掲載する国 Turkey - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 26 Jul 2016 03:18 - 123
Dear Citizens,
We are bringing you another update. This time it is focused on Manager Work Tax and Monthly Event.
First, lets talk about the new Monthly Event. This event will run every month, and all you need to do is log each day to complete it. After 7 days you can already claim the first prize. Event resets each month, and starts all over again. For the biggest reward, you need to log in 28 times in a month to claim it(biggest reward is strength, rest of the rewards are secret.
There are some articles already explaining the Event and you can read about it HERE

Now, lets talk about Work as Manager tax changes. For each company you wish to work in as Manager you need to pay fixed amounth of currency to the country you are in
at the time. If you own a citizenship of that country, you will pay one type of tax (usually lower), and if you are a foreigner you will pay other type of tax (usually higher).
If you travel and go to work in another country, you will pay taxes to that country, and you will be able to use their bonuses for production.

Here we can see that for working in 2 companies as a manager,I pay 10 local currency (CHF) to work in the country where i have citizenship. Now if we move to country like Japan for example (full bonuses), we need to pay 20 local currency (JPY), but we produce more goods.

At the moment, tax is 5 cc for Citizens and 10 for Foreigners, but your congress can change it according to their decisions(where minimum is 1 cc for Citizens and 3 for Foreigners).
Players under lvl 22 are unaffected by this new tax.
Goal of this update is to stop citizens from leaving their home countries for better bonuses. Now they can get production bonuses of other countries, just by paying a little bit more on taxes.
If you have any more questions about the update, post them bellow, and we will answer them.
eRevollution Team

We are bringing you another update. This time it is focused on Manager Work Tax and Monthly Event.
First, lets talk about the new Monthly Event. This event will run every month, and all you need to do is log each day to complete it. After 7 days you can already claim the first prize. Event resets each month, and starts all over again. For the biggest reward, you need to log in 28 times in a month to claim it(biggest reward is strength, rest of the rewards are secret.
There are some articles already explaining the Event and you can read about it HERE

Now, lets talk about Work as Manager tax changes. For each company you wish to work in as Manager you need to pay fixed amounth of currency to the country you are in
at the time. If you own a citizenship of that country, you will pay one type of tax (usually lower), and if you are a foreigner you will pay other type of tax (usually higher).
If you travel and go to work in another country, you will pay taxes to that country, and you will be able to use their bonuses for production.

Here we can see that for working in 2 companies as a manager,I pay 10 local currency (CHF) to work in the country where i have citizenship. Now if we move to country like Japan for example (full bonuses), we need to pay 20 local currency (JPY), but we produce more goods.

At the moment, tax is 5 cc for Citizens and 10 for Foreigners, but your congress can change it according to their decisions(where minimum is 1 cc for Citizens and 3 for Foreigners).

Players under lvl 22 are unaffected by this new tax.
Goal of this update is to stop citizens from leaving their home countries for better bonuses. Now they can get production bonuses of other countries, just by paying a little bit more on taxes.
If you have any more questions about the update, post them bellow, and we will answer them.
eRevollution Team

K o BOrilSar Bellコメント (123)

Too late.

best news

Great update. o/

fk your new update


First of all no warning, no news in time caused me to lose considerable amunt of money. Secondly this update is crappy. Thirdly why the hell is on my country page written that work tax is 1cc when it is a lie http://prntscr.com/bxnlz6 and I paid 5cc few minutes ago when I was working.

I would be nice to be informed before updates released... :o Thank you Dev ! o7

great this is great thank you admin


Great this is now great

That s correct, it s the same in Romania. Citizens Tax = 1 RON; Foreigners Tax = 3 RON

Tomislav, we will fix the info on economy page (atm it is not showing correctly).


Half of the players will quit the game thanx to the new update
GG admins 

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows.


And who will refund me my money I lost? I know who will, no1.


Jean Epsilon - tell me why would only Manager work be without tax? How much do you pay your workers? You produce in each Work as manager, as you would pay one of your workers, yet the country has nothing to gain from it.

Your goal is to kill this game!

Tomislav - ask your CP, all the money goes to country treasury.

Neyazdin yine Adamim

I have no workers, I have raws q3 that now operates at loss

let s have a look ... your farm Q3 produces 144 Food raw ... le lowest price in Switzerland is 0.048 CHF 144*0.048=6.912, now the tax -5 so your benefit is 1.912 CHF whoohoo ! You re a king !
Now the same think with the second example: 240*0.048=11.52, -10 benefit 1.52 Wahou ! that seems to be a very big deal ....

manager tax is crazy!
who was decided to generate a lot if raw will be most penalized!
mountly event....
i hope to see reward different by exp!
and set this update at july is crazy, too

Like this. o7

bad ideia... the black market will be more and more stronger... and the products more and more expensives... not a wise choice

terrible idea

Admin is leaking updates to some players
good game


and as said Jean Epsilon on the french market you operates at loss :clap_clap: GG !

Worst update!!!

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x2

reset - where minimum is 0.1 cc for Citizens and 0.3 for Foreigners

yea so nice update killing even more weak countries.
what about profit of low level companies ?
good job admin

minimum tax should be a lot lower... pokerface is right...

very bad idea

Well, not anymore since you put the tax on 1 FRF, but still, that was a hard blow for everyone 

So admin screwed up again, when people need refund, its the country s CPs duty to clean up your mess? To handle all refund one by one? Nice call admin 

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x3

Welcome to Serbia, we like your money ;-)

Need a poll about who like and who dont like this Manager Tax.

best of lowest tax in turkey come and earn a lot of money o7

Good update. Approve! o/

Like the idea .. But please make early announcement ..
I can help you if its too HARD for you 

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x4

Where is WE ?

I d like to ask one question to brothers.
Is this update to be helpful for the players in weak countries? In my opinion, Strong countries will be stronger and weak countries will be weaker, but it must be better than nothing.. I just there could have been better options to be applied for the balance.

Your aim should be make players fight more not make 2click mode. The monthly event goes to 2click mode

let s have a look ... your farm Q3 produces 144 Food raw ... le lowest price in Switzerland is 0.048 CHF 144*0.048=6.912, now the tax -5 so your benefit is 1.912 CHF whoohoo ! You re a king ! Now the same think with the second example: 240*0.048=11.52, -10 benefit 1.52 Wahou ! that seems to be a very big deal ....

aDrenaLineBG congress can set min tax at 1 CHF per company for Citizens

Do we have an interest in setting the tax higher ?

what should those players do who have plenty factories of resources?? I spend 750 energy an now I should spend money too?? whats the point then for producing we will have no gain.



Guys about that tax we discussed with all country presidents last month and it was done so players won t leave there country because of bonuses

v c

Make free in your own country. I will have to pay 72 cc for production in my own country. You should have announced this update before sale then I would have build q5 and not q3

So ours CP are asshole ? Nobody here like that change

This gives us more reasons to leave our home countries. If I will lose 72 cc it will be better for me to produce more in another country with their citizenship

You will still pay tax in new country

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x5

Is there maximum limit for taxes?

Auditek yes, max is 10 for Citizens, 25 for Foreigners.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieNVaEXjaQoindex=136 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2igj9OHgHJo


@Biskvit: Can you assure us that the manager work tax rate is indeed the one we may find at the Country Economy page, and not a different one?

did you try to figure out if you made some raw companies unprofitable?

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x6

good news, but why citizen has to pay a tax too?

Admins just want to see the world burn


What was discussed was a tax for foreigners! And only foreigners and that s what the CP of the countries voted for. Manager Work Tax for national citizens was never on the table. I did NOT vote for this. Another bad update. Keep killing this game.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ieNVaEXjaQoindex=136 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2igj9OHgHJo

Bikkin it is now, we fixed it. LeTunisien why would they avoid paying taxes on that, when there are taxes on everything else?

i like the update... the problem is that its a hard hit for all poor players who are bulding q3 raw comps to get a better investment return instead of q5 raw comps... ok... the raw prices will raise about the time but the gap between q3 and q5 rentability will not be so big anymore... 

Kada ce moci da se radi u firmi,a da nisam lociran u zemlji u kojoj sam zaposlen?

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows x7

kek this is getting good, so i bought a company, and i should pay to work in it?
How about nooooooooooooooooooooooooo?

Sad će naši još više pokrast, svaka čast. Mislim da će puno ljudi prestat igrat ovo.

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x3

i dont get it, why managerwork is differed in home and foreign tax? this is another new treatment against wiped countries. firstly fucked with no bonus and now punished by taxes, that no harm the conqerers people.
big dislike.

ednau people with wiped countries can now use bonuses of other countries (which they weren t able to use before), but they need to pay some taxes for that tho.

Its good update. You can set taxes what you want. o7

Just put a lower limit
Like 0.1 and 0.3

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x9

biskkvit, yes, okay, i see you change the change and set it like it was from beginning. but why the he. you/admin dont let the countries decide how much tax they want to take from the managers? give the possebility to set 0%, or at least 1% for home AND FOREIGNERS. why the fukk is there a preset of 3% for foreigners?

@biskvit @modmin : about weekly event.. i just need to login everyday? should i click the button of the event? or it will be automaticly got stamp after i go online?

@admin: EDIT: AirStrik,Diktator and...loding..copi and EDIT: ...... 😁

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x10

Good idea.

F*** this update. F***ing listen to the f***ing players. Limit the EBs and bazookas. Dont be a greedy j*w!

And create a damn trade chat. Global is filled with spam!

min tax should be at 0.1

Contracts and national orgs should also be implemented btw.

since you added this, you have to make something like trading embargo, so enemy countries can`t use the resourses of the enemy

#ISAYNOTONEWTAX https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/12095

Que actualización tan mala están matando el juego

let s have a look ... your farm Q3 produces 144 Food raw ... le lowest price in Switzerland is 0.048 CHF 144*0.048=6.912, now the tax -5 so your benefit is 1.912 CHF whoohoo ! You re a king ! Now the same think with the second example: 240*0.048=11.52, -10 benefit 1.52 Wahou ! that seems to be a very big deal .


this update is bullshit

sub 1300! congrats for you MM medal, mr. Admin!

I say only foreign tax and get rid of the citizenship manger tax that unfair their.

Introducing taxes on energy recovery is also needed.

Make free in your own country

Nice update, also nice to give us a heads up after the update actually came out.
So glad I am not investing time or money into this abortion

Taxation is theft!
Oh wait, this is a game, forgot. :p

Admins, limit the use of energy bars and bazukaas - this is a MUST if you want to keep the game alive. We, again and again, witness how 1 player defeats complete alliances on the battlefield. This makes no sense. You will still earn money with this limitation, and you will ensure that the game grows. x11

So many grumpy players, maybe, to adjust to strategic buildings and tax, make discounts earlier, plz?

im okay with paying a tax for managerwork. i think this is a good ballancing tool. but this mintaxes are to high. to high. to high.

Lol you destroy the game...
Q5 heli paying same as q1 wep producer.. gj.
1 more update like this and i leave..

Make discounts so people can destroy their Q3 raw companies and buy Q5, its a mess now with Q3. Not even talking about the lower Q raws....