掲載する国 Turkey - 戦争分析 - 20 Jul 2016 04:07 - 13
Here, I shall talk about Life Kits Only!
Prices for these buildings are following:
Q1 - 10 Gold
Q1-Q2 - 30 Gold
Q2-Q3 - 100 Gold
Q3-Q4 - 200 Gold
Q4-Q5 - 300 Gold.
P.S. Only you can use Life Kit and Missiles, it cannot be donated or sold on market. It is not possible to downgrade it either like Workout Area.
Basics -
Q1 Life Kit restores 20% of overall health and requires 1000 Q1 food and 10 health.
Q2 Life Kit restores 40% of overall health and requires 1000 Q2 food and 10 health.
Q3 Life Kit restores 60% of overall health and requires 1000 Q3 food and 10 health.
Q4 Life Kit restores 80% of overall health and requires 1000 Q4 food and 10 health.
Q5 Life Kit restores 100% of overall health and requires 1000 Q5 food and 10 health.
You can only have 1 Quality of Life Kit building.
You generally have 500 Health (Default)
You can increase it upto 1400 with- Q1 House (50) + Q2 House (100)+ Q3 House(150) + Q4 House(200) + Q5 House (250) + Field Hospitals ( 50 & 100).
Yes, a whooping 1400!!!
The energy is NOW (after update) is selling at around 1 Gold for 2100-1300 Energy.
(It is evident that prices of higher Q foods are higher as they take less storage space, and no other benefit.)
(The energy drink price is taken at 20 ENergy Drinks for 36 Golds in store)
Energy Restoration (Energy 500)
Energy Restoration (Energy 550 (Q1 House))
Energy Restoration (Energy 750 (Q5 House))
Energy Restoration (Energy 1400)
Profits or Losses?
Calculated as : Energy Drinks Cost - Food costs for Life Kit.
Verdict - No Loss. Only Profit!!!
Even if you don't plan to use them, you should still manufacture them. Atleast Q1 everyday so when you tank someday, you don't have to spend Golds on Energy Drinks!!!
The update is BOON in disguise.
P.S. Let me know if any of the calculations are wrong.
Good day.
pamadapaIroncodeコメント (13)
yes i have q1 already
i just have q1-q5 house , so my energy now is 1250
so the calculation if i use q1 life kits .. i save 250 energy by having life kits, and take note , we do have to complete our daily order everyday so we also get 1 ED (100 energy) so the total is i got 350 energy .. quite good actually
nice article bro o7
Well done.
nice, great work
Chuba The Great - You can store the Life Kits for later use too when you have Field Hospitals So even more
my love
Very good! V+S
well done bro, thanks for your good article and help us to understand a little more this new update. You win my humble endorsement and suport
o7 pamadapa
Hard Voted we can know from this article the efficiency in Life Kit compared with energy drinks. Thank you. I hope we can see how long it will take to achieve break-even point of building cost next. I think we can calculate from this analysis above and then which of level should we upgrade our life kit buildings till next building discount event.
Excellent article !