


Very good article.

Is the energy cumulative from houses? If I activate all quality of houses from q1 to q5 will I generate more energy than just q5? And will I have more limit to store energy?

yes it is... so if you activate q1,2,3,4 and 5 house at the same time you have 1250 energy recover and refill 10 energy every 3 minutes...




voted, informative as always


@ the fallen i was a bit wrong... the energy refill is not cumulative... i have different houses active but i refill 10 energy every 5 minutes... so just the reduction time of the highest quality house is counting... but the energy recover bar influenced from every quality of house... i am not sure if this is a bug... 

too lazy, only //mashup// : DD

now read: excellent article like allways o/

too lazy; didnt get helis o/
admin got gelis

admin didnt get helis... KBaz was getting them...^^