掲載する国 Germany - 金融ビジネス - 03 Jul 2016 13:03 - 41

Fellow German citizens,
Germany and its industry is geting stronger everyday,as you all know discount period is approaching and there will be some loans for players.

Our country funds will be allocated mostly towards future raw producers.In order to do so we are raising also another project where YOU the people of GERMANY can help YOUR country by donating as much as you can to Country Treasury to put German industry on its feet.
Also we will help our babies to get more stronger and country will participate with 1/3 of golds required to upgrade Training Grounds.

With a strong economy, low taxes, good sallaries, low prices on market and stable exchange rate, Germany is the best place to be in Erev world.

As I mentioned above in the article loans will mostly go for building weapon raw and house raw companies, so I want to invite future producers to write comment in the article how much they need and to calculate how much time will be suitable for them to return loan.
Lets make our Deutsche Mark strong again!

Governor of Deutsche Bank
Diamond LadyPeakyLoving Pabl0AmirRashidianscharfschutzeDejanNKscharfschutzeOtto von BismarckOtto von Bismarckコメント (41)

a big vote for strong Germany which couldn t happend without you guys, ty.


i would like to request a loan of 150 gold for 20 wraw companies dat i will return in 20 days or sooner from the day of the discount and after

Hail Germany!


I have had bad experiences with this kind of loan but Agoria is someone who we can trust 

For me need same as DreathGar, 150gold for weapon raw company, i return in 20 - 25 days

i want 1000g to build 2 more heli q5 companies
i will return its in about 30days ^^

Project 30 wraw company s currently on account 15 wraw company s. golds need for project 225 golds. production per day close to 10k wraw equal 6 golds. so 35 days need for repay loan.

As a current hraw producer I would need about 200 golds to move on into massive hraw producing. This is not a final decision, if the country is in need of wraw I may move to wraw producing. o/

I need 125 gold for upgrading my training ground q3 to q4 I don t know when I can return it I also need 300 gold to get a q4 weapon company from the state upgrade it to q5 and build some q1 tank factory I can repay half of it by degrading the weapon factory some days later 

I need 100g to upgrade my tg from 3 to 4. I will return it in about 40 days

I will have Wraw (3.3 gold cost each day. ) if country gives me loan I will have income every day 6.6 gold. with this income I can pay loan really fast
and in next sales I will have hellis companies. I have q1 tank now

where is mrcow and shisui?



Clara Schumann o/

Deutschalnd rich!

I need 50 golds for finishing q5 hellis factory

I need 100 gold to upgrade to q5 heli factory, loan will be back in 15 days max

Hello I m new, I would like 150-200 golds to upgrade TC the very first days if possible thanks 

Guys i just made a q4 weapons into q5 heli.
I need SOS--260 gold--SOS in order to build wrm companies!payback less than month TY

I agree with the fact that Germany is the best place erevolution at reasonable stable economy for all citizens, GDEUCHE MARK is stronger, as well as players, to each other runs parallel ... I need 10 gold to upgrade TC2 to TC3, back in a few days, thank you advance o7

for training grounds country will participate with 1/3 of golds required to upgrade Training Grounds.

I just need 27.5 golds to upgrade my storage, the golds will be returned with in few days 

I need 200 gold for house factory

I need 200 gold for upgrade heli factory, i back loan soon as posible 

i need 30 golds for storage

i need 5 gold tg q4

100 gold if possible for more choppers 

i need 8 gold for tc.

Guys, just want to inform you that loans are now closed, everybody except Kaveh, AmirRashidian,delgado,Macura and Arrow received desired ammount, ofc those who didnt get loan for this discount period will be prior in the next discount period.Good luck to you all!

I back my loan ty gov for giving me 50 golds
before donation http://prntscr.com/bqjchn after donation http://prntscr.com/bqjcko

i need 300 gold for tank q5

need 50 golds back soon as it posible !!

i back 1/3 of my loan (50gold)

i back all my loan (150gold)

I need 90g to upgrade my tg from 3 to 4. I will return it as soon as I can