掲載する国 Croatia - 社会・エンターテイメント - 20 Jan 2016 00:31 - 75
Hello, all! Welcome to the next edition of Admin’s News and Things!
In this edition, you should expect to read about why WE need YOU, and how YOU can help US! Along with all the other changes that have been made, and will get made... So let’s get started!
We are looking for those select few people who have the GUTS and the GRIT (Along with linguistic knowledge) to translate this game into your own language!* If YOU think you are up for this task, email us here at: erevollutiongame@gmail.com
*We already have Bulgarian, Latvia and Spanish done, so if you are experts in those languages, we don’t need you, sorry. ):
Over the weekend, we realised something very important: the current war system SUCKS! It needs a COMPLETE overhaul. So it is being overhauled! Here is a list of changes and additions you should expect to see soon:
Blocking: If the penguins in antarctica suddenly attacked the polar bears in the arctic circle, and won, taking over the arctic circle, then the polar bears will be blocked from attacking for 24 hours, giving the penguins another whole 24 hours to attack again! If the penguins get lazy, and don’t attack within the 24 hours, then anybody is free to attack. On the other hand, if the polar bears won the attack, and defended the arctic circle, the penguins are blocked from attacking for 24 hours, giving the polar bears a huge chance to fight back and invade antarctica!
3-Wall Battles: Penguins can only do one thing at a time, they are not very good multitaskers, so we’ve made it simpler to fight. Coming soon, there will be three “walls” or waves in a battle: the weapon wave, the tank wave, and the helicopter wave. This way, the penguins can shoot at each other until they run out bullets, then climb into their tanks until all the tanks are gone, then pilot their helicopters until they get shot down.
If the penguins beat the polar bears in 2 out of three “walls” of combat (or more) then they win the battle!
The War Map: The penguins cannot successfully plan a smart attack against the polar bears because there is no war map yet. HOWEVER, the tech-savvy seals at the penguin HQ and Laboratory have been working hard to finish the map, and will have this feature done VERY soon!
Attack Costs: To attack the polar bears, the penguins would need to spend 20 gold to start a battle. The tech-savvy seals at the HQ and Labs have found a way to lessen these costs! It now only costs 10 gold to start a battle! Incredible!
There are many things wrong with the way countries are set up. Fortunately, some of these things have been fixed… or will be fixed within days!
Treasury: Printing CC has been upgraded! The tech-savvy seals at HQ figured out how to make a better CC printer! What used to be 1 gold = 100 CC is now 1g = 200 CC! Now, before you say, “Well, hey, I printed money before this! What about me!” Let me tell you this: if your country has already spent gold to print money, your treasury will be magically altered to reflect the NEW printing price!
Update: 50 % of the gold for the export licence goes the the country treasury for which you bought the licence for.
Update 2: When you create a company in 1 country 10% of gold is given to national tresury also when you upgrade a company
Update 3: Cost to travel is now lovered from 1 gold to 0.4 gold
That’s all for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed this day’s Admin News! Stay Tuned for more!
Also, as always, email us at: erevollutiongames@gmail.com if you need support, want to point out a bug, or if you just need a friend!
In this edition, you should expect to read about why WE need YOU, and how YOU can help US! Along with all the other changes that have been made, and will get made... So let’s get started!
We are looking for those select few people who have the GUTS and the GRIT (Along with linguistic knowledge) to translate this game into your own language!* If YOU think you are up for this task, email us here at: erevollutiongame@gmail.com
*We already have Bulgarian, Latvia and Spanish done, so if you are experts in those languages, we don’t need you, sorry. ):
Over the weekend, we realised something very important: the current war system SUCKS! It needs a COMPLETE overhaul. So it is being overhauled! Here is a list of changes and additions you should expect to see soon:
Blocking: If the penguins in antarctica suddenly attacked the polar bears in the arctic circle, and won, taking over the arctic circle, then the polar bears will be blocked from attacking for 24 hours, giving the penguins another whole 24 hours to attack again! If the penguins get lazy, and don’t attack within the 24 hours, then anybody is free to attack. On the other hand, if the polar bears won the attack, and defended the arctic circle, the penguins are blocked from attacking for 24 hours, giving the polar bears a huge chance to fight back and invade antarctica!
3-Wall Battles: Penguins can only do one thing at a time, they are not very good multitaskers, so we’ve made it simpler to fight. Coming soon, there will be three “walls” or waves in a battle: the weapon wave, the tank wave, and the helicopter wave. This way, the penguins can shoot at each other until they run out bullets, then climb into their tanks until all the tanks are gone, then pilot their helicopters until they get shot down.
If the penguins beat the polar bears in 2 out of three “walls” of combat (or more) then they win the battle!
The War Map: The penguins cannot successfully plan a smart attack against the polar bears because there is no war map yet. HOWEVER, the tech-savvy seals at the penguin HQ and Laboratory have been working hard to finish the map, and will have this feature done VERY soon!
Attack Costs: To attack the polar bears, the penguins would need to spend 20 gold to start a battle. The tech-savvy seals at the HQ and Labs have found a way to lessen these costs! It now only costs 10 gold to start a battle! Incredible!
There are many things wrong with the way countries are set up. Fortunately, some of these things have been fixed… or will be fixed within days!
Treasury: Printing CC has been upgraded! The tech-savvy seals at HQ figured out how to make a better CC printer! What used to be 1 gold = 100 CC is now 1g = 200 CC! Now, before you say, “Well, hey, I printed money before this! What about me!” Let me tell you this: if your country has already spent gold to print money, your treasury will be magically altered to reflect the NEW printing price!
Update: 50 % of the gold for the export licence goes the the country treasury for which you bought the licence for.
Update 2: When you create a company in 1 country 10% of gold is given to national tresury also when you upgrade a company
Update 3: Cost to travel is now lovered from 1 gold to 0.4 gold
That’s all for today, folks! I hope you enjoyed this day’s Admin News! Stay Tuned for more!
Also, as always, email us at: erevollutiongames@gmail.com if you need support, want to point out a bug, or if you just need a friend!
Sternerコメント (75)

hmm good to hear that


focusing all efforts on war module? i've seen this movie before.



Moving countries money to Private citizen accounts is stupid... and yet there is no other way of using it
How on earth are small countries going to make TANKS or helicopters??


dont touch the battle system, keep it simple...dont make the same mistakes like the others

nice, for block system I think 24h is to much, 12h is more then enough.

Nice touch.. lets try!

Walls at the moment are VERY missed idea. Why? I'll try to explain:
You will FORCE players to spent GOLD to upgrade/create a company.
Or you will FORCE players to spent GOLD for bazookas.
Knowing the fact Q1 Tank factory requires Q5 Weapons factory, that means cost of the building a Tank Q1 factory will cost... much. Too much for a normal player to achieve in first couple days.


I'm an expert in Aurebesh!

Penguins...Polar Bears..??!! 
...ADMIN!!! What are you tolking!!....That you might not be in my factory beer?! 

..... http://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/750

we need organization or more storage

dont touch the battle system, keep it simple...dont make the same mistakes like the others
pao 13 x 10^10^10^10
Please, be reasonable. This kind of battle system is quite fine, tho we need some changes considering battle rounds or points. We can make it for example to battle comes until 5 rounds (or whatever) won - 5:4 for example and each round could last for 4h for example (or whatever), or make points (reach certain amount of points to win a battle) and points should be won also by winning the rounds. Why that? We need just a bit more golds given from admins (medals) for normal functioning. And thats it. Nothing more, nothing less - battles do need to be as simple as possible.

I like the penguin analogy.

what about state companies? Every country will have country companies for refound and state tanks. If the CP make company from gold from tresory, will he be able to give the company to the next cp, or he should put it on market to sell it ?
Also i like the way u explain to us. Penguins for the win !

Oh yea, and solve please the "traveling issue". I mean - 1g to move + 1g to come back, c'mon!?
Put costs of traveling 20cc for whatever the place is. Later it can be solved differently, on a distance rate base, but for now- considering its begining and that we are in shortage of money (gold, currency) - put traveling costs to 20cc no matter of distance between regions.


Too many visa already for 10 days of game

Marcus Crassus +1

Admins, be aware that we need a button to change salaries please, thank you.

great invention guys - "visa waves" in battle! genius!!!
2 visa waves wins the battle, so no need for "mortal" players to fight

1. I pay 20 For attack first time, who will send me back?
2. We want Travel by currency

the idea about 3 wall battlefield is very very bad, this is my personal opinion
good luck in everything game is very good

its encouraging that you pay attention to players opinions and instantly reply


Battle in 3 walls is the BEST FIGHT!!!

i think too it was better traveling with country curency... but it should not be that cheap... countrys can print at 1/200... so 0.1g for getting a strong fighter into their country when they failed with their MPP politic at first whould be just to cheap... i know its a lot of work for you because some people will move into empty countrys to take easy BHs and build multis there just to get back to their homes... tbh i have no solution for this problem...

Admin News 3 magyar fordítás http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/1068

battles: well small poor countrys will die this way... they have no chance to build a huge tank or even helicopter company... and some rich guys will have the monopol on selling those very important helicopters to who ever they choose for a long time... battle rounds are not my prefered option too... i like that you have to make it close for 24 hours AND need more players in those 5 minutes of a day... that makes it more strategic when to start a battle... even if it doesnt care now because their are just neighbors are fighting each other wich have the same timezone but for future game it is interesting...

Most of the people came here because they were tired of admin self-interest based games, like the one this game is based on. So far, you are doing quite the opposite - if this is going to be VISA based game, you will not get far. There is a limited number of players stupid enough to pay.

3-Wall Battles: Penguins can only do one thing at a time, they are not very good multitaskers, so we’ve made it simpler to fight. Coming soon, there will be three “walls” or waves in a battle: the weapon wave, the tank wave, and the helicopter wave. This way, the penguins can shoot at each other until they run out bullets, then climb into their tanks until all the tanks are gone, then pilot their helicopters until they get shot down.
Since you have to buy a Q5 weapons factory before getting tanks and Q5 tanks before helpicopters, this says to me that only players who are willing to spend a lot of real money will be able to compete.

You better lvl up fast befor the game start getting harder and the admins start charging a crazy amount of money

Blocking: good one let it at 24 hours... so some countrys can slow down a atck hard enough and have still the advantage to start their atack at any time of a day they want...
world map: good luck with that...
atack costs: good choice... pls dont change it to a the winner of a battle gets gold on the country treasury... this whould make also the rich guys just richer and harm small countrys... on long term you maybe have to think about how weak countrys can get free again easier when they are wiped from bigger ones... maybe a determination based on free regions... so a country wich just have 1 region left is doing in the defense of that last region *10 damage and is doing in a RW to get a second of its regions free *8 damage for example...

also you should set a limit or something for energy bars/bazookas... i mean in theory (and we as we did all see also in pratice) one guy can just buy the win against a much stronger country... with enough money against the whole erev world... i dont think that this will be a good motivation for other players...
oh and sorry for writing so much with my bad english... i am in the team penguins and we penguins are mostly just talking penguinish... 

I encourage you to hold KISS principle
KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid.
And I encourage you to focus on all modules, not only war. You are expected to be better than eRepublik.

+1 joanj90

so during the round of tank, we will be obliged to hit with tanks or to not allowed to hit at all?
so the guy who spent for copters win the round alone with 1 hit?

+1 pao 13
+1 Leogan

We need Organizations the most. We need it for the War module, for economic module and political module. Everything else is secondary. National Organizations attached to governments and private organizations for citizens.



Like update 1,2 and 3

Letter to admins.
Admins, please read 

Make this better place to play o/


Evrything is fine except that 3-Wall battle sistem. Yea u can make it but let all players to fight not just ones with a lot of money. Having q5 wep factory is rly expensive and u will need q5 tanks too for heli.

"3-Wall Battles: Penguins can only do one thing at a time, they are not very good multitaskers, so we’ve made it simpler to fight. Coming soon, there will be three “walls” or waves in a battle: the weapon wave, the tank wave, and the helicopter wave. This way, the penguins can shoot at each other until they run out bullets, then climb into their tanks until all the tanks are gone, then pilot their helicopters until they get shot down."
What happen if no one have tanks or helicopters?

Any API for this game?

I need friend who will do my master projects.

okuyamıcam şimdi kafam bi dünya,

Trade agreements between countries (0% import tax), are they considered to become part of the game at some point?

visa sucks

Add the map to the game.


I Am Legend !!!

I think it will be a great game

We NEED ORGS!! We NEED ORGS!! We NEED ORGS!! Bravo Thomas Killah

three cheers for tech-savvy seals.

--It is impossible to run country military without Org.
--It is highly complex to keep records to prove that President is or is not using countries Gold for his own purpose... WE NEED ORGS

no its not Crvena we manage it fine with proper docs so don;t be lazy and do stuff

3 walls? That's so Cyberrepublik-esque.

Good but don't make it too complicated. Now a few things. 1) We need organizations. 2) Do not make dictators and think of some neat ideas for the political module to make it more engaging. 3) Yes, that map would be great to have.


cRep was much better (before they reboot it), but whatevah :d.

Please admins - put costs of travelin' 0.1g for now! We need possibility for ACTIVE players to be able to move to different markets so they could buy products. It is still start of the game and there are no cc or golds in enough quantity for economy to develop fast enough. Here is problem that cc is not universal, and for every market you must change your golds for exact currency, therefore golds become even more needed and you should enable to players to not spend it too much so it would have high influence of disabling the gaming for them. Later you can change that. I think 20cc (0.1g) in one direction is fair price for traveling. 80cc (0.4g) in 1 direction is really too high 

"focusing all efforts on war module? i've seen this movie before."
Bravo George Washington!

"focusing all efforts on war module? i've seen this movie before."
Bravo George Washington!

nice man 

so... if I was to leave this 'wonderful' game and I wish to donate my few coins to Country Treasury... How do I do that?

http://i66.tinypic.com/wa22xc.jpg -->no donation buttons

Nice and simple tutorial for first steps. Constantly updated: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/1328 Vote and Sub. Will Sub Back, just PM me with Sub and Vote number!