掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 05 Aug 2016 00:19 - 74
We have got another set of updates coming up tomorrow, Saturday. The changes are rolling in mostly in strategic and battle department, as well as further reducing the gap between new players and old players considering strength.
To begin with, Hospitals and Defense Systems are getting a time limitation. They are now going to last for 35 days after being deployed, no matter the quality they are.

To prepare you for the update, Hospitals and Defense Systems that have been deployed recently are getting 5 days left for their usage after the update starts.
The battle damage is getting updated as well, visible in Helicopter statistics.

You will now be able to donate Houses, to get the work efficiency running.
Cost for production of Life Kits is getting changed.

So is the damage of Missiles.

And for new players to catch up, we are updating the Beginners Workout area. It will now grant 20 strength when training to up to 1500 player strength and half of that for up to 3000 player strength.
We wish you all a great weekend,
eRevollution Team

Demir14コメント (74)


Can somebody explain? Why countries who have all house resources on map give different production bonus every day? Is it another update?


v c





kazys because war happens and they lose 100 % bonus.


Oh, thanks. But how to know where war happened on map if for example Serbia still has 5 house regions there?

then hospitals and ds production must get cheaper

can i translate this article to other language?

AEKαρα και τα μυαλα στα μπλεντερ!

Update will be rolling out tomorrow.

The changes will come tomorrow.

Good update countryes with full ds andhospital,congrats.

my beginner s workout area still give me +10 strength,,should I wait?

how sweet

bogoy - coming up on Saturday !!!

I don t have any idea about it . It s good and also bad.But the Beginners Workout area is better now.

Beginners workout is good, but what about players who pass 3k strenght. There is still big gap betwen them and players who have 4k strenght

What about Moderators who bans for no reason? Donations within the same IP address, done by different computers cant be the reason for ban...

I am tired of so many changes, new players who ask me to do I say Do not do anything , probably tomorrow it changed everything

so, since i have 1600+strength how much ill get now on begginers training?

good for us


+ 1 nino 19

This is the worst news ever for small countries, as it takes an age to build defence systems and hosptials. We might as well not bother with them. Stupid idea.

35 days ??? rly ?? pff

Give houses = good !
Thank admin.

personaly i dont like only limit, and that hospitals and ds s that are already put will expire in 5 days, its unfair bicouse some countries will be damaged finansial... before doing such a update always zero chances to damage countries, uptade should be fair to everybody... so i would suggest following: remove all ds s and hospitals that are put and give them to owner countries, so after beggning update noone loose nothing or give already put ds s and hospitals 35 day.... but i prefer 1th way...

interesting indeed

That why i said congrats to countrieswith inserted ds and hspitals. :-)
I think the formula dor building ds and hoskpital shoud be reduced too so they become cheaper.

nice update 

The donating houses is very good, thanks. But the hospitals to have 5 days more is very bad, make it at least 15 days.

Jesus. You are upgrading workout exactly when I passed that limit
What a bad luck

I reached 2000 str. few days ago, when new update come, will i get back the beginner (+10) workout area until i reach 3000? Is this possible only for players that register from tomorrow or for all players that have less than 2000 str.
Asking bcz if i just reached 2000 and get 20 (+1)str per day, in 20 days i will have 2420str
and player that had 1990str get 20(+1) +10str per day, in same time he will have 2620str and still grow faster than i grow.
please explain and sorry for my bad english


D_28 nebitno kad si se ukljucio, ak ikas manje od 3000 snage, imat ces ukljucen tc od 10 snage kad predjes 3000 on ti se gasi.

I don t agree with this new update about DS and Hospitals cause small country give about 100g for DS and 100 for hospital it is cost 200g and you say that small country must pay every month about 50-100g for hospital... This will hurt economy in small country....


tell me where to complain, except the moderators, for stupid and irregular bans

admin you destroy small country!

Admin ur updates and gift of events are very slag
.....Thank u too O7

hehehe some countrys in near most look up ;-)

Next step: allow raw to be donated.

donate house +1


Hospital-5k uses
Ds-q5 300m

Biskvit wants to sell his hospitals 

reVokasi thats a good one XD

+1 reVokasi

Stupid upgrade for weacker countries !!

Why expiry date...why not a rebuild option with low cost and make it limited...for example..install DS..after 35 days rebuild it with a low cost of gold and make expire after 21 days...after 21 days rebuild it for 14 more days...after that DS and hospital expire and need new one...so its 35+35...70 days it s better

it is better for example: each hospital has certain durability like 10000 times for use it. thus weak country(which has soo less pop) can use hospital more. time limit is worst for weak countries.

admin, do not understand, 5 days to finish DS and Hospitals ? That means that units finish within 5 days will not have limited time ?

All good ideas except a crazy ones: the new damage for missiles :I
1 missile q5 generate a bh in a lot of battle oO

No, No, No!!!!


Georco +1.
No hospital for small countries anymore


Why do we still have countries that ARE NOT populated and serve just as extra bonuses to countries next to them, while you have for example central europe that is overpopulated and have lack of regions to conquer, or at least not free regions as some countries have?? Why would someone have that huge advantage over others???

Rethink and improve your begginers training center setup so new and newer accounts can get close to the top strength in the game.
That way some people will spend more money with you instead of buying accounts in the black market.

RIP hq1 and hq2 :|

Congresswoman election, have to change to vote for the party .