掲載する国 France - 社会・エンターテイメント - 25 Sep 2016 00:44 - 89
Today we are implementing rewards for returning players(players who log in after 30 or more days of inactivity). They will receive special rewards designed to help them catch up to older players. They will receive rewards as soon as they log in.

New item that returning players get as you see here is military rank booster that improves military rank gain speed 5 times ( If you hit 100 000 damage, 50000 goes to your military rank instead of normal 10000). This buff will last for 20 days.
If you know of such players please inform them about rewards for returning to the game. We will also be sending emails to all players who havent logged in 30 days to inform them about the returnees gift.
Also we want to finally announce discount dates on 7th and 8th of October. Discounts will include 25 % cheaper price on Companies and Workout areas so be sure to grab those much need upgrades you have been waiting for quarter off! Discounts won't include Strategic buildings.
eRevollution Team

Biskvite sisaj kurac75alikoGhostringTyraelSakata Gintokigiga123Mohammad1348Mohammad1348Mohammad1348THE END for PericSSThomas Keeshoomankhan127Blackhe4artsKalifasコメント (89)



good news about discounts. have been waiting for it.


C v

hmm i have q2 tg so if i wont login for 30 days i will lose nothing... time for 30 days offline!!!

...time to activate all those long dead multi-accounts

بریم سی روز دیگه بیاییم 


im returning player xD where is my reward ?? 

this article published in france


uhm so it is a 500% rank booster not a 50% rank booster like it is shown in your picture...

nice !


One good news is about discount!

Warehouse too ? nice things about discounts

odlicna strategija za ozivljavanje multica o7

You could have just said; Welcome back Miltiados! Here is a bunch of crap you paid for 10 times over.
And put the discount date.
Just sayin.

Allah belani versin tospik

Improve the game, and than, maybe someone will return.

Since you re already giving inactive players +2000 Warehouse space I think the 25% should also cover Warehouses, or your regular players don t deserve a thing compared to all these little helps you re giving to players that don t play??! Kind of unfair for us that are here everyday!


Yeah, fuck us who care to log in on daily basis.

I still don t get to vote even though I log in everyday, time to leave for 30 days to get free storage and other crap. Nice work looking after the active players admin. I give you two thumbs up. That is two thumbs up the arse o/

Xxxxx xxxxx ... 😠


you spit on active players, shame on you

I give 5% to build in the Czech Republic

I think would be good time now to unsub, U dare to help more inactivity multi
Would be good to give better rewards to who that log 30 days in row....


+ rising mountly str reward would boost activity of players. +300 str maybe?

we know you do mbison xp


And for new players nothing....

inactive players... select they as dead, if they return is because will be a second account.
That rewards was better for new player!
Ok discounts but i hope to ALL!

Hahahah mbison

Now I have decided to log off for 30 days...

no vote , no fari play for that who are on the game without giving up

bue bue see u in 30 days

Warehouse too right?

See you in 30 days 

Unban banned accounts with some penalties and we have more players

I am not sure If you are rewarding come-backs or punishing active players 

V o7

finally announce discount dates. YES! been a long time. o7

instead of that, give something like this to the new players!

To receive this bonus, I need to get away from the game for a month...

OK, ok , yuo gotta give incentive to players to join back, understandable we need players for game to be better. but, if you can give rewards to new players so they stay longer and also give us a daily reward more than 1 in 7 days.


Great update, but I disagree with the military rank boost thing...(especially if it works as you guys described, by increasing the gains by 5 times, what I dont believe it is what you guys meant, since that would be ridiculously op).
But even if its only 50% it is still a pretty big deal since many people like to save damage and then use it all at once, and it is impossible to get that item otherwise.

and there nothing for active players because of discounts? thats not fair

so returnee player can have more storage capacity than me. good job admin..

A weekly event would ve been good for the active players, besides the discount there s nothing new that would make us stay active....

Guys, make it at least 35%..

dont forget that we are on our 3rd 3 workers prize and this guys win 20 workers
DD GG its just making me dont want to play on a daily basis even more ... time to start wogining in once a month

and there nothing for active players !?

All of this because of Miltiados. I hope he enjoys it all

I see here 20-30% of the players going out for 30 days.

said by :Fibonnacci
5 hours ago
Since you re already giving inactive players +2000 Warehouse space I think the 25% should also cover Warehouses, or your regular players don t deserve a thing compared to all these little helps you re giving to players that don t play??! Kind of unfair for us that are here everyday!

Dali uopste i kad planirate balansirati mapu? Zasto Saudi ima vise teritorija nego originalnih igraca, dok zemlje sa po 1000 i vise aktivnih igraca nemaju pola do toga?? cisto primer , ili je to ne izvodljivo da se nebi uskratio bunus nekim zemljama, ili mozda ne znate kako da to uradite jer mapa nije originalna za ovu igru..
ovo je najozbiljnije pitanje i nadam se da ce se admin bar udostijiti da odgovori i da svoje misljenje.

@ToSecret super e mapa , ja imame cela srbija

Since you re already giving inactive players +2000 Warehouse space I think the 25% should also cover Warehouses, or your regular players don t deserve a thing compared to all these little helps you re giving to players that don t play??! Kind of unfair for us that are here everyday!

give discount for the strategic supplies

@ibringyouhell, ko tebi drma kavez??? ovde nije mesto glupostima.

Me parece injusto para los jugadores activos...

thats not fair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

do you give all of this reward or just *5 militry rank??!!!


thats a great idea, voted 

@ Skynet00 / MasterAltair : Lool ^^, my account was managed by a friend, he was not inactive. So I didn t receive anything. :p

this is stupid update for multi accounts...

where is my 300 str xD

Algo para los nuevos jugadores? van a quedar muy atras

So if a player logs just once monthly on various multies he/she can get a lot of value out of that for only few minutes a month?

That s a good reward for returning customers.
Then again, people who log in once a month probably aren t paying for the game. I guess the hope is that the reward will encourage a small number of returning players to stay active and maybe become a customer sometime in the future.
As well, the update could also encourage others to abuse the game with multi accounts. I d say there is a higher chance of this happening than attracting paying customers.
I m also guessing these chances were carefully considered (it s somewhat obvious) and it was decided that the risk would be worth the rather small gain.
Some business decisions are tough and I hope this one works out to improve the game.

Discounts won t include Strategic buildings.
Is that just for this time or permanently?



Very well

Lot of bitching about this, but think. If we can not keep a critical mass of players, those of us left will get less and less out of it. If AdminGods can not keep a critical mass of paying players, they will likely take their investment elsewhere, and we are left in the dark. Unless you can think of a workable way of keeping numbers up and the game going, shut it.

dgyx1983 +1


Well great...returnee will have more help and bonuses than a new player like me... whooohooo thumbs up! -.-

just think of money, no improvement with Congressman election voting for the party and graphics