掲載する国 Croatia - 社会・エンターテイメント - 13 Aug 2016 04:28 - 27
Today I woke up to this.

It left me shocked.
In a moment, everything was.. gone.. all our plans, all our ideas, all the good things.. Everything became history. Talks, trolls, jokes, days and days of something that a non Croat could not ever understand.
After this, at least for me, a lot of things just got lost overnight. In a second when that happened, I've lost a party colleague, a fellow fighter and a true friend whose work and personality were probably the sole reason to continue playing this game with the same fire I felt when I started it.
Now, I feel nothing, and I find searching for reasons to play this game rather difficult.. So, I made a quick decision.
Friends, allies, fellow countrymen, enemies, bots and trolls, and even you Sultan, I am here to say my farewell to this beautiful game. If there werent for you, it wouldn't be as half as amazing as it was for me since february till now.
Also, this eDeath of my friend is still a tip of the iceberg considering all the RL things I am facing currently. I have to take care of my family, my girlfriend, my job and my college, which will consume next few years of my time and my life.
It's a phase in your life when it's expected from you to decide what will your future be like, and it's time for me to finally start concentrating on more important things than reading posts from random bots on national feed, or talking to random eRevollutionists, trying to teach them proper English.
It's time to hit the road.. And one day.. further into the future, you might see me somewhere, somewhere where the air is less poisoned with nationalism, propaganda and bad jokes from people with no common sense.
It was a nice ride friends, a lot of you don't know me offcourse, but the ones I talked to, the ones I trolled and the ones I became a friend with might read this post and leave a farewell comment. The ones that I knew are the only ones which truelly count for me, no offense for the others. :)
I wish you all the luck on this server. Make friends, laugh, cry and feel happy for being a bunch of amazing individuals which late this virtual world.
And this is it. I am out.
Truelly yours,
Antimon 101

It left me shocked.
In a moment, everything was.. gone.. all our plans, all our ideas, all the good things.. Everything became history. Talks, trolls, jokes, days and days of something that a non Croat could not ever understand.
After this, at least for me, a lot of things just got lost overnight. In a second when that happened, I've lost a party colleague, a fellow fighter and a true friend whose work and personality were probably the sole reason to continue playing this game with the same fire I felt when I started it.
Now, I feel nothing, and I find searching for reasons to play this game rather difficult.. So, I made a quick decision.
Friends, allies, fellow countrymen, enemies, bots and trolls, and even you Sultan, I am here to say my farewell to this beautiful game. If there werent for you, it wouldn't be as half as amazing as it was for me since february till now.
Also, this eDeath of my friend is still a tip of the iceberg considering all the RL things I am facing currently. I have to take care of my family, my girlfriend, my job and my college, which will consume next few years of my time and my life.
It's a phase in your life when it's expected from you to decide what will your future be like, and it's time for me to finally start concentrating on more important things than reading posts from random bots on national feed, or talking to random eRevollutionists, trying to teach them proper English.
It's time to hit the road.. And one day.. further into the future, you might see me somewhere, somewhere where the air is less poisoned with nationalism, propaganda and bad jokes from people with no common sense.
It was a nice ride friends, a lot of you don't know me offcourse, but the ones I talked to, the ones I trolled and the ones I became a friend with might read this post and leave a farewell comment. The ones that I knew are the only ones which truelly count for me, no offense for the others. :)
I wish you all the luck on this server. Make friends, laugh, cry and feel happy for being a bunch of amazing individuals which late this virtual world.
And this is it. I am out.
Truelly yours,
Antimon 101
variola veraGoanコメント (27)


Ajde sritno ti legendo, čuvaj se i budi dobar. Dodi online koji put, javi se da si živ. 

Sretno njabe

srejcno vo RL o7

Napokon, samo idi više, nitko te netreba ovdje, izdajniče.


Good! Croatia can finally make a progress!

So bad for game, lose good figther and friend 

Auf wiedersehn! Danas je stvarno sretan dan 2 izdajnika manje, bit će boljih dana za Hrvatsku i nas Hrvate

If Marlock did something bad like multies, he should keep banned. But if he didn t do anything admins need to unban him.

antimon you made me sad bro. good luck in real life
. R.I.P cro
you are good enemy and friend

Buraz, overreactas... Ti si mi vazda bio kul lik, sto se ne moze reci za tu banovanu ljigu. Po mojim informacijama, administracija je vise nego liberalna za mnoge grehe, brzo reaguju, ali jako dugo mere i izlazili su u susret na mestima gde administracije nekih drugih igara nikad nisu. AKo Marlokla i odbanuju, to je zbog tebe, i sto su mu progledali kroz prste, ako ne, onda znaj da je bas bas zeznuo stvar, i da za to treba da plati... A ti ako ti se bas ide idi, sve najljepse u RL 0/

Kada Hrvati koji su protiv njega naprave upola kao on sta je napravija onda mogu slavit

Srecno u RL,sve najbolje o8

Sretno prijatelju o7

PolarB3ar: Kada Hrvati koji su protiv njega naprave upola kao on sta je napravija onda mogu slavit x2. A tebi Antimone sretno u RL.

nismo svi za botanje,kad je vidio da turcima i drugima to prolazi zaigro se i on,možda u najboljoj namjeri za sebe ali varanje je varanje i osuđujem to,bolje da nas je 50 nego 550 na papiru a tebi sretno u rl kao i svima igrali ovo dalje ili ne zbog ovoga.

na kraju je ispao NJAB-PRIME. Šteta.. Bar za dmg koji je radio



Sretno u rl

Eto u kratkom vremenu HR gubi 3 tenka... ajde sretno u RL!

Gl in RL!!