掲載する国 Poland - 社会・エンターテイメント - 07 Jul 2016 13:55 - 6

Today a nice idea struck into my head. Let me share it with you and see your opinion

As few players may know, I like singing.And I like to share my songs with the others. But one question arrived my little sparrow head - does other people also like singing? :)
I would like to propose a singing contest for all interested people.
Rules? Simple: Interested players send their entries recorded on soundcloud etc. After a period of registration, group of jury decides about the winner.
We may do this using two different ways. Like in a Pop Idol show (Judges deciding if song is good/bad), or like in an Eurovision event. (one song per country. Everyone votes but NOT on their own country).
I would like to know your opinion about the event. Then - if it will be positive - we may start the organization.
コメント (6)

If I sing the server will probably need maintenance. Voted

lolllll Satanas if i could support a comment yours would be the winner

Ja śpiewam tylko pod prysznicem

satanas lol ;d

Sing it back.

well the not for their country voting would be useless because of the difference of RL country and ingame CS... anyway voted hard... i will try to scream something in a micro when i am back at home...