掲載する国 Portugal - 社会・エンターテイメント - 30 Nov 2016 14:19 - 11

I decided to do a different style interview today, and as you can read from the tittle, this interview is with DaltonicD. Here is a link to his newspaper, its worth reading... he is amazing at what he does. Childish Analysis

Without further ado lets begin the interview


Just would like to thank DaltonicD for this opportunity, it was great fun! Expect more interviews like this soon and also i am having a newspaper re design so look out for that. 


The Last Lynx PardinusRyuko MatoiKinyasAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiRyuko MatoiAjkeNAjkeNAjkeNPolarB34rDaltonicDMarty ScurllMarcial

コメント (11)

ahah CheekyP
vote bro
Thanks for the great questions! Cheers!
Mozoce will leave in 10 days form Portugal Smile
No i Won t
Nah, 5 days.
V c