Zeus News

Story of a friendship

掲載する国 Switzerland - 社会・エンターテイメント - 26 Nov 2016 10:21 - 44




TyraelFrank05Phantom986PatroklosSeki333Anonymous HeroPanzer Ace

コメント (44)

lol x2
lol x3 Laugh
No one can t better serbia for pushing. Go serbia Go !1!1!1! Next route bosnia yihaaa and crying balance. voted
respect Greece brave country o7
τουλαχιστον εδώ είναι νορμαλ τα πραγματα
maybe out of the map, but honorably, like brothers do xD
+1 @ktab
i love you Greece.
+1 @exxtravanganza
I did t expect that, especially from turkey
Laugh o7
At least Turkey had reason, whens Serbs pushed MKD away for nothing.
ima Montenegro ima vote o/ hail Greece o7
love you greece ♥
Lol,, true story
@Aven, please stop , please, I cant look at your comments any more, what should be next, you will write pirinc in comments, like FYROmans begin to write
@Aveun I guess next time Turkey push Georgia for nothing. Realpolitik.
Well we didn t expect Greece to fight for Germany or reject NE on them, you should thank your president and of course ktabbbbbbbb for this Smile
lmperius as lame as an e-turk. Liar, Traitor, Filth. You can betray EVERYTHING for some more damage. And I will be your nemesis in this. You will ALL go down. Fast. And with noise.
ktab get a grip m8
@ktab you first betrayed your own country by moving enemy side, and now you are getting greece to your side, causing her to become deleted. I am sorry for my Greek brothers who doesn t follow you and their president, they always be welcomed in Turkey. We have the best damage in eworld, dont need to betray for damage but you can call us traitor if it helps to escape from your remorse mate Smile
blah blah blah... I never wanted Greece cause they betrayed Germany in every possible way. They always fought against us. And always was opposite side. When i tried to make them switch sides, like loyal puppets expected from mdp to keep their word and do not renew MPP with Skopia. They were betrayed and now they come close to our side. For me nothing changes, they abbandoned us when we needed them. So keep these bs for internal use only to talk out Turks about how you betrayed your *brothers* TRAITORS
Calm down guys
Greece deleted ! Super Laugh
Lol, Greece is nice country but some of greek cursing their own country and blaming others Smile Anyway, i hope to see Turkey and Greece in same path again without those cursed players in charge Smile And ktab you are the last person ever to talk about traison, when you fought against Turkey for Serbs you killed yourself.
Turkey was a nice country too, until all decent Turks left the country. I am eGerman, until you accept this, you will mess me with Greece all the time. And i will fight for whoever German interests suits better. As for what you actually wish is see Greeks hailing *Macedonia* to go in the same path with you? Good luck with this.
Then good luck to you with your e-Nationality Smile This is game, eventhough Turks and Greeks didnt have great relationships in Rl, they had succed to achieve something great. Another example for this, Croatians and Serbians. I believe everyone who has ability to leave Rl out, can achieve this. No need to carry hatred, and no matter what happens, eventhough we fight against Greece for ourselves, i will see Greece as a Nice country always.
makedon kankilerim yunanları döver hadi eyvallah Laugh
Hail EDEN!
@Aveun And the reason is?