掲載する国 Austria - 政治討論と分析 - 31 Oct 2016 09:53 - 11

Hello everyone! Hope you have a happy week :) Today there's quite a LOT of big news around. Both Invictus and MDP are now dissolved, and a new world is evolving in front of our eyes. Austria, however, Is prepared to see our eventual Success on this New world! With the hopes of evolving into the new face of the era.

The United Independent Nations Alliance, or U.I.N was Supposed to be the Revolutionary Small country alliance that would help several nations evolve into Bigger states. However, we fill that the only states that has truly been involved in this alliance were Austria, Australia and New Zealand, and with RethaElro leaving New Zealand, Only Austria and Australia remained as the only Two alive countries of the Alliance.
Austria however, considers itself as the only country in the whole alliance that truly saw a evolution and development. A change that we had to implant by ourselves, and with to aid of the Alliance.
We thank them for their hospitality and the opportunity to participate, And the alliance with Australia will keep on Alive with us, but being in a Pointless alliance when the world is changing is not only useless but also a waste of our time. So with all due respect, Austria decides that we are no longer in need of being in such Alliance.
And, Since i am the current Representative (SC) of the Alliance active enough to make a decision, I've decided to dissolve the Alliance for good. I Wish good luck in their endeavors to all the countries participating in this project.

Economical Plan:
1) Follow the Fund-raiser (ACHIEVED)
2) Invest on Obtaining a Q5 Helicopter Company for Austria before the Discount Ends. (ACHIEVED)
3) Have 420 Before Congress Elections (ACHIEVED)
Social Plan:
1) Start our Population Expansion Plan Which will include
--a) call important people from other countries to come here? (ACHIEVED)
--b) Activate the economy, implement more jobs and make a salary enough for our people to pay food. (ACHIEVED)
--c) Get more resources (ACHIEVED)
--d) Do M Propaganda on Shouts (UNACCOMPLISHED)
--e) Events to convince people to come (UNACCOMPLISHED)
2) Further develop a Plan for the Q4 Weapon Company that will be included in the Tank Investment plan. (UNACCOMPLISHED)
3) Further develop the LOAN Program with a MAX rate of 50g loan with interests of 1%. (UNACCOMPLISHED)
Diplomatic Plan:
1) Re-establish our Political Ties with Nearby Countries and Start from Scratch with Switzerland, do NOT Provoke the Fury of MDP on us. (ACHIEVED)
2) Get closer ties with Serbia-Germany-Czech (ACHIEVED Excluding Czech)
3) Establish relationship with the countries of the following map (MAP Not Available for Public.) (ACHIEVED)
4) Assist our Allies to get Recognition and Favors from other countries (Like the mob, You help me, i ll help you.) (ACHIEVED)

In Tension:
For the full map: http://i.imgur.com/SHPOLNu.png

Join our Discord! https://discord.gg/Uca8nbn

コメント (11)


you guys really working hard

Bravo !!!

Fantastic article, I wish you best of luck PotatoLord o7

Nice work Austria
PD: Alejandro melo mama

Hail Austria! Pd Alejandro sucks

Good Job Austria,happy to have countries that working hard as allies o7


two months later 1400 Gold goes missing from treasury of Austria... an so does Alejandro after his wonderful policies wipe Austria from the map. Once struggling country exists no more... that is an achievement of this MISgovernment.
