Elementarna nepogoda

掲載する国 Serbia - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 30 Jun 2017 13:42 - 19



I agree. Can someone teach Turkey please? Push the button :)


MarcialAncestralNairobiTopSecretKim Jong unDiesel

コメント (19)

Laugh Ağla!
You need to ban more of our tanks to win the war. Gel hele gel
If they gonna cheat, i will, dont worry Smile
Kendin verirsin öğüdü, alttan kesersin söğüdü Smile
Turkey scared?Smile
Cmon kinyas chill, eat a kit kat and if you are so eager for war, come and fight us
so kenjac, when someone in other alliance is baned its because they deserved it, but if someone from YOUR tanks are banned is mods taking other side??
pirinač ili riža
Some1 gotta teach the noob how to teach to the noobs (:
It s is hilarious that you say that Kinyas
Kenjac! ahahahahhahaha
Türkçe konuşun ne diyonuz
it`s my party , and i`ll cry if i want to :-) is a very old song, but still pertains
bırakın gelsin hele bırakın
Siz bir de onu gorun
push the red boutton