掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 14 Feb 2016 09:55 - 65
Greetings citizens,
There is a new weekly event for you to play. It works by spinning the wheel till you get to step 4 ( second box ). There you can stop and take rewards from second box by clicking stop or continue and spin it more. If you get to 6th step ( third box ), you can also stop by clicking stop there and take rewards from third box, or risk even more to get to the 4th box (8th step). If you fail along the way, you will get a reward from first box.
You only get 1 item from the box you win, which item is decided by random.
If you get to Game Points (100/100) your odds will increase for that token. Each token you play increases game points by 8.
Everyone gets 2 tokens a day, so make sure to play it everyday to get the best out of the event.

The server has been updated and optimized, it should work faster and smoother now.
New languages have also been added to the game.
Have fun,
eRevollution Team

There is a new weekly event for you to play. It works by spinning the wheel till you get to step 4 ( second box ). There you can stop and take rewards from second box by clicking stop or continue and spin it more. If you get to 6th step ( third box ), you can also stop by clicking stop there and take rewards from third box, or risk even more to get to the 4th box (8th step). If you fail along the way, you will get a reward from first box.
You only get 1 item from the box you win, which item is decided by random.
If you get to Game Points (100/100) your odds will increase for that token. Each token you play increases game points by 8.
Everyone gets 2 tokens a day, so make sure to play it everyday to get the best out of the event.

The server has been updated and optimized, it should work faster and smoother now.
New languages have also been added to the game.
Have fun,
eRevollution Team

Notoriousboboコメント (65)




Lower the gold needed to buy token to 2 or 3 gold....

Better server pls 


Add game token to DO rewards and to work+Train reward


nice work
OwYea +

good update 

Again a gr8 example to reward the gold buyers. Just like on eRep, but it started here much sooner. The gap between gold buyers and f2p players are huge and with this game it gets bigger, till the point, f2p players will leave, as there will be nothing they can acomplish.
eRev. with these events U manage to kill off your game playerbase. GJGJGJ!

Add game token to DO rewards and to work+Train reward

I want my gold back

30 gold que bien me gusto.

How much time will be stay?


unsubbed and no vote for such a bad idea... not just the fact that (how some are saying) gold buyers have more chances... and winning Strength is possible so buying strength too... you made something wich makes multis even more eficient than anything else before... just the next fail in a long row...

geez, are you going to repeat the same mistakes as in iA?

Nevenincsis +1

PAY TO WIN. Congrat...

really bullshit....

every day i will have 2 tokens, and if i don,t spend it that day next day will be 4 or just 2 ?

Pay to win...pay to play...if you help your friends->ban ....if your friends help you->ban
The gold buyers are above the rules...
Level of greed is higher than in the 'other game' ....for this reason I didn't bought and I will never buy gold here.
I don't see any reason to play this game...

When you will unlock the Q5 weapon buy option at in game?

tendria que haber leido esto antes


Buying strength is such a fail in my opinion. Even erepublik havent allowed that, and we know what they all allow to gold buyers.

sub 903
Sexo y chistes sub: http://www.erevollution.com/es/newspaper/1467

thx for the new server! it's better now.

a new article of to lazy didnt read about the weekly STR buying event: http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2551

So u basicly alowed rich people to buy str... So nice and inventive, not like that another game... xD


as everyone before me said, so its pay to win mode??? If you wanted to make it event for everyone than remove option to buy tokens, and remove that option from all this kind of events, or just make them Pay to Play and be done with it.

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

On phone but imagine that I pasted comment above !

Plato eres Tu ?

"PAY TO WIN, This in not strategy game, FAIL"
Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

This in not strategy game, This pay to win game, Wanna buy STR? Buy Token! Read This : http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2551


no1cares, there is no str selling in I-A. And you cannot buy I-A buddy even for 1k $

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

RIP eRevollution January 12th 2016 - February 14th 2016
It was a great run

http://www.erevollution.com/en/newspaper/1384 sub 4 sub 

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

so...you decided to do the same mistakes like in ere.plab? Shame.

You have to disable buy energy bar option as soon as possible. Nobody should effort to buy energy bar from store ! This system killing organizastions on battlefield

Buy energy bars can be an option- admins do need to earn something, but there must be balance. My sugestion: 10 EB and 20 RPG package - Battle pack for example - and it cost 5e and is activated on moment you buy and last for 24h. Which means you cant use another one after you spent that one, so basically its restriction of 5 EB and 20 RPG usage per day. It is very important not to be more EB than 10, not more RPG, and certanally it MUST be restricted to one package per 24h. And it must be possible to buy ONLY for euros - NOT for golds. 5 EB is half of food fight (FF) - and with rpg or good weapon nice dmg could be made. Me personally would gave maybe 25-50e per month for such thing, cause it could be very important dmg in battles. And its 5-10 days per month in which I could use it for important battles. Rank is going up with it, slowly but certanally etc... On the other hand- it wont be THAT MUCH difference between buyers and non buyers, and for buyers its only important to be better then the rest (not necesserelly much much better). Think about it admins.

*5 EB and 20 RPG, 10 EB was my idea at the start but I concluded that even that is too much. SO in first sentence it was a typo.

I support all the above.

Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player's community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for "living". You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...

Guys, let's PROTEST the sub changes: please vote and share my article:
(PROTEST) http://www.erevollution.com/en/article/2627 VOTE, SUB, SHOUT


Why you have a need (or a greed) to make this much reckless things and to destroy YOUR game before it even got a chance to become something beautiful? You will stay very soon with only 4-5 buyers, and I am not even sure how long they will gonna buy. Use your brains, fellows, for hearing the vox populi, voice of the player s community, implement game mechanisms that will really make this game what it should be- strategy game, and please dont spend time in thinking how to earn more and more euros in these early stages, try to be less greedy for Christ sake! This game will gonna die before it got a chance for living. You have breaked both legs of this game in recent month, dont kill it completely... Remove this shitty event, or remove buy token completely and leave only 2 tokens for every player possible per day. And stop be so greedy - implementing some features thru which you seek for more money. Many will stop buying after this first month, cause we are starting loosing faith in this game. Stop implementing stuffs before you talk about it with players community... F**k...unbeliveable...