掲載する国 Albania - 戦争分析 - 27 Mar 2017 13:38 - 42
Servians, started an attack against Albania, by excuse 1999... as Always, admins which remove our articles about Kosovo and Srebrenica, didnt touch Servian's articles about 1999...
Funny admins, didnt see anything wrong at servian articles :) but they always see something wrong on ours:)
Cos of this, current battle was an honour for us.. Thanks to all Albanians, and also ALL ALLIES..
and Result: 18 is bigger then 80

Funny admins, didnt see anything wrong at servian articles :) but they always see something wrong on ours:)
Cos of this, current battle was an honour for us.. Thanks to all Albanians, and also ALL ALLIES..
and Result: 18 is bigger then 80

Battle with Servia : https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/25369
Ikta SolorkIkta SolorkIkta Solorkarian72The KingFregataTopalOsmanAgalmperiusnikoladjTRmanコメント (42)


Hail SOA!

HAIL ALBANIA EUA VV - SONS OF ANARCHY (SOA) 5BI is a gift for our allies!!


Vae Victis o7

Vae Victis o7

o7.hail albania. hail kosova.



Hail SOA!

Koyduk mu hail Anthrax hail Krattos..........................

neda mi se pisat engleski... izvukli su vas američki brazilci... jeb... ponos kad ga moras kupit...


Heljp nato

Romy, here is idea for start, write article about name Kosovo and what it means.
That could be a good start.

O7 good battle hail albania hail usa

Heljp heljp.. aljbania is 0 (not 18) alone,, HELJP

Only VV

all you know is crying
hail serbia our brothers vs goatfcukers

Suksese shoket im

Balkan çomarı ezik sırplar 

Never understood why people misspell on purpose a country or player name.
Anyway good article Rami from turquei o/

Albaniam koydukça hopluyor Sırbo o7

Heljp nato, heljp.

Hail Albania


Kakve veze ima 1999, i Kosovo i Metohija i Srebrenica sa ovom igricom pacenice jedan... 

Kompleksi iz rl zivota su cudo i lep priliv novca vlasniku igre.

Oj kosov oj nana jon ti je nzemer pergjithmon

hahah kad tad siptare kad tad 


that was a tough battle

Srebrenica and albania?which is the connection with the article? What? Warface analysis or eWarfare analisis?

well difference is, former is mostly hearsay and the latter actually happened..
Actually, I don t see the connection here , how are you , as a turk , entitled to advocate for them, and when you look at it the right way, you see they had ful authority to remove them

čekaj...ne razumijem..zašto je Albanija napadnuta povodom događaja u Srbiji 1999-te ?
onda stre trebali Ameriku ili Francusku,Holandiju,Veliku Britaniju itd. napasti...

Goatlovers strike again