掲載する国 United States of America - 社会・エンターテイメント - 15 Feb 2017 02:43 - 0
Hello, folks! My name is Mord Fustang (formerly Vellocet) and I am a veteran newbie. How's that? Well, I was born on Mar 18, 2016. That's a long time ago in eRevollutionary years. Unfortunately, I fell into a eComa for months, only to wake up recently to a world so much different from what I last remembered. It was a lot to take in - new alliances, new countries, new faces.
Speaking of what possibly caused me to wake up was, in fact, Serbia's invasion of our homeland. Loud explosions and whistling of lead outside the Q5 Hospital left me no other choice but to stand up in arms and start fighting. Still unable to come to my senses and understand what was happening, I was approached by no one other but Diesel himself. He asked me calmly - "What is the one thing you'd like to change about the USA?". We had a short conversation before we were interrupted by another Serbian attack and had to run to the battlefield. Alas, this time it was different. Now I had something to fight for. A new America was in the making. And most of you can see that now...
As the dust of war settles down, we enter into an arms race with time itself, in order to be prepared for what's ahead. The nature of this eRevollutionary world is turbulent and chaotic. We must be prepared for anything. Every American citizen must contribute for the greater good - every man and woman must take part in shaping of their country, in any way available to them. America is as strong as it's weakest link. Hence, don't be that weakest link, don't let your people down and work your way up! That is where I was heading with this: that short conversation I had with the man who was destined to lead this country, he showed me this path. Shortly after the elections, I was appointed as the Director of Outreach. Then I decided to run for Congress. I also applied for the TD and ATO branches of the US Army, as suggested by SoD Hemingway.
I am doing my share. Are you?

Speaking of what possibly caused me to wake up was, in fact, Serbia's invasion of our homeland. Loud explosions and whistling of lead outside the Q5 Hospital left me no other choice but to stand up in arms and start fighting. Still unable to come to my senses and understand what was happening, I was approached by no one other but Diesel himself. He asked me calmly - "What is the one thing you'd like to change about the USA?". We had a short conversation before we were interrupted by another Serbian attack and had to run to the battlefield. Alas, this time it was different. Now I had something to fight for. A new America was in the making. And most of you can see that now...
As the dust of war settles down, we enter into an arms race with time itself, in order to be prepared for what's ahead. The nature of this eRevollutionary world is turbulent and chaotic. We must be prepared for anything. Every American citizen must contribute for the greater good - every man and woman must take part in shaping of their country, in any way available to them. America is as strong as it's weakest link. Hence, don't be that weakest link, don't let your people down and work your way up! That is where I was heading with this: that short conversation I had with the man who was destined to lead this country, he showed me this path. Shortly after the elections, I was appointed as the Director of Outreach. Then I decided to run for Congress. I also applied for the TD and ATO branches of the US Army, as suggested by SoD Hemingway.
I am doing my share. Are you?

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