掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 01 May 2017 00:33 - 67
New missions will be implemented today. There will be 7 new missions, some easy and some for more experienced players. Each mission will be rewarded when completed.
A little preview:
Mission 9: Expert Trader
By using marketplace you can get your hands on products at great prices. Buy 300 products of any type and quality on marketplace.
Mission 10: Journey around the world
See the wonders of the world and travel to foreign lands. Visit 20 countries.
Mission 11: Successful manager
Starting your own company is always a good idea. Hire workers and spend 100 worker points.
Mission 12: Boost yourself!
Boost your damage in an important battle. Activate Booster of any quality.
Mission 13: Special gear
Gain advantage over your opponent with m energy or damage. Produce 3 special items (Missile or Health Kit).
Mission 14: Resist!
Free your country of the occupator. Start a resistance war and liberate a region to gain Resistance Hero medal.
Mission 15: Hero of the day
Prove yourself as a true soldier. Inflict the highest damage on your side in a battle to gain Battle Hero medal.
You will now be able to use the sitter option through the whole year, but limited to 90 days of use a year to prevent abuse.
We are further improving the looks of the game, by changing the graphics to all buildings as you could already see for Workout Areas, companies, ranks medals etc. Currently we are working on a new design for front page.
We think double energy weekends have a positive influence on the game, so we are planning to have double energy almost every weekend.
We are once again looking for 2 new moderators. If you want to apply, please take into account the following:
To apply you have to meet certain demands:
-Age above 20 years
-Must have access to a computer at least 2-3 hours a day
-must be active as much as possible
-good English knowledge
-must be without a ban
When applying we urge you to write about yourself as much as possible, like where you come from, how old
you are, how much time you have, what you do, if you had any previous
experience with being a Moderator. The better you introduce yourself,
the better chance you have to be selected as a Mod.
Some questions to answer, for better application:
-Do you have experience with Moderating in any game?
-Are you a quick learner?
-Have you ever been banned in eRevollution?
-Do you have a job?
-Do you have access to computer at least 2-3 hours per day?
-Do you play the game via mobile or computer?
-Are you active in Skype?
-What is the reason which made you send us application for moderator position?
-What do you believe you can really contribute to our moderation team?
-Describe your character.
Send your application to our email: erevollutiongame@gmail.com
We are also looking for people to update WIKI of the game, to provide excessive info for anything about the game; and someone to make a good tutorial video for new players to earn all concepts of the game.
We are open to new ideas for weekly events and improvisation of the battle module. If you have any good ideas be sure to share it on our forum.
Have a good day,
eRevollution Team

smallprinceTopSecretRyuko Matoifaez1377matey25Shenlongarman9Spartacoコメント (67)



biskvit left -.-

Dont change Front page.. It is very easy and comfortable 



sitter option through the whole year hahahah
so more people will be allowed to have 2 accounts


Quentin, Just 90 days, can t u read?

yes, Aeon, I have read that. Imagine, what happens, when you use the 2nd account every 4 days. Can you use your imagination? let s activate it only when we have elections

Im asking u. One baby, how can the hit per 1500 with warship?

sitter? really? what is the mechanism of this sitter thing? -_-

igra se svela na puko rješavanje misija bez strategije,vaznih bitki itd...uskoro sudbina a 

good job guys, but we want flash battle module 

1)Sitter option forbidden - 2)sitter option allowed for 2 weeks holiday only - 3)sitter option Definitely Forbidden - 4)sitter option allowed for 90 days in a whole year

Nice! !!!!!!

describe your character. lol. my name is Buck and i like to f*ck!

Nice.. Continue with good work o/


V for sitting all year!

یکی ترجمه اش رو بزنه خخخخ

what about payment


Sva ova sminkanja su ok ali na kraju krajeva ne vazna. Ono sto treba da uradite je da napravite mapu za ovu igru, mapa u kojoj ni jedna zemlja nece imati vise od duplo regija od bilo koje druge. Pa u startu ste napravili da vam odredjene nacije budu samo farme za druge. Objasnite mi logiku, zasto recimo Slovenija ima 3 puta manje regija od Saudiske arabije? Ako kazete teritorijalno je manja u RL,. onda zasto rusija ima manje od francuske i to opet 3 puta manje a u RL je 30ak puta veca.??

v c

GREAT news

oh my god! Nothing new about paysafecard? How do you get more of us paying money for gold then?

We want new TGs 

We think double energy weekends have a positive influence on the game, so we are planning to have double energy almost every weekend.
finally, i wrote too many times in all chat, x2 for whole week, weekend isnt bad ide, but once a month, it should be for whole week

Uk*njali ste se 

When will you, finally, make raw materials calculation available on Companies page, do we have to use Excel in addition to the game?

*2 for all week is a very good idea
The rest is for newbiee so why not

also XII event sould be hit with 2k q5 heli for a whole month at least 

I don t think it helps your case when you force people to use ships by means of challenges (on top of fighting in rws now) rather than fixing the real issue with is the greedy SL damage you came up with to give out less gold which is what drives down the ships price. You force people to by these overpriced weapons and never make it up woth SL just because no one wants to loose 50 int.

fuck do not make that


But they do not take us into account for moderators, I have applied them

Uvijek me nasmijete glupostima, iznova i iznova 



Bravo admin!

i agree with most of updates and events, i guess i never complain, but this warship event i dont like because i dont like naval battles at all.


Nice! !!!!!!


You could publish the list of rewards for those missions.
