The Seven Seas

掲載する国 Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) - 政治討論と分析 - 27 Aug 2016 09:31 - 64

Hello eRevollution citizens,

We have concluded the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) campaign with a peaceful solution and hereby I announce the terms of the agreement.

I - Preamble

After a few hours of careful negotiations, the governments of The Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) , Albania, Turkey, Bulgaria and Greece  have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. A NAP was agreed and the Terms are following.

II - Terms and Conditions

1 - MDP will not Declare War on the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) and existing wars will be ended by Peace Treaty.

2 - The Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) will not declare war on any member of MDP.

3 - The Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) will not fight against Turkey, Bulgaria, and Taiwan through Direct Attacks or MPP.

4 -  The Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), Albania and Greece will organize Training Wars with the cooperation and approval of all parties.

5 - Ths NAP will be valid until 6th of October and all parties will discuss renewing the agreement after the presidential elections.

III - Signatures

Heads of State:

President of The Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) 
President of Albania 
President of Greece
President of Bulgaria 

MDP Headquarters:

MDP Supreme Commander
MDP Secretary of Foreign Affairs

(All signed in the comments section below)

Kind Regards,
Secretary of Public Relations for MDP


コメント (64)

Signed by President of Bulgaria
Signed by Supreme Commander of MDP
Signed by President of Greece
Not signed by me Smile)
Signed by President of Albania
signed, leader of Macedonia
【MDP】 Guns Down (Peace Treaty)
peace at home peace in the world.
aferin sizee
em, why taiwan included ? its not in border?
Not fight against turkey,taiwan? wtf Macedonia dosnt even have wars with them and we sign nap literally with Turkey
saja because taiwan is going to wipe brazil and mdp want s less help for them. not fighting against ally is the most noob thing you can demand from a country to do. good job mdp you made all the friend s not to help each other
You are giving so beatufull NAP names, why didnt you give name to this NAP Macedonian Treaty for example
Government signed this, not the people. Just dream us not fighting against Turks and Greeks
А где је печат?
@Giga No one can force a country to sign a NAP.
this is shit ! No need NAP when game its for War !
Again so in next month albania will attack macedonia??
SpitfireYG, or any of you included in this NAP, just please share the sum of gold that you ve given to ATEHTATOPOT to sign this NAPSmile No Macedonian congressmen were asked about the decision of the people for this NAP. It was only him that took the decisionSmile
xD No gold was given to ATEHTATOPOT or any other Macedonian in the discussion
Another victory of MDP. Who is next? Winter is coming...
Just to know Orkan is 14yo. Smile
Thas how MDP makes deals
its interesting,every NAP offered to Unity members,has same not fighting against turkey,are you guys so desperate?
i am 13 and i support dis Laugh
essenin if you wipe them like ukraine or show him an example of ukraine and you are so called mutual defence pact believe me. you can
I may be young, but my brain didn t stop developing on 12 years old, unlike yours StefanKole. I guess you re 22 at the moment? 23? Not sure, but no doubt a rat would beat you in an intellegence test.
MDP stop this shit or you will be destroyed Laugh
MOP - Mutual Occupation Pact
bolje rat nego pakt Smile
Hahaha people of unity countries are so ready to screw their CP, such show much wow
wrote in nap macedonia s name too it is fyrom or macedonia i am really confused
Who Turks think they are, they werent in that war, ehh.......
Signed by President of MACEDONIA
I agree with the terms. But I don t recognize any President of Macedonia. There its only president of Skopje
and Taiwan !!! XD
Η Μακεδονια ειναι μια και ειναι Ελληνική
Taiwan? wuut?
Giga liked this
Better attack spain
MDP (especially Turkey, and some backstubbers who were affraid of turkey and changed side) is about to kill the game with this so called fair NAPs. Guys, with the 60-65% of world population, and with more than 50% of the firepower you can force countries easily to make such shitty NAPs or when they dont act as you want, you can wipe them for weeks to show them how powerfull and brave you are. But this behaviour kill the game, because this game is about war and community. With the huge majority in sustainable damage, you kill real wars, and with this kind of NAPs you kill community. Why do you need this terms? (cant fight for allies) Would you like to win much easier than now? I cant understand this childish behaviour...
What is you aim in the game? Sitting on bonuses alone?
For TWO erev edition yeah
fyrom u are now weak and need peace only for yourself .this helps other citizens for understandind what kind of bastard slaves are u. u will be ERASED
Voted by FYRoM, Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria and Albania?
Not signed by me Laugh, Macedonia Will Be a slave, Hail, Serbia, Hail Georgia, Hail Croacia, Hail Ukraine, Hail BOsnia, Hail Brazil, Hail Argentina, HAil Venezuela, Hail Warrios.............(MDP Cowards)
It looks like no TP and TA medals for those guys from mkd in a month...
wow, such war is over...much wow!
orkan this nap is for your own good do you really think that fyrom can stand against a full power invasion from MDP ??
FYRoM ..... Eeeeeee3eeeeeeee y know history??????