Elementarna nepogoda

Hello Poland o7

掲載する国 Poland - 戦争分析 - 14 May 2017 17:14 - 16



We did blitzkrieg tonight,
we will do it again.

Sleep well. o7


PeakyOnce a Panzer always a PanzerGiovanno69Loving Pabl0Frank05K o BG 4 M p3trOs V E RGropiusThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe ShamanThe Shaman

コメント (16)

Lol #SlavePoland
Hail Germany, Hail Panzer, OFC and Friends 07
Hey ho, let s go! hey ho, let s go! ♫
Brejniak pilnuj dsa
Guts Over Fear o/ Peaky and Tsilo on same side :v GG
YOU ARE NOT PREPARED (Illidan Stormrage)
Case White....
Great job guys Smile o/
Nazis should not fight each other. 14 88
kris don`t confuse nazism woth neonasism lol 14 88 is for retarded slavic kids
A real man learns after he finishes, not how he begins. Keep jekrin offz kidoz! o7
hahahahahahahaha.... nice joke... Will be Better next time, guys... see you ... and dont be, like your father...
@giovinco10 What abou those who learns before the finish? Ewww, u may know very weel after you foolish beginning lol
@ePaz, impatient kidoz bro!