掲載する国 Lithuania - 戦争分析 - 13 Apr 2017 13:44 - 59

WalenMee6AncestralAncestralAncestralAncestralTugaWolf IIGranikusePazePazThe Last Lynx PardinusLeviatanEl ProfesorG 4 M p3trOs V E RXanderlfilipe13Zaganos PashaMilesHeavenHellコメント (59)

The Xertomic bombs... we warned our enemies about ´em, they didn´t believe. Our super secret massive destruction weapon 100% efficient. Made in Xerthuania. Hail Lithuania, Hail Fortuna! Respect to Bulgarian fighters o7

voting this article , bec of the boobs

Hail boobs.

Hail OFC ,Hail Panzers,Hail EDC,Hail Lithuania,Hail Portugal,Hail Fortuna,Hail Scripthen!

Hail Lithuania o7


it is easy when all you jump vs 1 country. Wanna try 1v1 like a man? Or you are too afraid that we will wipe you out from the map complete? I don t like pussies like you.

You have the best separator of articles in this game. ( . ) ( . )

Hail Lithuania

Are u mad Demon Lee? Because you wanted a 1v1 of 190 people vs 40? haha


Well done!!! Poor Bulgaria. 

lol, VV member talking about 1v1, priceless xD

This song is much likely describes the war https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xw-m4jEY-Ns

@Emperor Demon Lee: VV attacked Lithuania in 2v1, my friend: Bulgaria and Latvia. You have zero moral to say what you just said. Other than that, respect to Bulgaria for the fights. At least, the server was a bit active these last days. o7

o7 lithuania

Hail Fortuna!!! o7 bros

It was all vs Bulgaria..

Bulgaria thought than it would be easier cuz they were, theoretically, in the winner side. So funny what happened! hahahahaha xD OFC o7 Panzer o7 EDC o7 Fortuna o7

With help of admins , too much gold and buy damage from moral less OFC it is easier. That is why i asking for 1v1 to see who is more powered. It is normal that when admins playing against VV to lost. Literally we don t play against players, we playing against adminlandia. So.. If this change wasn t happen you will win on some other universe but not in this game.


demon lee, don t cry if we just use the same strategic VV use with everybody else. We know Bulgaria is a strong country.

lituania, fortuna o7

I very much like that we are actually getting respect in comments, despite the fact we are losing. o7

Hail Lithuania, Hail fortuna.
Respect to enemies!

Nah... we ll back again stronger

I don t cry i just telling the oblivious facts. Without the last change of admins you didn t had any chance at all.. Actually every single change from admins last months was in your positive and against VV in personal....So i cannot accept the fact that you are the winner since everything was done to make us weaker. Well enjoy the game now, i don t want to play a game where admins directly interfere against one of the sides in the game. I don t want to play a game where admins have actual accounts and fight with it against us. That is not how a administrators should lead the game. They don t have knowledge of how good game should be developed and keeping the fair play.


Nice job..I am impressed o7

Yes, Demon Lee. Admins gave me +3k str and free heli and ships. They also gave enemies lag, so we could do more hits. Also we use Q7 boosters. And gold, pfff, I dont even count that sh*t. True story

Emperor Demon Lee cry baby cry!!!
lol poor guy..... alone as an stupid assssss holeee!!!

I don t cry. i telling the pure facts. Before that last change where was your damage and bars and strength and so on? Nowhere.. because it wasn t 1v1 it was 10 1

Im a simple man, i see bobs and press vote

Im a simple man, i see bobs and press vote


Of course man, it was simple when there was 1 RW and more than 1 day cooldown before another when you could win 3 times before another RW ends. It was fair right?
And also there is a simple rule, the more land one country occupies the more RW it gets. So please don t write about adminland when you lose.

this with help of admins is most hilarious thing these days I m hearing from VV

nah play your game i am leaving anyway.. it is bt game.

Good job!


Crying when being in VV, such a joke

hi, i come to see who is crying 

Helllllloooo... do u need more RW?

No,thats fine, emo ^^
Nice that you learnt something from this

Np dude

We might be weaker than VV but at least we are having fun with these battles and we don t opress or erase countries.
Hail Fortuna o7


GJ guys

Hail Fortuna

Monika salciute

That s rude ^^

@emperor, Guess you dont see future away from your nose .. Admins didnt introduce anything to help to one side directly, what they are trying to do is in some way stop game from turning in to farmvile that is created by VV. Still VV have easy 50% of world dmg, also nearly all dead empty countries / regions are in area of VV countries so free bonuses (if you want some balance and admins to stop helping to one side, ask them to remove that free gifted regions that are clearly in favor of VV). So yea, you didnt came here to cry??.... Yea right... as you say obvious fact..

I write about Bulgaria not about VV. I don t care for game balance. They should stop do changes against the true winners in the game. Isn t our problem that you cannot play. Why have prove it time after time on each change? It is your duty as a weaker side to find way to turn loses in winning condition. Why admins play like Robin Hood and get from stronger side to help the weaker side?

Hail boobs


For future reference: In 3 days, Bulgaria lost 21 battles and 16 regions, being sent back to cores.

2 months in and Emperor Demon Lee still did not left the game as he said he would above...shame shame shame ring ring