Zeus News

掲載する国 Russia - 戦争分析 - 25 Jan 2017 10:26 - 36

Hello people of eRev.
i do not want to waste your precious time and i will be clear and quick.
Today my friend Ace published an usefull article for the bonuses of Turkey
which are 100% 

but dear readers, how Turkey achieved this?

https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/shiny/64/Saudi-Arabia.png REMOVED!
https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/shiny/64/United-Arab-Emirates.png REMOVED!
https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/shiny/64/Israel.png REMOVED!
https://www.erevollution.com/public/game/flags/shiny/64/Cyprus.png REMOVED!
Well done Turkey, u fulled your bonuses removing small and unprotected countries.

-well done killing small countries-this mention is not only for Turkey-

Before ~1 month i was Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cyprus and i have been threaten by Turkey.
I have proofs if u do not believe.

I will not send the facts (proofs-screenshots) via private message.
If i will post it i will publish an article with the messages removing the name of the representative. 
I will not mention players.
for the memory of SSF o7!
Best Regards, 


revenger81mijatLeFrancaisPanzer Ace

コメント (36)

pretos #1!
Greece took a part in all those countries you mentioned for months, to get bonuses. You were okay back then? Besides, except Cyprus all of them will have a region to maintain community. Lastly, no need to make drama out of those messages. We warned you about your hostile actions towards MKD and said that we will have to wipe you out If you keep bothering them in RWs.
admins wants wars, now they have it
i never was in greek goverment so dont entangle me in this. what position VV should have taken with Cyprus issue? none, either turkey. the issue was 100% fyrom-cypriot.
turkish sissies and crybabies
petros please grow up
Mate please grow up and stop drama... And Israel didnt removed look at map pls
And kilman pls stop we can understand your b*tthurt
shame ! shame ! shame ! shame !
grow up by people, excuses from kinyas, what about telling the truth?
why admin dont remove that death countrys??????
@Arno Victor Dorian are you were in group which left the game or not. Any way, Kurdistan on the way.
yes 4xcountry was killed Laugh
@kilman @Arno_... is extravaarza (smthng like this) Laugh
True... HAIL SSF !!!
Turkey is biggest traitor of eWorld. They declared support in stable World but when they needed bonuses... They backstab all small community because they can use all VV/MDP whatever for own interest. Turkey=terrorist VV=poo-r. VV never protect interest of any country without sacrifice or abuse.
@youmu next goal is deleting south korea,u deserved to be deleted by this sinful words.
If you want truth there it is, we are removing strong and protected countries also. Arabia and Israel isn t removed. They have 1 region. UAE is an empty country, doesnt have even a president. Cyprus is different issue as you know. So am i lying now?
@petros2 seems to be, twins or something
Lol, do you even play strategy game ? It is dynamics of game that you must occupy some lands to have bonusses. Have some true propaganda next time ^^
Countries with a large community have a right to go for full bonuses. I can t understand why is all right for a small countries with a couple of players to blackmail big countries? And often this players are not originally from this countries in the RL. So, if you think that you can stop superpowers in the game, with this parade, obviously you are wrong. There s no need to cry because of des of this miniature countries, they should learn to cooperate between themselves, make Unions, this way they are doomed in such a game. Be creative, find a way, stop crying every day ;-)
@Youmu you are really poor and you need a brain to use...
kilman you never grow up. I can understand. I hope one day you will visit Turkey with your family and your family will killed by bomb attack. Smile
The only thing I can understand from this article, Turkey has 100% bonus. Thanks for information o7 The other parts of this article are just trash.
Oh Petar, you are so wrong just like your name xD
@fyroman said...
bravo Turkey o7
Chicken alliance
Arno, Arno you are so for pity. Ask your co-citizens Kurds about that. You can ask them, who, what or how. Don t involve me or my family because i didn t mention yours, and i dont understand what is so personal in my post. So may be you should grow up.
I m a Turk and I don t play in Turkey just because of the arguments between Greece - Turkey. Too many immature idiots from both sides, they eventually pull you into their argument whether you want it or not. That being said, you re just a regular butthurt Grek kid. If you had the power, you would have occupied those countries for the bonuses, but when Turks do it, you complain and try to get the rest of the world on your side. I m upvoting this paper just so that people can see what kind of an immature teen you are. Enjoy making fun of yourself, kid.
That s how eTurkey is. Deal with it. Or better yet, build up your courage and fight back.
pretty harsh words there arno