Pubblicato in Romania - Intrattenimento - 13 Jun 2016 06:35 - 53
Hello brothers and sisters,
Since is raining outside and i feel emotional, i decided to tell you my e-life story, whether you'll like it or not. It all began in April 2011 (as here, there must be something about this month), when i was recruted by a friend for Plato's flock back in the other game....yeah, the situation was almost the same as here, Romania was attacked from all sides, we were struggling to keep our capital and everybody was nice and kind. So, in my endless love for my country i started creating 5 of them, to help of course. Shortly, the ban came like a hammer on my head aside with the recommendation to chill the f**k up. So i created another account and started playing like a model citizen. War came and ped, we had our country back and then began the golden era of my e-life. Hours spent on UM chat, jokes and boobs pics, and meetings after meetings in pubs, with lot of beer and lots of people. In 2012 i was recruted for another game, similar, from someone who, after lvl 20 seemed to forgot that i existed. Then in 2013 i got a job and i invested my first money in a game, for the glory of Plato of course. And then came the chaos...Offers after offers, packs after packs, everything meant to suck your money from your VISA...the game collapsed, players began to quit, the meeting were fewer and fewer and the chat almost empty. Was then when i sworn not o invest a penny anymore in a game. And now, this year in April, when i got the invitation, a hope bloomed...a hope that this game will be different, that this game will offer an equal chance to all players, whether they have a VISA to put on the table or not. I really hope it will be so, but i also understand that this game and it's creators must sustain themselves, as someone once said: "this d*ck ain't gonna s*ck itself". So i think i'm gonna enjoy this game as much as it will resist without gold, boost, ED and RPG packs. So God bless you all and enjoy the game.
Since is raining outside and i feel emotional, i decided to tell you my e-life story, whether you'll like it or not. It all began in April 2011 (as here, there must be something about this month), when i was recruted by a friend for Plato's flock back in the other game....yeah, the situation was almost the same as here, Romania was attacked from all sides, we were struggling to keep our capital and everybody was nice and kind. So, in my endless love for my country i started creating 5 of them, to help of course. Shortly, the ban came like a hammer on my head aside with the recommendation to chill the f**k up. So i created another account and started playing like a model citizen. War came and ped, we had our country back and then began the golden era of my e-life. Hours spent on UM chat, jokes and boobs pics, and meetings after meetings in pubs, with lot of beer and lots of people. In 2012 i was recruted for another game, similar, from someone who, after lvl 20 seemed to forgot that i existed. Then in 2013 i got a job and i invested my first money in a game, for the glory of Plato of course. And then came the chaos...Offers after offers, packs after packs, everything meant to suck your money from your VISA...the game collapsed, players began to quit, the meeting were fewer and fewer and the chat almost empty. Was then when i sworn not o invest a penny anymore in a game. And now, this year in April, when i got the invitation, a hope bloomed...a hope that this game will be different, that this game will offer an equal chance to all players, whether they have a VISA to put on the table or not. I really hope it will be so, but i also understand that this game and it's creators must sustain themselves, as someone once said: "this d*ck ain't gonna s*ck itself". So i think i'm gonna enjoy this game as much as it will resist without gold, boost, ED and RPG packs. So God bless you all and enjoy the game.
Commenti (53)

o7 nice story ^_^

+1 nagant895
God bless you, too! o7

bine punctat! o7


Spinach is good for you.. 

Error: You have to wait 3 minutes to post another message.
Fuck eRevollution! o/

s108 v42

S111 v 45









you are my number 4







