Pubblicato in France - Analisi finanziarie - 15 May 2016 12:34 - 11

i need some workers...
at the moment i have 10 free jobs left...
and i am tired from shouting...
i offer 103 FRF for players with less than 500 strength...
90 FRF for players with less than 90 strength...
and 80 FRF for players with more than 1000 strength...
common exchangerate is 100 FRF = 1g...

what is needed to ign the job offer?
if you arent allready located in france you need to travel to france...
and you need to be located every day you want to work for me...
you dont have to change your CS...
tbh i dont care wich citizenship, military unit or party you have...^^
therefore you can buy stuff from the french market and it is still possible to sell stuff on your own countries market...
same with the monetary market...
in your own companys you whould use the french production bonuses...
means 100% food 100% weapon and at the moment 80% house bonus...
what should i do to get the job?
just send me a PM after you igned to my offer (for 56 FRF at the moment) on the french job market...
after your PM i will update your salary as fast as i can...
i am online every day so it shouldnt be such a big problem... ;)

to show you that my offers are serious some pictures for you:
some of my workers...
of curse with censored names and avatars...^^

as you can see here i am paying an average salary of 91 FRF at the end of the day i comonly have a work presence of 93% and i whould like to hold it at least above 90%... ;)

and of curse i have the most honest workers in the world:

edit: i was getting even more PMs... :/

btw that counts for everyone who is working for me every day...
except of this guy because i hate greedy people... :P

hmm for that matter thats all for today...
if admins are reading this article:
i can update the salarys just for one single player at once...
a check box or something like that to update the salarys of more than one worker whould be nice... :)

as always some music at the end...
RobinoAir HissonCommenti (11)

and 80 FRF for players with more than 80 FRF...
little mistake :p

Nice work 

edited... thx randeng... 


when I will be +1000 str, I ll leave because 80 is cheap offer for me xd but I m workıng now sure 

80FRF is already a lot. Thanks for the nice salary RAF 

RAF i have not problems ^^ you can upgrade my salary as you wish :3

The most honest worker is me 

I accepted the job... could you change my salarie?
I send it pm to you👍

Such honest players