掲載する国 Albania - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 05 Aug 2017 23:58 - 29
Are you getting bored of this game ?? Want something different ...like a deathwish or sth ..risking of getting banned ..it is easy ,with only 2 steps
1: Say something TRUE about Kosovo
2 :Say something TRUE about Moderators
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If you need this kind of adrenaline ..now you know
Respect o7
1: Say something TRUE about Kosovo
2 :Say something TRUE about Moderators
Risk of geeting banned is high especially when some moderators who love to play "fair" are online (temp ban 1-3 days..chat ban ..or maybe even permanent bann) .
If you need this kind of adrenaline ..now you know
Respect o7
arian72Fregatajukasidrit007コメント (29)

1. Kosovo is not albania

Petros you wont get banned for that for sure 😂😂

number 1 : Kosovo is truly Serbia and Serbia is Kosovo
number 2 : they truly are a bunch of prats 

Siptari na grmu mnoze se
Ovde na postovima loze se

Even name it self Kosovo is serbian word and even you cant deny that, and about admins truth is i dont care..

actually the kosovo part was called hvorno , metohija is greek :/
but kosovo is slavic in origin

Kosovo is Dardania. Dardania is Albania. Serbs can pour crocodile nails into infinite.

Why dont you try your luck A*brevolution

dardanis is roman what romans called it yes , but dardanis a good chunk of modern alb and northern mac was in there aswell ... Plus i fail to see how that has anything to do with albania .. There wasn t even a proper albanian state before 1920s smth like that .. Before that i doubt if anyone even knew who or what albanians even were, or what darnania is or was


Only in serbia, history is taught in church. History is a science of many elements that church can not be consistent with the truth.

lol thank you for proving my point o./

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triballi it s like me using this to prove something lol..ultimately all that is pointless .. Point is you go nothing .. Dardania has nothing to do with albanians...Plus they can t even tell what kinda language illyrians spoke, moreover Illyrinas wasn t even their name, they don t know what they were called exactly so they decided to use the name of the roman adm. region.. like they call vincans by the place where they largest settlement was found on, same with starcans.. so on and so on.. P.s most finding regarding Illyrians was found in southern italy ,almost none in albania.. That s how important it must ve been

duchman illyrians was called...illyrians, was herodotus who first mentioned them on V century BC but mainly illyrians callet emselves on the name of tribes/kingdoms they had, also albanians came from illyrian tribe of Albanoi who lived in southern illyria (aka Albania nowadays) this si why we are called Albanians

also dont dare to say that Albanians are from caucassus bcs there is a other region called albania too. in reallityall over the world are 5 regions called albania ( caucassus, scotland,balkans, and 2 in columbia

duchman do u mean that serbs are thracians from triballi ???? if yes sorry dude but u are soooo fucking wrong http://prntscr.com/g4z4qk read it here

Wtf are u saying.dardania means dardhe in our language .this is proved from. Many historians .USA have a map with albanian real territories , Russia does too

http://prntscr.com/g51ui0 there you go... And i never said something of the sort, that is that we hail from thracians mixed with our slavic forefathers
I was just trying to make a point, http://prntscr.com/g51vgd also that like i said there were not called llyrians . Btw most evidence came from here, I do my work man you can be sure of that , before i mention something I make sure it s authentic and backed by some sort of evidence or proof..
@eternal and what does darhe mean in your language ? Or is it just another loan word you picked up from latin , you ve got so many who s gonna country ... Half your language is either latin in origin or slavic , and not just old slavonic but even after ... I mean what you just said makes no sense thus

duchman, first serbian tribes was in northern panonia nt in thracian-illyrian touching zone and 2nd mtDNA tests show that there are not more than 2% serbians with thracian ancestry as i said illyrians called themselves of the tribe they belonged (albanoi tribe-albanian). name illyria comes from a lagendary king called hyllus (is just a legend tho) about that thing of triballi-serbian stuff, a modern dna test in much more than some guys of 10th century(PS:they might have been called triballis for a period of time but this dont mean they were thracians. PS.S-fyromians call themselves macedonians this dont meant they are real macedonians )

Well there you go man, that s what i was trying to say, there you go .. I mean it s like i m speaking to a freaking wall , of course sources can wary a lot, and be misleading.. I never said serbs were thracians nor does it say they were there , it merely states that they used to refer to them in such manner , along with serbs .. which was probably the name of the tribe(maybe who knows).. I was trying to make a parallel tho , name Albanoi , Albanos went into use later, it s not something used back then, like i said Illyrians language, there never found any traces of it, not with any meaning, but a few coins and things like that with in ions on them ..
I mean I m all for discussion , like they once said , discussions lead to great discoveries , but I can t really do it in this comment section
p.s I kinda forgot what what was this discussion about :/ Were we really arguing over ancestry :/ pff

there are around 1000 words that we know are illyrian and albanians can understand most of emsica-thika,bile-bije,hyll-yll,mag-madh,dard(name dardania comes by this)-dardh and many more

also 70% of the albanians have ev12 and j2(that makes us mediterreanid people)

And how do you know they re illyrian in origin..No manu s from that time were ever found... So i can only assume it s a guess

We know em from roman and Greek accounts

there you go again, no you can t know what illyrian language from greek and roman account since none of them ever ever described it, guess what there are no accounts of what their language even looked like ..
Just like there are no written account of the ancient slavic language, no documents written in it, all we know is what letters they used since cirilo and metodius worked with that
I mean i m not here to belittle you guys , but you can t displace historical facts like that , IF you can then everyone can .. Then everyone can prove a ton of things using the same logic.. I mean going by that route Serbs can prove that they predate romans , or that the romans were slavic .. And so on ... ridiculous
Ancient accounts should be used carefully and are never used as ultimate facts clearly because of reasons mentioned

there are maps that show most of toponyms and coins that show most of names of kings. there are accounts of greek and roman who wrote some kind of dictionaries for travelers or legionaries

through illyria was via egnatia, the bussyest roman road that connected adriatic coast with constantinople. ofc they would need some dictionaries to deal with native population

ok fine show me those account, and those dictionaries .. where are they now? Don t give me theories
Cuz if we re gonna go by theories we can go all day..
By the way, no need .. since a few years back i was interested in illyrians and ik for a fact there are no accounts left referring to their language ,merely some kings(this or that ) few battles, struggles .. And we all know roman and greek accounts are always controversial since they ftt called tribes by the name of the province or region, instead of using their real name, from that we can ascertain that they either knew and didn t care, or they had no idea what to call them collectively, and that then begs the question if they truly were a unitary state..
Like i told you before using roman and greek accounts isn t really beneficial and trustworthy, as for the road sure , but it wasn t the busiest road to const... SO to sum up , no there are no dictionaries, there are summaries with illyrian words, you can t place more than a dozen