掲載する国 Romania - 金融ビジネス - 09 Oct 2016 01:09 - 50
Discount mode OFF. Lets see what happened.
In this article I will show only the gold that was spent, didnt take in consideration the currency.
In whole this beautiful eWorld was spent 778250 gold during these two days of discounts. Of course, 10% of this gold has been returned into countries treasuries, but 700425 gold is out of market or, if you want, is in everyones companies,storages,training grounds, etc.
What could have been done with all this gold? Approximately 1800 Q5 factories, 30000 Q5 raw companies or storages, approx 4000 training grounds from Q1 to Q4, or 3800 new Q4 training grounds .
P.S: Just to add a very good remark of RAF904, all this gold would have worth 103.618,43 € for 5 star players and 129.523.03 € for a normal player.
Bellow you have top 20 countries on gold spent during these discounts:

Top 10 countries spent 35% of all gold spent these two days:

Good luck to all with your new companies!
P.S: Congrats CFTZ :)
In this article I will show only the gold that was spent, didnt take in consideration the currency.
In whole this beautiful eWorld was spent 778250 gold during these two days of discounts. Of course, 10% of this gold has been returned into countries treasuries, but 700425 gold is out of market or, if you want, is in everyones companies,storages,training grounds, etc.
What could have been done with all this gold? Approximately 1800 Q5 factories, 30000 Q5 raw companies or storages, approx 4000 training grounds from Q1 to Q4, or 3800 new Q4 training grounds .
P.S: Just to add a very good remark of RAF904, all this gold would have worth 103.618,43 € for 5 star players and 129.523.03 € for a normal player.
Bellow you have top 20 countries on gold spent during these discounts:

Top 10 countries spent 35% of all gold spent these two days:

Good luck to all with your new companies!
P.S: Congrats CFTZ :)
no0bsailbotRikudou SeninGhostringvariola veraImparaTnotimetoplayrezaderazButtersTMI am doneI am doneKorgothAdminAdminAdminAdminTompucePeakySCAMIndonesia Futurecikanekicahomersimpsonコメント (50)

Nice article


Nice report
Could you add total cc?

The true state of balance.

Again Romania is a country strong!

It will be interesting to see where Serbs spent their gold!

Just to add my observe, most of Serbian players built their companies @ Romania and Germany

What did you took into account? The citizenship of the one who bought/upgraded company, or the nation that took the taxes?
Good job anyway.

nu vad serbia

@TripelKarmeliet - nation that took the taxes

good job Romania 

CFTZ only 2.5k 

holy fuck, for a country that normally cant buy gold due to region ban from visa and mastercard , iran spent lots of gold

where is Serbia?

To the top...

Hail Germany!

Its funny that Romania and FYROM took so much effort to keep Serbia deleted during discounts in hope that Serbs will upgrade their companies in their countries.

Not even in your dreams variola. We are not counting on your gold. We had our own gold. We really think that you are smarter than that... 

Serbs mostly spent their golds in Germany, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary and Bosnia.


Seems we have additional 3k Q4 companies, which cause raw prices drop increase fast. Hope productions of raw and equipment wont effect over stock

Exactly what we tought and is even better. That gold Romania did, was only from Romania 

Romania in top4, not bad


mBISON rich o/

wow means a worth of 103.618,43€ for people with 5 stars if all gold would have been bought from admin... for people with less stars it would be even more expensive... ^^

Will all this gold who disappeared from markets influences the monetarian market ?


Germany in the top as always ! o7

where is serbia :d xd

CFTZ stronk

Germany same as Real Life

@Fric - with lots of serbian money?

@Le Tunisien, could be or not, depending on how much gold was bought before these discounts, but from past experience, dont think so

Radu Brinzan jealousy is a bad advisor
In your place i would start from 2nd place. No first and problem fixed xD

No jealousy my friend. I am glad they could do so. Is a game after all, right?

Kebab raw materials so expensive

the next time Peru will appear in the top 

What about the CC spend during the event?

@FlyingCangaroo - Total cc is harder as there is also cc in treasury from market taxes and you dont know exactly how much was spent for this

Don t forget that we can make a q5 guns company , a q5 tank company and a heli company and then dissolve the guns and tanks company ... but the state has already took some gold ... 

Nice job. But you should know this some countries(like Iran or Turkey) Paid huge amount of golds for creating q4 raw companies It is same like golds. I think if you calculate that cc tax(equal 0.005golds) This table will change so much

v c