掲載する国 France - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 18 Jul 2016 10:57 - 151
Dear Citizens,
We are bringing you another update. This time it is focused on 2 new types of strategic buildings - Strategic Supplies and Strategic Weapons.

Lets start by constructing Strategic Supplies building.

We have constructed Q1 Strategic Supplies building. As you can see, it requires 1000 Q1 food to create one Life Kit. Life Kit allows you to regenerate percentage of your energy depending on quality (Q1 - 20 %, Q2 - 40 %, Q3 - 60%, Q4 - 80 %, Q5 - 100 %). You can create one Life Kit a day, and you can save them for when you need them.

If you own a Q1 Strategic Supplies, you will need 1000 Q1 food to make one Life Kit, for Q2 its 1000x Q2 food, Q3 - 1000 Q3 food, Q4 - 1000 Q4 and Q5 - 1000 Q5 food to make but restores greater percentage of your total energy (this counts houses and special buildings which you have activated). Now, I will upgrade my Strategic Supplies building to Q2, and create my first Life Kit.

When you click on build, you get the Life Kit.

Like we said, Q2 Life Kit restores 40 % of your total energy.

When we use Q2 Life Kit in the battle we get the following results:

Now, lets move on to Strategic Weapons building:
For production of Strategic Weapon Q1 we need 50 Q1 Weapons and 50 Q1 Tanks. Strategic Weapon building produces a Missile which is used like RPG in a battle and adds fixed amount of damage to your hit. Q1 does 100,000 damage, Q2 - 300,000 Damage, Q3 - 500,000 Damage, Q4 - 800,000 Damage and finally Q5 - 1,000,000 Damage.
Similar to strategic supplies, for strategic weapons Q2 you will need 50 Q2 Weapons and 50 Q2 Tanks, for Q3 - 50 Q3 Weapons and 50 Q3 Tanks, for Q4 - 50 Q4 Weapons and 50 Q4 Tanks and for Q5 Strategic weapon you will need 50 Q5 Weapons and 50 Q5 Tanks. As with Strategic Supplies, you can only make one per day.

We select the Missile like we do any other weapon in battle and use it.

Here we have used Q1 Missile in a Battle for region that has Q5 Defense Shield, and our damage is lower than 100,000.

Prices for these buildings are following:
Q1 - 10 Gold
Q1-Q2 - 30 Gold
Q2-Q3 - 100 Gold
Q3-Q4 - 200 Gold
Q4-Q5 - 300 Gold.
Goal of this update was to make industries that are currently non relevant/ non profitable, relevant and profitable. This includes Q1-Q5 Weapon, Q1-Q5 Tanks, and Q1-Q5 food industries.
P.S. Only you can use Life Kit and Missiles, it cannot be donated or sold on market. It is not possible to downgrade it either like Workout Area.
Also a reminder that tomorrow we will have short maintenance on daychange.
eRevollution Team

We are bringing you another update. This time it is focused on 2 new types of strategic buildings - Strategic Supplies and Strategic Weapons.

Lets start by constructing Strategic Supplies building.

We have constructed Q1 Strategic Supplies building. As you can see, it requires 1000 Q1 food to create one Life Kit. Life Kit allows you to regenerate percentage of your energy depending on quality (Q1 - 20 %, Q2 - 40 %, Q3 - 60%, Q4 - 80 %, Q5 - 100 %). You can create one Life Kit a day, and you can save them for when you need them.

If you own a Q1 Strategic Supplies, you will need 1000 Q1 food to make one Life Kit, for Q2 its 1000x Q2 food, Q3 - 1000 Q3 food, Q4 - 1000 Q4 and Q5 - 1000 Q5 food to make but restores greater percentage of your total energy (this counts houses and special buildings which you have activated). Now, I will upgrade my Strategic Supplies building to Q2, and create my first Life Kit.

When you click on build, you get the Life Kit.

Like we said, Q2 Life Kit restores 40 % of your total energy.

When we use Q2 Life Kit in the battle we get the following results:

Now, lets move on to Strategic Weapons building:

For production of Strategic Weapon Q1 we need 50 Q1 Weapons and 50 Q1 Tanks. Strategic Weapon building produces a Missile which is used like RPG in a battle and adds fixed amount of damage to your hit. Q1 does 100,000 damage, Q2 - 300,000 Damage, Q3 - 500,000 Damage, Q4 - 800,000 Damage and finally Q5 - 1,000,000 Damage.
Similar to strategic supplies, for strategic weapons Q2 you will need 50 Q2 Weapons and 50 Q2 Tanks, for Q3 - 50 Q3 Weapons and 50 Q3 Tanks, for Q4 - 50 Q4 Weapons and 50 Q4 Tanks and for Q5 Strategic weapon you will need 50 Q5 Weapons and 50 Q5 Tanks. As with Strategic Supplies, you can only make one per day.

We select the Missile like we do any other weapon in battle and use it.

Here we have used Q1 Missile in a Battle for region that has Q5 Defense Shield, and our damage is lower than 100,000.

Prices for these buildings are following:
Q1 - 10 Gold
Q1-Q2 - 30 Gold
Q2-Q3 - 100 Gold
Q3-Q4 - 200 Gold
Q4-Q5 - 300 Gold.
Goal of this update was to make industries that are currently non relevant/ non profitable, relevant and profitable. This includes Q1-Q5 Weapon, Q1-Q5 Tanks, and Q1-Q5 food industries.
P.S. Only you can use Life Kit and Missiles, it cannot be donated or sold on market. It is not possible to downgrade it either like Workout Area.
Also a reminder that tomorrow we will have short maintenance on daychange.
eRevollution Team

Winston XStyle Blueコメント (151)



Burn moar golds people!


nice )))))


need more gold?? 

On first sight it seems an update for the very top-top tier of players who already have everything. A normal player wouldn t benefit much from those new industries.

Nice update!

You need to increase damage of Missiles. Good update though, well done.

More for the few maxed-out players to do, less for the many new players to enjoy.

it will help to sell food and weap+tank,
but it s not avery good MAJ

Lets see what this will bring us 

Aw Yisus D: xD


Very Nice 

Do can send Strategic Supplies and Strategic Weapons. ?? or selling ?

Emperor of Japan - No, only you can use it.

why we are not able to sell them on market

1. can missiles and new energy drink be sold on market?
2. can we donate missiles and new enery drink?
3. if you have no mere energy to générate you can use the new energie drink like EB? or no (like food)
4. can we use many missile/new energy drik pae day?


I cant see the strategic buildings tab

Well excited... In the other hand not.
I m a freaking noob. It will take months for me to produce these thingys while I m sure Jimmy is already overproducing it even if it s not implemented right now.

LeTunisien - It cannot be sold or donated. It is used similar like energy drinks, but they return percentage of your max energy, not fixed amount. You can used them before using energy drinks. You can use as much as you want / day but you can only make 1 / day.

Produce 1/day or 1/day/factory ?

No good


Bad update!!!

it s better use the strategic supplies and fight with the tank and arms 


I m perplexed

@biskvit: thank you


not good 

I think it need have limit of use/day.
Maybe 3-5 max /day drinks.
10-15 missile/day.

Send add for sale

can we build more than 1 strategic factory? like Q1 + Q2 + Q3 ...

What ia this

So VISA players take Q5 WEP and shoot 1,000,000 DMG.......

How many life kits or misiles we can keep in storage? If its one made per day, can it be like, in 50 days 50 of it in storage?

when will be the update avialable ?

ne diyor yine bu hergele işi gücü para olmuş darbe mi istiyon namıssız 

hmmm let me think abouit it... no thx...

bad update!

You can only have 1 of each strategic building(like workout area), and make max 1 of each item a day. You can store them, but we will see if we will put limits to storing them. We will see later if we will allow them to be donated and sold.

I don t know how I feel about this update lol, let s see how it will turn out 

When i use a missil, i need 10 or 50 energy to use it?

You need 10 energy Sirius7

a shitty change ... continue this way and this game will die before it started !


@FoxGin Admini su stvorili igru

And When update will be avaiable?


let us donate this items- we can change the war results with strategic weapon

Bad update!!!

game over!

Will you implement any discount on these buildings in the future?

Nuevas actualizaciones en castellano www.erevollution.com/es/article/11745

So can we have let say, q1 missile, q2,q3,q4,q5 per day? so can we use 5 missiles a day, and 5 energy recovery?


So ppl with q1 storage cant keep 1000 breads ..


when start this update?

What is this shit? 


Remove Work as manager and everything will be profitable

1000 food for 220 energy?

The Fallen you can make 1 Missile a day, what quality is up to you, same for Life Kit.


Holy shit....

You can create one Life Kit a day, and you can save them for when you need them. But with Strategic Weapons don t say same.
Can I stored Strategic Weapons like Life Kit?

Obiwan You can make one per day (one kit no matter what quality, just one, and one missile) and store them if you want (if we feel there is need to limit how much people can store, we will add those limits).

when will be add this update??

Can we produce one Q5 one Q4 kit per day or not?

free food for all the world https://www.erevollution.com/pt/article/11673

I dont like it tbh

unless im calculating it wrong, this stuff are about 10x more expensive than they are worth..., idea is good tho, but imo to be worth wile its to expensive for to little gain.

Dibex - Tomorrow, Kinyas, no either Q5 or Q4 just one

time is for new factory..how can earn more profit ? from food or tank and weap ?? 

@EoJ profit?? how are you gona sell it??

:S, life kit.. 20% of 1000 Energy max is 200, you have to expend 1000Q1 food to get that and you can use it just only one time?... so, what is the positive part of this life kit. For the weapons same things, if you wanna make some difference in this game, create something different, make sure that not ONLY first player will have money enough to hit Millon or Billons in the future, create a rule that allow weakest player to give something up.

Звичний розвод лохів на гроші з від ємною користю 


v c

Dont kill the game. Seems like you are listening some visa player advise. They will go terminator and after some time they wil start to play maybe 50 players. Do you really think they will only play with 50 ? Its like armageddon to erevollution.


Very cool. Another terrible update. Hail balance 

I can produce q5 missil if i have q1 indrustie?

gg pay to win

So when people are complaining how the game is unbalance, and we talking about resources redistribution and develop small countries, the admin was all like, Yes, putting new factory and take gold from the richest will certainly solve this problem!

I m not sure I like this update. Please admin, don t smoke the same ku$h as Plato 

help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/11763

good o/

@Nuevaocho you were badboi no kush for you

Waiting for some new missions and for some real update!

Well, if it cant be disolved, it will be good to not change rules about storage, selling or donating it. If energy bars are unlimited, make this unlimited too. Thats my advice!

Good update admins just dont kill game as Plato did it ! 

In my opinion its too expensive...

need some update for newbie 

keep the game as simple as you can..
the game is too young to have such drastic changes in so little time. Think of the new players starting a game with so much diversity...

not bad


good update.


Persian Language Translate https://www.erevollution.com/fa/article/11754

i think its better to be able to sell them in market as every product that is produced

finally,a good change,before reading the bottom of the article i wanted to write that in this way all companies are made profitable,but you already wrote that
nice update,must admit!

endorsing p2w...


There are 2 more dead industries - Hospitals and Defense Shields, so expect some updates there too.

admin translate now georgian language

Strategic Supplies is very expensive. on Q1 we pay 2000 energy for earn 250 energy :| this update give me sad :|

How many Life kits can I stack in my storage? You said that there will be a limit but I dont know where to see that limit?

There was no update on Twitter about the site getting out of maintenance. I waited for nothing and wasted energy.

I play two similar game, in one admin add a stupid pack last week and make me left the game.
In the others admin add strategic shit and I will probably left the game is they do more.

Strategic Supplies restore 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100% of 500 energy + house or 1000 energy + house?

Rocket damage should have a dynamic value like 100x-200x etc. damage.

Soon will be DS on time and HOSPITAL on use xD @Biskvit


how can we sell these startegics buildings ?

prices are too high atm, good in the future maybe

Buy more gold ppl, youll need as admins need your money

Life Kit - Profit or Loss? Read here www.erevollution.com/en/article/11816

You are copycat of eRepublik. Same style, same errors, same mistakes.
Too bad.