掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 01 Oct 2016 03:23 - 195
This Workout Area will be a bit different to the ones you know, as it will cost you local currency to train(Currency of the country you are currently located, not the currency of the country whose citizenship you have). Based on the level of the building the cost will be higher, but so will be the strength gained.

Also we would like to inform you that our team is in need of more Moderators. Anyone can apply for the position as long as you meet the demands below.
To apply you have to meet certain demands:
-Age above 20 years
-Must have access to a computer at least 2-3 hours a day
-must be active as much as possible
-good English knowledge
When applying we urge you to write about yourself as much as possible, like where you come from, how old
you are, how much time you have, what you do, if you had any previous experience with being a Moderator. The better you introduce yourself, the better chance you have to be selected as a Mod.
Some questions to answer, for better application:
-Do you have experience with Moderating in any game?
-Are you a quick learner?
-Have you ever been banned in eRevollution?
-Do you have a job?
-Do you have access to computer at least 2-3 hours per day?
-Do you play the game via mobile or computer?
-Are you active in Skype?
-What is the reason which made you send us application for moderator position?
-What do you believe you can really contribute to our moderation team?
-Describe your character.
Moderators are rewarded each month in gold, the amount of gold payed is determined by the amount of work you put into being a Moderator and how active you are.
If you meet the above demands and would like to participate even more to the game and you are happy to help, send the application letter to our mail: erevollutiongame@gmail.com
Congratulations to top 5 in XII Challenge. Now it is getting changed back to top hits.

Have a great weekend,
eRevollution Team

TopSecretStronGDecimoDecimoWolfgang SchaubleWolfgang SchaubleKalifasSapito Pitosaadra haglesanIndonesia Futuregiga123temelkoZyIoTyraelChrisGeoRMコメント (195)


šit ovo s sngaom i novcima



v c

great, it cost cc, so much better than gold. Well done admins 

What dedin gulüm ?

How much gold is need for bilding this new WA .....

I don t like this...


Seriously? it s ridiculous

cc is good, nice one. thanks


What will happen with the cc spent? Will it go to the treasury or will it just disappear from the game?

Jeez why is everyone so god damn frustrated the whole god damn time! This is a VERY good update, it lets people specialize even more, spending funds on the military module, instead of the economic one. It gives OPTIONS. It is CREATIVE. What is you guys problem?! Jeezous!

The problem is that it will kill the little countries 



0.5 STR it brings complexity.. change 4 6 8 10

sell golds immediately 

dorian, i dont think so, as for example to train in france (strong country) will cost about 1g (in cc), while in CZ only 0.5cc . That will bring so so balance compared to if it costed in gold. But at same time rich players will always have advantage no matter what.


Don t do this, your baby TG was a good idea, don t make the mistake to create so much gap between grand pa and baby...

this is stupid..why?because currently monetary market are alive,they give some profit...some people play just because of MM and trading....with new update all MM will soon be on 0.005 and that is completely idiotic and boring

i dont like this. What about Montenegro, Babo stole all our cc. W

agree paying cc for training is bad idea

bad update

giga +1

VERY BAD UPDATE! This will result in inbalance of game. Rich countries with good earnings from TAX and good players will be happy about this. But what about countries which dont have territories or normal tax income? Some countries cant print money non stop. This also will ruin MMs of countries. The result will be that all smaller countries will die and that players will leave. So bad update... RIP erev...

Its better to be in golds instead of CC, some countries have different exchange rate than others

Gief prices of these training centers. This is stupid uptade it introduces pay to win option.

kidding me?

And this update will bring BIGGER GAP between old and new players. Now there wont be any reason for new players and players from small and poor countries to continue with playing this game... so bad and stupid move admins made....

What is the cost for the upgrade between Q1-2, Q2-3 and Q3-4 ?

Bad idea for training by cc

I have bad feeling about this

@TopSecret But little countries dont have so much currencies, and a lot of players don t work in their countries, so in a long term it will be the dead of little countries


How much cost to make this new TC?

Bad update

Bad update.

and again just a update for Visa players
its sad but more and more this games introduce pay to win updates

Bad update.

Its good that we will pay with cc.Cuz strong countries with strong players can pay with cc.But also weak countries have low cc value so they will be able to be part of it too.

Nice updare.1 cc work is dead.

will the price of the TG be diferent from the one we already have?

and again paying for tc???????? ma daj razguli

lol, everyone god damn blind: this brings an OPTION, you can finally chose to be a tanker, or a business man.
It is true, however, that it will create a gap between old players and new ones, but as for the medium duration ones, I love it.

Maybe its better to make it depended on countries. everytime you move to another country, you have to pay with the actual rate of cc in that country.

I have some questions :
1. Can us move to another country with different rate cc and train there?
2. How much gold will cost upgrades?
3. cc used to train disappears or goes to the state treasury?

How much will cost this training ground .?

only the first five giving the award to the player is ridiculous!

Admin, PLEASE DELETE THIS ARTICLE and we all will forget about this crap of update... That would be the best and smartest choice for you. 

el Macedonico prepare 200 golds for this nice update 

Bad update

bad update

Нема џабе ни код старе бабе.

Bad update

great update, this waiting a long time

bad update

Every market will have 0.005 cc now. Then... why not global currency? ....

Bad update, change this cost into golds, better than cc... Every update something bad, ITS NOT PRAVOSLAVLJE brothers

If they change it into golds,small countries will be even weaker....

make be a fair admin, why u not make for this new TG for newbie only.bad update

I think we dont need new TG because new players dont have gold for first TG now you give them one more TG.

Hmmm...bad update.. Firstly because of different rates of exchange in different countries.... Also I want to ask one question, do you have economists and r at least consultants? I wander it because every time you doing some update it harms straightly economical system of the game and ruins it... For example your challenge: as you can see when you force people to make millions to complete challenge weapon prices rised up, so your update changed economical system and gave benefit to producers...now lets see when you implemented hits... 1500 hits are requared... So if you hit 150 hit per day its enough and you can do this even without houses... So hits are equal for all people... But... Where is update to give profit to house producers? Or giveprofit to food producers? ( a agree that life kits did this but the percentage of the profit is not equal). I remember that at the begining q5 hellis price was 9 gold (this is when only few people, mainly donators had a factories). So in any normal economical system prices should have became cheaper because nowadays many people have helli companies, but the picture is different... So i ask you why? Why helli price was 9-is7.5. And house price was 17 -is 10.5 (I mean q5) and please dont blame labor system and salaries because they are equal for food-helli-hause-raw companies.... Normally demand-supply duet changes price rates but because of your outside hands every thing is different now.... So isuggest to hire economical consultant at least and make decisions with him

Toliko ste jadni i smiješni. Nemate vi pojma kaj radite, žali bože izgubljenog vremena sa vama. Htijeli bi nove igrače, a od starih igrača radite budale, živjeli vi meni 100 godina. by by

bad update

Yes country lite Bulgaria Jill pay0.5 gold and country like Usa more than 1 gold , so balanced #kappa

Not like 👎

I don t like it.

50 strength equals 500 cc, 50 strength equals 4500 hits, soon 50 strength equals 50 Euros ?

I belive, next is training contracts?

Bad update

second TG is bad idea

very bad update!!!

bad update

they already try to get the most STR now..
bad update of course, i still prefer to get str slowly..
with event of election is already bad update, because for someone who cant really active, can get 100% rewards (50str), player who cant really active will leave the game because they know they will left behind of str..
now more stupid update, more people will leave the game because cant active enough to get str..

My salary in one day is 90 cc - taxes, and 100 cc for 10 strenght on day is so higher price for me and a lot of people in game 

Bad update. Delete article.

Bad update

Fug of I dont give 100cc for training xDDDDD

Ako imaš plaću 80cc i još minus porez, a trebaš 100 cc za 10 snage , pa od čega kupiti hranu i oružje ako si u startu u minusu 20 cc. Mislim da je to previsoka cijena za trening, a prije davali da možeš trenirati 2x. Za igru nije dobro da budu svi igrači iste jačine

@Mojo i have prepared more than 2k gold but the admin screwed up my plans !

what about the weak countries that have no money and gold in their national banks ? how they will get CC 

very bad update!!!

el Macedonico
p.s. come on admins remove this update


Insted making game beather you chose to not do that
sad thing for funny game like this one

You guys complain because you dont have enough gold to upgrade the TG.

More str per day will only increase gap between old and new players. Soon it will become same as in other game


Please make this as citizenship based pr there will be no point of having different currency.

Bad update. Please reconsider that update!!

voted, i guess this update will impact on monetary market a lot, but lets see how xD

next update for visa...

Bad update ...


Where does money (from workout) will go? no explanation about that.

RAFFFFF my 3rd place in the challenge !!!! :p
Congratulations Anandamind. 

the next will be training contracts and a bucket of poo in admins. mouth

sorry milti...
but you took the 3rd place a half day before end of challenge... so in fact i just took it back... 

Bad update!!!

It is not specific. So we get to keep our current Workout Area and will be able to buy new workout area which is described?

so basically you are forcing 1g:200cc? plz change q1 - q4 to 0.125 - 0.5g


Ruined economic system of the world

Deja vu
Maybe leaving is the best solution

bad update!

very very bad update admis

Horrible update

cost gold is better..

Good informative article.Ive been thinking all long to apply for the moderator job.

Great update

BAD UPDATE !!!!!!!!!!!!

Don t cry, nobody listen to all the same.


@Griezmann7 +1

No information offered. Is this new Workout area going to be upgraded to Q4 in order to get 10 str when paying 100cc? Or will it be just pay as much as you want and get the str you want? If we will have to upgrade it to Q4 how much gold will it cost for each level upgraded? What happens to the cc each player will pay to get extra str? Will to go to national treasury or will the cc just be out of the game? Lots of things you did not say. Not to mention the strength we get for this workout area was changed already once today.

Make the strong players even stronger than now, and the weak even weaker. Sh*t update.
it would be better if this 2nd tc applies to players who are way behind the leading players in str, so the newbies would still stand a chance to catch them... otherwise this game will be focused on 100 players and everyone else is gonna be just 2 clickers or will leave..

Bad update !

this update force me to retired... lol

this game is not eRepublik but the adminitrators are trying harder to get there.Boycot the new fields

hmm, I was hoping to help my poor country improve its industry by attracting new business owners and more workers. This will make it harder for countries with weak currencies to keep players working in their country. I will watch to see how the taxes change in our country after this update and compare it to those countries that already pay high CC salaries.

100 cc is too expensive

No way amigo :l

Bad Update !

This make the strong players even stronger than now, and the weak even weaker!!!

Everyupdate is effects the game as normal(negative and positive ways). but the my way of thinking is 10,20,30,50 better price for a second TG also to free players. else way a normal players which means free players wont get profit from daily jobs and they gonna get boring to watch p2winners 

Very good update. Finally some good news. All those who invested in economy now they have to change strategy, and of course they will have to pay for that.
Holly bolly molly piiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipppppppppppppppppp.

the admins are trying everything to kill the game, good luck !

i don t like this!!!!!!!!!! bed idea!!!!!!!!!!

Super , just dont make upgrade cost of TC q1-q4 800 gold , please 

BAD UPDATE. I dont say anything against Admins or mods but this one is legit.

extermly bad update... very soon all countries set their currency close to 0.005 and it will kill the economy. dead economy mean no fun.... all of these mean wrong way which admin of other game chose years ago. why we are here? because we don t like that way. so if you want to do it at least golds instead cc

Why not consult with the players first to see if this idea is welcomed or not? Just getting updates out of your as.s and not considering what effect will produce is just gonna slowly kill the game. Or just say that you only want players to spend real money to buy gold just to be able to keep up with the VISA or top players. Thats all what you want, the cash from them and nothing else matter right?

esto fortalece sin dudas el módulo monetario...

Bad update


ne može bit jadnija promjena!


Bad update

Xxxxxx 😠😬 toliko od mene

😞😞. Bad, really bad update..

Bad update especially if we have to pay the usual 20 70 170 stuff
- It will benefit players from big and developped country who won t struggle to develop their land and earn expandable cc every day. It is like with the WAM Tax, our whole salary is going to be spent in daily tasks.... It is not a fun game when you have to pay everytime you do something ...

Bad update


Bad update!

90% of ppl dont like this update

Dont add second TG!

Raises gap, kills mm, still few i

Every update should have vote poll before that....

it s look make new profile are profitable and You get some str with out upgrades

YAAAY! AnotherPpay2Win feature, keep it up and ruin the game. -_-

i have a doubt, there will be discounts to upgrade our current training camps?

Seems like admins are tired of this and just want to milk the players before abandoning the game

Why, oh why on the same day as the discounts???

RIP erev 10.07.16

Stupid update,players save gold to upgrade companies,and now we have to spend money on some sh***y TG,cuz if dont upg it we will lose str compared to visa and cheater players.Oh and weapons should go cheaper with every passed day not to get more expansive,fix the balance!

bad idea

I think if Monetary market exchanges can be happen with currencies (for example if a people can translate USD to TRY) Giving cc is nice idea. However, we couldn t do that...


Okay, now i am thinking about leaving the game..

iskreno da kažem to je još jedno sranje

bad update! pay in gold this is stupid

good, i m never going to have any money again

Seems like admins are tired of this and just want to milk the players before abandoning the game +1

I just came back to the game, and i wanted to continue playing it but now i don˙t see the point, this is more and more looking just as that other game...

Amazing Facts !!! https://www.erevollution.com/ka/article/15588 !!! S 4 S !!!

Well this is what we needed....now forget about building a factories and earling some proffit...now it will be strugle to have enough gold for training...and forget about fighting with weapons because most of us normal guys wont have the funds to buy it...will be either you train or you fight with weap..or you buy gold for RL money which i will never do because of this stupid admins...and their inovations. But its your choice continue this way and your end is near...

http://www.strawpoll.me/11346167/r Lets see if this update gets more yes votes or no votes.

Add new TG?WHY???

Bad update

Worst update ever..

nooooooooo workout , fail update !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

http://www.strawpoll.me/11346167/r Lets see if this update gets more yes votes or no votes.

Very bad update ×_×

BAD UPDATE ! my TG give STR.....Passport Stamp give STR.....XII Challenge give STR every day new STR....why ???? This is wrong.Do not do it admin

Its very bad idea adding new TG

what is the price of theses new buildings?

Bad update.. http://www.strawpoll.me/11346167/r

Bad update... Change it...

Bad update.

bad update..
dont do it.


stupid update :/

Good update.

no entendi ni una wea


Game is Copy-Paste=Money ADMIN IS BOT