掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 07 Feb 2016 05:24 - 49
We have recently discovered a bug, reported by a player who we appropriately rewarded for reporting it with 100 gold,
where people could degrade factories from q3 to q2 for the same amount of gold it cost to upgrade it to q3 from q2,
so basically country would get free gold percentage from abusing this bug.
The bug has been fixed and gold was taken from countries where it occurred. No player directly profited from it.
We apologize for the problem and as always we want you to report a bug if you find it, instead of abusing it, so the game is equally fun for everyone
and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.
eRevollution Team

We have recently discovered a bug, reported by a player who we appropriately rewarded for reporting it with 100 gold,
where people could degrade factories from q3 to q2 for the same amount of gold it cost to upgrade it to q3 from q2,
so basically country would get free gold percentage from abusing this bug.
The bug has been fixed and gold was taken from countries where it occurred. No player directly profited from it.
We apologize for the problem and as always we want you to report a bug if you find it, instead of abusing it, so the game is equally fun for everyone
and we will try to fix it as soon as possible.
eRevollution Team

Cacique Maraコメント (49)


Let´s that man, who reported it! 


bravo for him !!! now parts that player any bread for us poor !!!


Player who reported the bug was awarded by 100 Gold. Please report bugs like this, instead of abusing them, and we can make this a lot better game.

whats your plan with the company buying/selling thing? if you need time to solve its ok but pls tell us that you are working on it... 

Admin, give back our people gold ! We built a strong economy based on our population, not financial manipulations !

Nice job admins , and stop crying about loosing ur country treasure because we all know you exploited the bug hard

I have written several times of military units visibility.Pleace check this problem.


Strong economy based on our population :') plz man dont say anythink like that any more
Gj Admins !!!

what about this rule, as someone obviously used it as unfair advantage ??
Exploiting bugs will result in a permanent ban.
If a player finds a bug in-game and utilises it in order to cause damage to, or gain an advantage over other players, they will be penalised depending on the scale of the offense. The penalty can vary from a temporary ban to permanent ban.
Note: With reporting a Bug to eRevollution Team through the forum that is resolved, you will be rewarded with 5 Gold.

what about this rule, as someone obviously used it as unfair advantage ??
Exploiting bugs will result in a permanent ban.
If a player finds a bug in-game and utilises it in order to cause damage to, or gain an advantage over other players, they will be penalised depending on the scale of the offense. The penalty can vary from a temporary ban to permanent ban.
Note: With reporting a Bug to eRevollution Team through the forum that is resolved, you will be rewarded with 5 Gold.

Very nice and good job... Now fix/add features like the ones i suggested so game becomes interesting. And add the ability to change workers salary. Btw, no reward needed. My proposals are for free

Fix the fix.

But when I told about the bug to one of you, you did nothing... -.-"

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu

1100 of gold over the past two weeks. And this is normal?

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu

France has set up an economic system based on the conversion of golds citizens in currency, after a quick calculation, it turns out that it is unlikely that French had used this bug or at least not so to produce a huge amount, that is why we demand the return of our golds stolen by the admins ...

please make new tab for market shouts!

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu

Good work admins.o7

so exploiting wep factories bug is ok?
so someone has to pay 1200 gold to build it and someone could do it with 10 gold??
this game is going in to "nice" direction....

Punish the many to punish the guilty...That's one way to do it. It's disappointing

and q1 helicopters companies ?

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu

No se ha echo suficiente para reparar los abusos, el juego se ha adulterado, los ADMIN deben volver el juego atras hasta antes del primero de los bug GRAVES.

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu

One loosing 50% of invested gold while degrading, is even bigger fail than 0% that was before. Fix this to 10-15%.

Tuzibaba Jeca uhvatila zeca.

odlicno,sad pohvataj sve koji su izgradili heli firme na jednoj q5 tenk firmi koja je kruzila na marketu


Is the helicopter bug fixed yet? Since I'm one of the very few with legit Q5 helicopters it seems. And it sucks when people can cheat to get them and make me lose against a cheater?? And what would punushment be?
I discuss boosting, stealing and punishments here: http://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/178

We will report bug if you unhbann all banned players for used bug
Tnak you advance and grete regards ...

and q1 helicopters companies ?

The admins have stolen the eFrance ! Despite of strong evidence showing that we did not take advantage of the bug, the admins refuse to give us our gold! A month of work , to be stolen by the admins ! Outrageous !

EVEN IF You do something about Q1 heli, You wont be able to cancel the profit theyve already made of it, gold/cc/dmg/rank. Give it a fresh start w/o known bugs.

Well done, glad to hear the game is improving & players are listened.

Too much bugs, irregularities, uncertainties and situations without explanation in a cursory copy of all known game. Many of us came here with hope for new beginning, but this is total waste of time, good luck all.

Gosh, we are so happy!

Plz do something about that http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2277
A lot of people are not happy..

Reset the game to day 1 and only respect the gold of the players they bought.
