The Seven Seas

掲載する国 Venezuela - 政治討論と分析 - 08 Sep 2016 20:22 - 31

Hello eRevollution citizens,

We have concluded the Venezuelan campaign with a peaceful solution and hereby I announce the terms of the agreement.

I - Preamble

After a few hours of careful negotiations, the governments of Taiwan, Colombia, Portugal, Mexico, and Venezuela have come to an understanding regarding the current war that brought our countries to the battlefield. A NAP was agreed and the Terms are following.

II - Terms and Conditions

1 - MDP will not Declare War on Venezuela and existing wars will be ended by Peace Treaty.

2 - Venezuela will not declare war on any member of MDP.

3 - Taiwan keeps Amazonica and Pacifica.

4 - Portugal and Venezuela will not set DO nor tank against each other.

5 - Portugal  will rent Central Venezuela and Central Western Venezuela. The renting cost of Oriente (Cuban region) will be split between Portugal and Venezuela. Portugal will pay 50 gold to Venezuela.

6 - Portugal and Venezuela will have Training War only when both countries agree to. The TW will be made by direct attack on the region Zulian . The costs of TW and DW will be split between both countries.

7 -  All Venezuelan and Colombian core regions that are not contemplated in this document are to be returned to Venezuela and Colombia.

8 - This NAP will be valid for 30 days.

III - Signatures

Heads of State:

President of Mexico
President of Venezuela 
President of Taiwan
President of Portugal

MDP Headquarters:

MDP Supreme Commander
MDP Secretary of Foreign Affairs

(All signed in the comments section below)

Kind Regards,
spitfireYG (Ace)



コメント (31)

【MDP】The Shakira Agreement (Peace Treaty)
Approved and Signed Cp of Venezuela XxXF3NiXxX
Signed, Supreme Commander of MDP
Feudalistas detected...pobre Venezuela, regalando 2 regiones a Taiwan (ahi no lei sobre ningun alquiler). ¿Donde esta la diferencia entre MDP y FAS? ¿Acaso Veneuzuela es una potencia? ¿No que aqui eramos amigos de las naciones pequeñas? Algunos parece que tienen la costumbre de borrar con el codo lo que escriben con la mano.
Signed Mexican MC - aaron en dos meses el round 2 :v
Understood sir , o7
Voted o7
signed, Taiwan CP
thank you
Signed - México CP
Signed - Portugal CP
Guyz really change name of alliance Laugh
signed by me :p
Abraham Lincoln, MDP Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Esto es un pufo
Shakira peace threaty? Which retard ballless retard came up with this name? Iam complaining because fucking avarage normies lead alliances here...
And Shakira is Colombian not Venezuelan x)
No shakira picture no vote xD
MDP should change name in to NAP/Peace treaty alliance
Who is choosing these titles Laugh
Shakira is colombian but Veronica Rodriguez is Venezuelan xd
Next is Enrique agreement.
You litearally signed nap with every country only Malaysia left and what are these?