掲載する国 Turkey - 社会・エンターテイメント - 21 Oct 2016 08:32 - 127
Finally I 3.00 STR.To celebrate this I m giving away gold and Q5 tanks.Type in your number and number of votes of the sub to get the gold and weapon wait 5 minute...
Sonunda 3.00 STR'ye ulaştım.Bunu kutlamak için gold ve Q5 tank dağıtıyorum.Sub ve Vote numaranızı yazın ve 5 dakika bekleyin... THE END 23.10.2016 18.40
Finally I 3.00 STR.To celebrate this I m giving away gold and Q5 tanks.Type in your number and number of votes of the sub to get the gold and weapon wait 5 minute...
Sonunda 3.00 STR'ye ulaştım.Bunu kutlamak için gold ve Q5 tank dağıtıyorum.Sub ve Vote numaranızı yazın ve 5 dakika bekleyin... THE END 23.10.2016 18.40
ShutekHAN XAlp ReisAlp ReisAlp ReisAshlesFurtutiousコメント (127)

v c

v and old sub....

v2, already sub

v4 s var

5v old s

old sub-v6

sub eski v7
hayırlı olsun
Silah daha makbule geçer

v7 old sub

Hayırlı olsun

Old sub vote 10

v11 sub vardı


earn gold by voting articles and subscribing newspapers only at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s ! buy votes and subscribes for your articles and newspapers at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s !

Old sub + v12

s214 v13

v14 o7 Old sub

Önceden sub v15

Old sib v16

Old sub v17

Old sub v18

old aub v19

V20, old sub

22 215

s 216 v 23

Desteklerim aga tb o7

24v s var

S217 v25

V26 + Old Sub

sub eski/ v27
earn gold by voting articles and subscribing newspapers only at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s ! buy votes and subscribes for your articles and newspapers at erevoters http://ow.ly/AUUZ3059h1s

Old s v 28

Old s / v29

Old s / v 30

s216 v31

S old / V 33

S218 v34 o7

V35, old sub


220 37

s221 v38

S222 v39

Old sub, v40


S224 v43

s225 s44

s226 v45

s227 v46

0.05 gold, 5 q5 eheapon, don t sub and vote

Ok,Give me my 00.05 gold and weapon.

s229 v47

old sub v48

230s 49v

s231 51v

s232 v all news



SUB 232

s 234 v56

old sub, vote 57

v59 s 236

s237 v60 s2s

S239, V61

Old sub vote 62

sub var v63
salma bişey o7

s240 v64

@d0ct0rward0m o7

Sub ve vote nerden bakıyoruz ? Yeniyim de yazamadım

v66 s242

s243 v67

v68, sub 244

v69 / sub 245

s245 v70


s247 v72

s249 v 74

s249 v 75

s251 v76

s var v77 Teşekkürler

v78 s252

Zaten sublamisin vote 79 sal gelsin

S 253 V 80

s 254 v 81

Old sub 82 vote. Congrets 

s255 v83

v84 old sub

s256 v 85

tbrk ederim sub vote yaptım ama bi şey istemiyorum sana kalsın sadece benim gazteme sub yaparsan sevinirim

s259 v89

V90 sub 260

91 vote subbed before



s263 v94

V95 s264

V98 S265

v99 s266



old sub, v102


271 105

s270 v104

Eski sub v106

V107 s271

s272 v108

S old v109

vote 100, already subbed

s273 v111

S274 v112


v 114 already subed

s276 v115

old sub 116

v117 s277

s278 v118

s279 v119

old sub vote 121

s281 v121 o7 yeniyim hacı ihtiyacım var

v122 sub zaten varmış 

v123 s 282

v124 s283

v125 s284

s288 v 127

s289 v 128 www.erevollution.com/en/article/16926

v 129 s 291