掲載する国 Turkey - 金融ビジネス - 15 Jul 2017 07:57 - 23
ERevollution's world's economy is falling in deep crisis. Dropping prices for the raw materials has as a consequence lower profit for the producers. Less money in their pockets are reducing their power as a buyers for other products. The circle is closing down, and affects on the prices of all products. Together with reducing numbers of active players in the game, this leads us to the death of economical aspect of the ERevollution.
Why is raw industry so important? Raws are important as the basis for other industries. Raw industry is also the cheapest industry, so it's a good choice for new players. Many players produce more raw than they need it. There are some producers with the middle range or high range of production rate in this industry. All together, developed a mive industry, compered to number of raw spenders, and current situation is characterised with overproduction and increasing speed of dropping prices. Less than half year ago, prices of raw materials was doubled, compared with current prices.
Not so long ago, there was one solution for this issue on the table, proposed by Admins - limitation of number companies on the account. Never realised. Another one appears with the introduction of air bases - new facility. This idea was much better. I am highly against killing liberty of economy by introducing various limitations.
What is necessary to do now? We can expect increasing number of active players, but I highly doubt that we will be witnesses of this soon.
The solution could be a serious reform of ERevollution's world economy. Introducing new facilities, new lines of industry, expanding the way of using current objects in the game like I proposed with the Hospital Update
In a further days I will publish several articles about innovations in the game. Please, be free and share with us your ideas, all together we can significantly improve this game and make it more interesting (instead of search for a new game to play).
Update No1
What do you guys think about adding items to game. Items which provides:
-2x critical hit by 5% chance
-lose no energy while fighting by 5% chance
-lose no weapons while fighting by 5% chance ( numbers can be changed )
-there could be 4-5 kind of different items one account can use at the same time :)
-these items can be dropped from battles while fighting or from weekly/monthly events by chance.
-there can be Q1-2-3-4-5 qualites for items and we can get higher item qualities by merging lower quality items.
and if these items can be sold on the trading center or somewhere like auction house this could be a very good update for economy/millitary. who doesnt like to hit 2x crit by chance? that would be fun.
(powered by Gran7Garde, my gratitude)
Why is raw industry so important? Raws are important as the basis for other industries. Raw industry is also the cheapest industry, so it's a good choice for new players. Many players produce more raw than they need it. There are some producers with the middle range or high range of production rate in this industry. All together, developed a mive industry, compered to number of raw spenders, and current situation is characterised with overproduction and increasing speed of dropping prices. Less than half year ago, prices of raw materials was doubled, compared with current prices.
Not so long ago, there was one solution for this issue on the table, proposed by Admins - limitation of number companies on the account. Never realised. Another one appears with the introduction of air bases - new facility. This idea was much better. I am highly against killing liberty of economy by introducing various limitations.
What is necessary to do now? We can expect increasing number of active players, but I highly doubt that we will be witnesses of this soon.
The solution could be a serious reform of ERevollution's world economy. Introducing new facilities, new lines of industry, expanding the way of using current objects in the game like I proposed with the Hospital Update
In a further days I will publish several articles about innovations in the game. Please, be free and share with us your ideas, all together we can significantly improve this game and make it more interesting (instead of search for a new game to play).
Update No1
What do you guys think about adding items to game. Items which provides:
-2x critical hit by 5% chance
-lose no energy while fighting by 5% chance
-lose no weapons while fighting by 5% chance ( numbers can be changed )
-there could be 4-5 kind of different items one account can use at the same time :)
-these items can be dropped from battles while fighting or from weekly/monthly events by chance.
-there can be Q1-2-3-4-5 qualites for items and we can get higher item qualities by merging lower quality items.
and if these items can be sold on the trading center or somewhere like auction house this could be a very good update for economy/millitary. who doesnt like to hit 2x crit by chance? that would be fun.
(powered by Gran7Garde, my gratitude)
MariaGTDarken RahlcOSHicOSHiEl Tito Juan HunterDavodG 4 M p3trOs V E RTopSecretコメント (23)

a booster company would be a solution

@Ferdi agree, this is an excellent idea. And we need more such an ideas!

or use energy for make Q5 energy drink 

3 types of MU. Novice, expert, elite. Novice will provide it s members 100% more health regeneration (more food will be necessary), 10% more fire power (that the person out of any MU) when using weapons. Expert provides 40% more health regeneration, 15% more firepower when using weapons, Elite provides 10% more health regeneration, 20% more firepower when using weapons.

I think for this game time ended 

This article (and my newspaper Jäger) is dedicated to the economy, mostly. Nevertheless, coss I consider war as a sort of business, changes in the war mechanics in the game will also affect on the economy. I am supporting last ideas and recognise them as a welcomed improvement for the game.
@IBringYouHell, maybe you are right about this, ignorance, laziness and stubborn approach of the game owners will destroy game. It is time to start listening and turn on brains: THIS GAME NEEDS SERIAL IMPROVEMENTS, VERY SOON!!!

tl;dr gr8 idea

All ideas are from

@tomberet, the game itself is almost the same as older verisons of e/rep. so I didnt get the point of your comment. we are trying to get some parts of the older games in order to have some fun. whats wrong with that 

MU types yes, items no!!!

Bring on Stock Companies!!

The most stupid thing of the game is the fact that there are 5 different resources of raws for every industry, but is not possible to trade them separatly -the count only as bonus. If the raw companies on a given area produces ONLY THAT row (es. grain, or oil etc), then the economy would be a totaly different thing.

@Kromion, you are absolutely right about this. Having different resources of raw is unexploited potential in the game. Introducing new industries, with new products based on different combinations of raw resources, innovations in raw industry with the new complex system of raw production, based on different sort of raw factories can make revolution in ERevollutions economy. More elaborated system will open space for the new players, with more opportunities to choose for their industrial development, followed with more significant incomes, and combined with the new elements in war mechanics, all together to the more important role in the game. This way, ERevollution as the game have potential to become interesting game, again.

Ben hep 50 liralık alıyorum.

@levi fundamental problem is simple unlimited production of individual players and that is causing overproduction . I said made paper about all this over year ago, gave few simple solutions, while one small was implemented by admins - limiting small Q factories to 5, rest was ignored and i was told that its bad idea to restrict raw companies. Well loudest against it ware MU producers.So i have decided to go full in to production, to prove that i was right. Today players like me are dominating markets as simple i have about 350-400 RAW q5 so new players simple cant compete with guys like me. So what can guys expect to earn even if they invest 1000 gold in to raw, he still produce less than 1/10th of what im producing, and im not alone doing this.. So lets say they add new economy module, rich players would again make biggest profit out of it as it is normal, bigger investment = bigger profit. So that is all like dog chasing his tail. Only solution is if population in game keeps growing. or radical change of entire economy module that the way it looks like its bit to late for that.. While personally i would give all i have to create game more interesting even if it means if admins would bring in now company limit where i would lose more than half of my RAWs, i would gladly vote for it.

its ugly

@Top Secret, we are obviously followers of different economic approaches, but this makes our discussions more interesting. Using creativity, finding radical solutions for radical changes, this is what attract me. Cosmetical changes are not useful when we have deep crisis. There is no point to publish all my ideas in one article, I highly doubt that even you are ready to spend so much time reading it. So, instead of this, I will publish more articles and show that changes are possible. Even if this changes force both of us to destroy a majority of our RAW companies, but not because of limitation number of companies. The new economical module will force as to adapt our production in order to get higher profit. New Economy, innovations in war mechanics, will upgrade this game. I hope that game owners will not recognise this new chance to late. Also, it is about the time for them to abandon their God position in the game, and became like common people. What is on the stick? Losing a cure for their wounded Ego in RL, or losing the game, as the extra source of their financial income. Let us see, what is more important.

Another problem is that when bulk players sell the undercut by 30 or more points not just one that is required and they are putting 10k+ stock on the market it forces the lower players to try and undercut them by one instead of waiting a week for there stock to be purchased and the prices never go up just down.

This is what big producers usually do, lowering price of products and killing small producers. It is same in RL. On the other side, this is what makes impossible buying and reselling raw materials - big producers are able to kill profit of speculative trade. Changes in ERevollutions economy will fix that.

@Levi Ackerman, your ideas are a revolution in e-revolution! But for start, it could be possible to trade the various raws indipendently, but every raw company in that Region to produce only one (or two) raw items, and to have a #recipe# for every company type (food, weapon, construction) for producing a specific final product. Es: For foodQ1 ingredients: 50grain + 50 milk, for foodQ2 60grain+ 40 milk+30 meat etc

@Kromion, this is good for a start and open possibility to introducing more comprehensive model of economy. Also, I was expecting that production in a region with specific resource can give a special boost to this production, but... I don t care, will owners of Erev soon shut down this game, but doing so without using an opportunity to test various concepts is a huge waste of good chances. Even if they are committed to opening new games, before they start with them, they should first give up of copy/paste + small cosmetic changes concept. For now, let us hope that this game will continue to live, and if the day come to abandon it by the owners, maybe this game find a new owners, what will be a true Revolution for the ERevollution. Until that, I will continue for the new solutions, new concepts and sophistication of the game. Everyone are invited to join this quest. Will Admins find something of this as useful, it is a question for them. Even a blind chicken find sometimes food, so I am expecting them to be at least more efficient than blind chicken.