TheKamKo News

TheKamKo - 掲載する国 Serbia -
Stronk or Puppy?

掲載する国 Netherlands - 政治討論と分析 - 26 May 2017 02:39 - 40

Here is my first comics.
about why i leave Georgia.
what is happening and what happend.

To be continued...


jungrimednauAmerican Ninja Warriormishka161

コメント (40)

i am first in my article Laugh
damn man your smoking some strong ... and not in a good way Laugh
Laugh ვინმეს ათარგმნინე ხოლმე მიშკა სტატიები თორე უცხოელები ნახევარს ვერ გაიგებენ, მე კი მივხვდი მარა მაინც Laugh
don t worry Laugh i m smoking for more fun not to be depressed Laugh
This article is awesome ahahahhahahahaha xD
ჩოილარა სადაა,?? მეგონა გამოაჩენდი სტატიაში
Pathetic. Georgia is one of the first countries in VV who reached 4x100 bonus. And There are countries like Taiwan who never hesitate to go in for ally and dont even have any bonus so you picture it like only Georgia is fighting is pathetic and disrespectful. Dont try to find lame reasons for your betrayal to Georgia and alliance.
ucha nu erchi Laugh sheeshvi da chans isic Laugh tu kargad dafiqrdebi Laugh
ohh kinyas Laugh u come. for first i don t care about 4x100 bonuses Laugh that was first reason why i leave Georgia. second-taiwan don t have much power to get and save 4x100 regions. third - what VV saying that they are friends it is shamefull. noone can have good relations in all aliance. VV is class, and Georgia have good relations with some countries and with some neutral. but to saying that VV is friendly alliance it isn t true.
ვაააააააააააახ :დ ჩავიჯვი :დდდდდ
There are over 2000 citizens in VV ofcourse you cannot expect everyone get along but overall we are much better in terms of friendship and cooperation compared to other alliances. No one here would watch a Member get wiped as others often do. See what happened in recent Poland campaign.
v c
u are obliged to save little countries to not wiped. but think about why they are with you?? they are your friends?? or scare that not be deleted by VV if they left you
So we gathered damage and got nothing? We are top 3 country on Naval and also top 3-4 on Land, you think being in VV has nothing with that? you think Georgia would get bonuses without allies? and secure it without them? You are pathetic guy that was forsaken by people, that betrayed his own country and joined enemy alliance, you have no right to talk about Georgia and it s allies.
aveun u are janus. if u don t know who is it u can use google search. u betraied legolas. u were coming in Gov to leave VV not stay there and i supported u for that. so u are best politican who i never trust again. and ur chicken is worst man in the game Smile shaman, beka kavtaradze and tsilo is better then your chicken Smile
I came to power and Georgia is stronger than ever before, you think crybaby like you, could do the same? Yes there were and are many things that I did not like in Alliance, but all our friends are here, and we are only country here that never changed side and I won t change that, who s better Delos? Fail Alliance? Fortuna? Alliance of Traitors? You are zero in politics and you act like you know something, but in fact you know nothing, you are worse than Jon Snow.
I would like to say Georgia is strong enough.. Nobody harm Georgia because all players admit Georgian power.. I just would like to say Georgian players has been friendly friends when we started this game. Hard time was good time what is friendship. When someone has power, everyone like him. I hope we know that.
ahahahha omg Laugh Laugh u are so dumb that u think that who don t care about u is ur friends. okey good job Laugh i never said that leave and join to enemy i just say to leave none Georgia-friends and create new alliance with only friends. and there won t be traitors. u are one in politics Laugh u where sucking our finger in erev when i made many things to get Georgia so. so i say again please please don t be dumb. p.s. btw i don t flapping on Game of Thrones
Learn to type and speak properly, then you can argue and complain.
aveun how many times we can speak about that? Laugh in past u were agree to me and now maybe u feel power of President. if u don t like my Genglish u can leave that article and talk to others how strong u are Laugh how greatfull u are. Laugh i don t catch u Laugh
Yeah good idea, nothing to discuss with collaborationist.
Aveun you are the traitor, and the likes of you. Not fortuna. Now fo happily
You are pathetic old man, that failed in FA, destroyed only Alliance that could stand against MDP, you are typical loser, admit that after all and just shut up.
as i said, fo happily. Looser
Yeah, we all know, who s the loser and who s the winner.
I won everything I could win on this game, I was always a pioneer and supported the weak side; ok until it became stronger one. You on the other hand, and some of your close friends, just followed and reap the seeds other people sow. This does not make you a winner, not even by accident.
I don t care about your past, all I know is that Georgia is stronger than ever before, and I m glad that I made my country greater than ever.
you should care about my past, because your present and future owes much to it Wink
Ktabo-chan on fire :thinking:
ktab second one of the list of crying masters, as always at his best Laugh
Preparacik wipe your face
lan ne komik ya baya bir komik nasıl yaptın bunu uğraştın mı baya komik yani
Traitors come home and help us - who told it . . . kill him
When You Get Expelled from MU because 5 g Poopets 😛
ktab you have always been loser, face it
Aveun calling us traitors...