掲載する国 France - 戦争オーダー - 16 Aug 2016 14:46 - 59

Thanks to :
- Carapicho for the idea and the ENG google translate
- RAF904 for the GER translation
- Niceone for the ESP translation
- Argentist for the TUR translation
- Arkh for the FBH logo
- Ikorx for the article
Kinyasin Patates CipsiTHE END for PericSSvinegifaATEHTATOPOTarchimedeZakIroLeFrancaisKyriakosKコメント (59)



mustafa başkanla konuş kardeş o derse altına gerek yok biz vururz zaten 


V o7

Alttaki yazıyı Mustafa aga görmesin 


Great idea

All my TA medals ist for FRA


2.5 (maybe 5) gold for 50kk damage? Not really worth it Abdullah



France o7 as always


merci pour cette distinction 

50m for 5 gold? hahahha 

Are you like ... stupid ? This reward is made to say thanks you to our allies who fight for us, besides not everybody can claim a BH, so the FBH is here.

I love the fact that you translated it into deutsch too

Nice o7

Nice graphics.

o7 vc

Cara is the man that brought many renovations to game and others had to follow. From biscoto project to french bh... Respect to an exceptional player o7

Les gens peuvent tenir leur energy drinks plus long temps. Peut-être ils vont refuser utiliser leur dégâts quand c est plus nécessaire. Bonne chance!

It s a great idea. The ones laughing will laugh less when it will be stollen by their countries.

Nice idea but 5 golds is small amount. o7

RAF904 o/


I will fight for you - just come to our side! We even have cookies.
Regards from rHungary.


Who is Arkh ?

@Arkh a noname lel

Thanks for the spanish translation. o7

Very nice project. Good luck.


give me 50g and i will think about it

diktatör mustafa aga görmesin 

Pazarlama müthiş. Zeka fışkırıyor. o7

5gold az panpa
5gold is not enough panpa
PS:panpa is international term 

07 AGA 

Tur: 5 gold az panpa
Eng : 5 gold is not enough panpa
Spa : 5 de oro no es suficiente panpa
Ger : 5 gold ist nicht genug panpa
Fra : 5 or ne suffit pas panpa
Arab: 5 الذهب لا يكفي panpa

bizim diktatör görmesin anlaşmayı kendi yapar bize 50 şer M vurdurur gold ları aç bebelere dağıtır olan biz tanklara olur. ///ing. versiyon///.
Our dictator shouldnt see this agreement otherwise he makes his own rules, and makes us hit 50m one by one, and distrubute the gold to hungry babies, so we will get banged xD (translate romantik kurt )

Adamlar akıllı bravo


this is a joke right?

+V for anan

Where is the HUN translation? 


Nice. I prefer to got some addition for avatar instead of medal. Maybe we will see the Legion of the Foreigners soon? ;-)

Hi fransız kardeşlerim, biz everytime sizinle birlikte friendly olmaktan çok happy oluyoruz. Jötem