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Farewell Croatia

掲載する国 Croatia - 金融ビジネス - 06 Jul 2017 08:28 - 33

All good things come to and end, my term as president also. :D

I have sent 12k helis, 3k ships, 255k HRK and 500 gold to the new president. Also 3058,15 gold to the country treasury, let the congress decide what to do with it.

The spending for those 50 days were:
99 RWs
722 gold for DSs
45 gold to Cosworth refund, he build companies for 540 gold before discounts
10 gold to batasha for the attack
189 gold for Delos membership
150 gold for Delos membership
20 gold to bobekslo for DoW
10 gold to bobekslo fo attack Litoral
1172,68 gold refund for company upgrades
50 gold to kris for new alaince
100 gold for NEMESIS membership
Total 3952,88 gold

1150 Free ships for lazio to bhrvoje, mirko9, lyonnet, Lajbach, overk
33300 q5 ships on 3 per 100  total 999 gold
4100 q5 ships on 3.5 per 100    total   143,5 gold
3000 q5 ships on 4 per 100 total 120 gold
total ships 41600 for 1262,5 gold

32400 q5 helis on 2.5 per 100 for special RWs  total  810
174600 q5 helis on 3 gold per 100 total  5238
27200 q5 helis on 3.5 gold per 100 total  952
10000 q5 helis for 550 gold    total  550 
8000 q5 helis for 400 gold  total  400
14200 q5 helis on 0.04 per 100 total 568
Total helis 266400 for 8518 gold 

And there are some missing data for sent helis and ships that didnt saved on my .txt document so the number is a little bigger.

You can see the file here

I will allow myself to give one advice to the next presidents. When there is important battles ask the players if someone wants to tank and give them as many helis they want on half price. If you only give 300 max per person there will be piles of gold when the servers of this game stop. I gave a lot of helis and you can see there is tons of gold left. Supply the soldiers when the big war against VV starts and lets wipe them. :)

Now I announce my return in Bulgaria, I didnt think I will ever return to my RL country but thins change. As you know I and the bulgarian CP kris had the idea of this new alliance. So now when Croatia and Bulgaria are again allies my goal is achieved. 

It was my pleasure to be in eCroatia, to fight along side you, and to lead the country for 50 days. Thank you for giving me the opportunity! I think we achieved a lot. For a long time we were only loosing but we didnt stop fighting. Now we have kicked Georgia out of Europe and have secured ship and heli bonuses.

I really like you. You are the eNation which never gives up. Hail Croatia and farewell  :)


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コメント (33)

STURMMI STURMMI STURMMI hvala i sretno u domovini o7 ZDRUG TE TVOJ VOLI!!!
I ja ga volim! Smile
Hail Sturm! o7
o7 Sturmmann Batbaianov
sturmane svaka cast, nisi bio ni malo simpatican na pocetku al si uspio i na tome ti hvala o7
Sturman o7!!! Svaka cast na mandatima!!
Respect Sturman! ZDRUG ZDRUG ZDRUG!
Finally, and never come back again.
I cant believe that see you again in Bg, wow Laugh
Thank you Sturmmann Batbaianov, your effort will be kindly remembered.
Respect o7
Bye bye
gg o7
Finally, and never come back again.
Hail Strummann o7
Wouvv... thougt you are a RL croatian, maybe better then ever Smile)
Finally! Go home fgt and never return again!