掲載する国 United States of America - 政治討論と分析 - 20 Aug 2016 12:59 - 14

After two days of careful negotiations, the governments of USA, Canada, Mexico and Indonesia have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. This agreement is named "The Mapple Syrup Agreement" and it's terms are listed below.

The Mapple Syrup Agreement
I - Preamble
In the interest of ceasing the current beligerant actions of Canada that brought Canada, USA, Indonesia and Mexico into a war, the following agreement is hereby proposed in the terms described below
II - Terms and Conditions
1. Canada will not take any belligerent actions towards USA, Indonesia and Mexico which includes Declarations of war, attacks and fight in battles against the mentioned countries with the exception of the cases predicted in this document. Other countries mentioned likewise will not attack Canada.
2. Canada shall give British Colombia to USA
3. Canada will pay 50g to USA as an insurance, this money will be kept until this agreement expires.
4. Mexico will rent Alberta from Canada for the period of 2 months at the price of 20g per month.
5. Mexico will rent Northern Territories from Canada for the period of 1 month at the price of 20g per month
6. Canada and Mexico will have Training wars. The battles are to be previously agreed and coordinated between both countries and the costs equally split.
7. Mexico will keep Montana from USA as a military base in the event the Canadian regions are taken via resistance war. This term is merely to facilitate the rapid recovery of the regions Canada has rented to Mexico.
8. All Canadian core regions that are not comtemplated in this document are to be returned to Canada.
9. Disrespecting the terms of this agreement will be sanctioned in 200g.
III - Signatures
Heads of State:
President of USA
President of Mexico
President of Indonesia
President of Canada
MDP Headquarters
MDP Supreme Commander
MDP Secretary of Foreign Affairs
(All signed in the comments)

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

Santiago 45コメント (14)

Signed - MDP Secretary of Foreign Affairs and US Secretary of State

Signed - King Of Syrup

Signed - MDP SC

Signed - CP of Mexico 07

Signed - A random guy


Signed - Abe stop copying Gnils ending note. xD

What a diplomatic language o/

Signed - MoFA of Mexico

Signed - Prime Minister Canada !

http://prntscr.com/c8ej1n buahahahahahah FIRE THE EDITOR ASAP!!!!

Signed - Someone said Gnil?

Signed- President of rUSA