掲載する国 Albania - 社会・エンターテイメント - 13 Feb 2017 04:52 - 95
We are Albania, and we dont cry like Servia or others, when under attack by few countries:)
when they were under attack, they were crying as "when you wipe us, our citizens will leave game, and game will dead".. This is true yes most of serbians left game by crying when they lost few battles:)
Spain + Switzerland + Croatia + Serbia + Hungary + Italy attacked us maintime... they COULDN'T defeat us..
and now, they called more country against us :) You're welcome too France:)
We may lose battles, we may win... we enjoy game when playing, not only when we have full bonus :) and we don't cry like someone when we lost, cos we are Albanian :)

when they were under attack, they were crying as "when you wipe us, our citizens will leave game, and game will dead".. This is true yes most of serbians left game by crying when they lost few battles:)
Spain + Switzerland + Croatia + Serbia + Hungary + Italy attacked us maintime... they COULDN'T defeat us..
and now, they called more country against us :) You're welcome too France:)
We may lose battles, we may win... we enjoy game when playing, not only when we have full bonus :) and we don't cry like someone when we lost, cos we are Albanian :)

TomiALBFregataJ o k e rPoPuPBaba VossTopSecretvoozProduktPalmerReezcoPanzer AceCerciz TopulliWhiteDevilMatheusGeoCerciz Topulliコメント (95)

We Are Albania


bla bla bla

You are Albania not Turkey 

Potruceni Srbi tisina 

Guys, where is problem? VV attacked Germany in 5 to 1 and nobody cried in VV. Offensive in VV had full support. At now You have same situation and nothing to honk about. Is not big difference if more small countries attack another country compare to 3-4 big countries attacking other country.

You are croatia not france blabllabla

We Albanians have square balls. unlike others that have not at all the balls

@youmu, did i say any problem? i just say that : 6 countries attacked, couldnt defeat, few weeks passed, they called ANOTHER strong country to attack... this shows that, other side dont have honor and strategy

lol ıam first but last kısır dongu 

Romy@ VV is a lot stronger than the rest, + vv members are attacking some of those countries that attacked you so yeah....


Alayı gelsin bülent başgan biz yanınızdayız 

you forgot to mention turkey australia and fyrom attacked you as well, what a victim

This is even worst than the last Iberian Campaign. And how did that end? With MDP being disbanded after Portugal left MDP. Does this mean that Délos and Free World will disband before actually engaging seriously in what they want (spoiler alert: destroy VV)? It is also amazing how Italy manages to get wiped once again between renting deals and attacks and backroom deals, etc. For Albania: congrats for perseverance but never forget to mention your allies: Bulgaria at war with Spain, Indonesia attacking Italy (wiped), Brazil and Taiwan attacking Hungary (lost naval regions and, therefor, the front), and your VV MPP allies. Good luck for the rest of the campaign.

Bravo 👏👏👏🔴⚫️👐🇦🇱

europe agains gladiators albania have spartacus crysus gannicus also noob Tomi

this article considered cry, njaab !

Ancestral nobody carried about iberian front while new puppets FYROM needed help with Serbia (5vs1 campaign atleast for 1 month without wipe). I thibk Alliance counted on French dmg but they simply did nothing and Hungary lost some regions.

Türkçesi Allah ını seven defansa gelsin 

Youmu pls play game mate we dont attacked germany they attacked with crohun and we defended. When we attacked 4vs1 etc. Yur side cried
So much

Cikaspasoje u are croatian not serbs :d

We Are Albania

John Wick +1 

Dont get me wrong, you did well, but do not forget you are not alone. Say thanks to your allies atleast

You are croatia not france blabllabla

Kosovo is Albania o/

Spain never wanted to win battles in your own territories xDDDD, just using initiative you won cause you are not a target for now xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

damn your paint skills are weak on that kosovo aka stolen land flag, its edges are red which shows us you paint stuff poorly.

Kosovo is Serbia

I thought you are Illirians??? and you are saying now that you are Albanians (so from asia - Caucasus )

Top sekret u are a asshole.Iliret jan pasardhesit e pellazgeve dhe ne jemi tek ilireve like u and Rusia.Hail Albania/

Fair enough, so you know me
Yet that doesn t change fact that You cant be both, Ilyrians and at same time Albanians. So what are you, Illyrian or Albanian ? Btw i know its not related, but why your greatest national hero is actually serb?? I thought you dont like serbs..

Top why dont you just SHUT UP? worst spammer ever. We dont need your history lessons here. BTW dont allow the eagle to fly so low cuz somone may shot it.

Jeli se tebi jos uvek trese kavez ?? pa sunce mu zarko, prestanite da tresete kavez ovom firomancu, nije coveku dobro!!!!

Dojdi u makedonija da se lecesh decko bezplaten tretman davat za takvi kako tebe

Sciptarji... sinovi orlov... baje ... cevapi

El Makedonico, Ma koliko ti hteo da budes neki tamo Grk, nisi ti grk, nego moj Slavenski brat o7 Ti si Makedonac, ali nikakav anticki, nego slavenski. A sve ostalo sto i vi i aljbansi hocete da budete, kao Iliri, Anticki makedonci , bugari hoce da su tracani.. to je ono, ajde da ga merimo (kojem je veci) . Tako isto kao i vi sto bi hteli, srbi mogu reci da su potomci Vincana.. sto znaci stariji od svih vas zajedno.. toliko o merenju.

No goats no vote



Bro aand you cryed your playera few days ago...

TopSecret ti e troll vo obid 


El Macedonico je moj brat blizanac

We are albanians, we like to steal, like we stole Kosovo.

When Portugal was at war with Spain everybody point finger at us and MDP, now what are they doing???

But since all of your dmg are from Turkey it does not matter. Enjoy the global war 

pih nothing special without VV

Kebab damage is best damage

Kebab damage is best damage

cry cry cry cry 

dolazimo kod vas uskoro

ha ha ha bidi koj sakash nas toa ne ne interesira samo ne ni objasnuvaj nie koi sme

hail Shqipter o7 ti dua Shqipter

it is a form of crying

Baby bo baby bo pse ti nuk je ma me mu a baby bo

good luck on the battlefield
. ( that s not sarcastic)

But this article is about crying

Baby bo baby bo pse ti nuk je ma me mu a baby bo


@romy I smell some sort of complex..when a turk has to vawe that flag around each time... What are you trying to prove..
As one man said once... You know it s not a country, when it s flag charges a map of itself on it s base

Ovo nije plakanje? I jos mlatite tudjim ku*cem! Hahhaaahhaha


Oh this is cute :3


Nothing interesting to see in the comments other than the Serbs crying again

Како су се звали Скендербегови родитељи и где су сахрањени 

You are Borania


Kosovo i metohija srpska zemlja

Blablabla toi much drama

And why you then post it now? Crying maybe? Little goats.....


Kosovo is Serbia. Never think otherwise.

Kosovo je Srbija

I vote for you Romy, my friend o7


kosovo was, is and will be ours ! serbs will just cry about this everytime they see any albanian

Kanky Sa

albanians i know you are used to it but stealing stuff is wrong, specially if you steal some countrys land. that is considered not normal in every other country in the world

Be honest. All of that countries can defeat you 1v1. You defended by your allies what is the strongest in this game. Serbia can be wiped because the strongest ally attacked them.
So please dont write fale informations and try to give a shit. Everybody knows, doesnt matter the number of your fakes, Albania alone cannot def himself.
You can own only Italy and Switzerland 1v1 from that list
But that style is normal from your side
And this game gonna be die doesnt matter whos gonna be wipe ^^

If I speak, Romy will be banned

France NAP with Albs

i never afraid to get banned @petros, keep calm
n about Turkey, Turkey is our ally, what s wrong if they fight for us? france, croatia have ally called as Servia too.. if your ally dont fight for you, this is your problem, dont blame anyone

Bakljava ljimun

You lie romy, you cried on main chat , and you cried a lot. Other albanians didnt cried, but you did

Romy pirinc Albania stronk xD

Dat joke 

Albania is week you made a little damage in thoose battles