掲載する国 United States of America - 政治討論と分析 - 05 Sep 2016 18:01 - 7

I have been quietly watching all of you since this past admin update which enforces all eRevollution players to deal at least 30% of the damage set for the challenge in order to be granted the priviledge to vote on any election of any kind.
Regardless of my opinion and stance about it, I have been watching players voicing their opinion against it as much as I see some people happy about it. Regardless as well of your opinion on an update some of you did not want, I believed to be imperative to give the community a chance to bring this to a major discussion and to a vote.

After speaking with Admin Uros, he has agreed to allow me to open a Consultation Poll on the eRevollution forums! Keep in mind a few things however:
1. This poll is a consultation. It does not enforce admins to take any action either ways in regards of the update, it does however give you a chance to voice your opinion whether you agree with this or not or ultimately if you'd prefer a different solution.
2. The poll will be opening it's vote for 4 days (It closes at September 10, 2016, 12:39:13 AM). You may ask: Why so long? Because it is taking place in the eRevollution forums and not every player has an account there, so I added more time to people can register and then voice their thoughts!
3. You may voice your opinion both in response to this article or in the topic itself, keep in account that both eRevollution rules and Forum rules are applicable and you will be penalized if you break them.
This may be your chance to get heard!
You may voice your opinion using this direct link: http://forum.erevgame.com/index.php?topic=109.0
Remember to register an account on the forums, in case of issues with registration, please make sure to contact me or to open a ticket using support system! I will do my best to activate your accounts on the shortest notice possible since we know for sure the email system has been a bit faulty lately and the issue is still under investigation!

This is all I have to say for now. You may all return to your regularly scheduled clicking!
Thank you and kind regards,

コメント (7)

vote no

Thank you Abe

It is good this 30%. It prevent multis to atack

v o7

better vote for damage what we need to make.. it is too big for 10 days!

30 % dmg required to vote is good. Multies wont be able to vote when they spend all their EDs