hapadollapa news

掲載する国 Serbia - 戦争オーダー - 07 Aug 2017 13:39 - 12

Last time serbs touched Dibra in 1915, around 240 000 serbs sad goodbye from this life on just 15 days 


コメント (12)

Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits
Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits x2
It would be better for you to read the entire article. I would learn something. If you can even read
Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits x3
Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits x4
what are u doing now: *autistic screetchings in serbian leanguage*
Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits x5
when serbs feel scorched and have nothing else to say....
Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits x6 _ Ban that newspaper
@sidrit007 you stupid woman SmileSmileSmile
Stop bringing RL issues into the game we dont give a fuck about your balkans shits
this make me laught bkz the Austrian empire helped us to kill serbs .serbs were just like sheeps one head one gold coin hahahahahahahahha. heil vv.heil ALBANIA