Shine Hell or Burn Heaven

Tsilo - 掲載する国 Georgia -

掲載する国 Georgia - 金融ビジネス - 09 Jan 2017 20:01 - 19

This Is a Copy-Paste Article With Some Edits.  
Writer of Article Is FilipinoHero! I Have Right For This Action.

If you live in a country that doesn t have many bonuses, like me, you probably will look for another country to produce your final products. Preferentially,for countries that you can buy the currency for a low price and which have the full bonuses. But sometimes you don t have the patience to analyze it. So, that list was made for you who plays in a small country, for you who wants to make money, and for you, curious.

This list is divided in 2 parts Primary and Secondary , according to the order of choose that a player who wants to move abroad to produce needs to take, and follows a criteria. The criteria will be explained during the article. 

So, let s start!

PRIMARY OPTIONS: This cl is for countries that a player who wants to produce out of your country can choose without hesitate. These countries have the lowest price of gold to their currencies and they have all bonuses of the game. There are only three countries in this cl.

GEORGIADomaining practically all Russia and some regions of other countries, isn t uncommon to
see some georgians talking in chat to produce in Georgia. 

Minimum price for currency (in gold):0.005
Bonuses: All
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 GEL

ROMANIAWhat Romania can t found in your own territory was found in the neighbor regions of Ukraine, Moldova and Slovakia. This, added to a low price of RON, made Romania to be here (I saw some citizens of China working here. Now I know why.).

Minimum price for currency (in gold):0.005
Bonuses: All
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 RON

UNITED STATES OF AMERICAThe excess of regions that the country have in game make that United States donate or rent your regions to other countries. Even so, they still have all the resources bonuses.

Minimum price for currency (in gold):0.005
Bonuses: All
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 USD

SECONDARY OPTIONS:  Very close to be in the primary cl, these countries or don t have all the bonuses of the game or don t have the lowest price in gold to your currencies, but the price is still low. They are good options if you don t like of the three countries in primary options cl. Five countries compound this cl.

ULGARIA - With a good price for the BGN, Bulgaria only isn t in the Primary cl because they don t have all the bonuses to produce houses. Domaining regions of Greece, Ukraine and Belarus, it s an excelent option if you want to produce food or weapons.

Minimum price for currency (in gold): 0.005
Bonuses: All for foods, all for weapons, sand
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 BGN

INDONESIA - With the domain of regions of Australia, New Zealand, India, Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, South Africa,  United States, Canada and Peru, the Indonesia is the only country with regions bathed for three oceans: Atlantic, Indian and Pacific. However, they don t have the granite bonus and the price of the IDR isn t one of the lowest.

Minimum price for currency (in gold): 0.008
Bonuses: All but granite
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 IDR

IRAN - Famous for domain the incredible lakes in the middle of the desert in Al Riyadh, what allows Iran to have seven regions with fish bonuses, the country also have the control of all United Arab Emirates and some regions of Pakistan, China, Thailand, Armenia, Germany and Denmark. Georgia gave them the control of Lower Kartli, allowing Iran to have the granite bonus and, then, having all the bonuses of the game. However, the price of the IRR isn t low sufficient. It s an excellent option for all type of producers.

Minimum price for currency (in gold): 0.007
Bonuses: All
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 IRR

REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA (FYROM) Having the control of practically all Greece and parts of Egypt, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia and Montenegro, FYROM only don t have a region with rubber bonus. The price of MKD is a bit high, though. Good produce food and houses, not so good to produce weapons.

Minimum price for currency (in gold): 0.008
Bonuses: All but rubber
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 MKD

TURKEY - Controlling practically all Israel and having regions of Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, Turkey have all the bonuses of the game, but the price of the TRY difficults the life of the foreigners to buy the currency to produce. It s a good option, but, because of the price, most of your neighbor countries are better options.

Minimum price for currency (in gold): 0.008
Bonuses: All
Foreigners Work Tax: 3 TRY

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コメント (19)

Actually right now mm of georgia cc/gold is 0.006.
Why i should vote a copy? I alrady voted the original Wink
well in 1 day all the bonuses are gona get shufled so this will be outdated xD
@petros I want to show this to bigger audience, because the original one dont have viewers
Fyrom does not own ALL cyprus - voted
41 e xma miveci Laugh
Not a good time to re publish it, cuz tomorrow the map will change xD
you forgot eSwiss man haha xD
what about Japan?
Thanks for the divulgation! Answering some questions: I m the original writer of that article. You can see that in my newspaper and I m preparing a new one, so STAY TUNED! Yes, this article is a bit old. I launched it ten days ago. So, somethings changed a bit. You can find eSwiss and eJapan in the original article XD The article will be good to be a comparative between the prices tomorrow and the prices eleven days ago. So, although it is an old article, is important to see how the things changes during the days in game.
Brazil 5% 》》》》
At least you should have corrected the grammar mistakes the original writer did.. but that is asking to much from you Tsilo =))))))))))))
Asmin go sell hmm sorry you cant sell with your prices
Fyrom mater da ti ebe sopce nekoe