掲載する国 Iran - 政治討論と分析 - 21 Feb 2017 13:09 - 19
Panzer AceMrBl3ndコメント (19)

http://prntscr.com/ebqnjo hahahaha


coucouche panier le chat

Lol update that warscore

French,It s time to earn your pocket money from your mommy and be prepared for encountering Iran

Please wait a little, nothing is done yet !



epic fail ahah

Oh, Admin add Iran in the game ? Nice job admin

A better article here : https://www.erevollution.com/fr/article/23723 

Iran, Iran hum it s ringing false 

Laugh while you can French people, cuz you will be crying a river when you get wiped

OH BOSETTI ! we will wype you when you will be out of stock 

bye bye france bye bye ،

o7 =))))

LoL, spamming the article since yesterday evening and getting 17 votes, all is said...

مادرتو میارم جلوی چشمات عوضی فرانسوی

Funny joke