掲載する国 Switzerland - 社会・エンターテイメント - 07 Oct 2017 05:28 - 24
From today, the following projects are officially active:
1. The Government sells cheap or give free heli/ship q5 to swiss citizens to fight in important battles
2. The Government sells cheap heli/ship q5 for double energy weekends
3. Tax refund 100% to swiss citizens (you must be swiss citizen by at least 15 days) and 90% to foreign citizens (need ss before and after upgrades)
4. Salary 5g for double work, to swiss citizens that looking for a work, salary in gold +60cc
5. Cheap cc to producers in swiss, rate 0.005 (you must ask it on discord). Normal rate for MM is 0.006
6. At least 2 Tournaments every month, we choose a battle and first 3 positions for damage in this battle take awards (in these tournaments awards are also for allies): first Tournament - second Tournament - third Tournament
7. To every swiss citizen that bring another citizen if this new citizen have at least 10k strong and he stay in swiss at least one month you take 30g as award (you must send notification to government when you bring this citizen)
8. If a swiss citizen must buy one or more raws companies q4, he need 3k cc for every raw company q4. In swiss 3k cc are 18g, we can give you this 3k cc for 10g (price of raw company q3 is 10g, but you can buy the q4 at the same price)
9. Loans only for swiss citizens who help our country
10. Cheap stuff in swiss market, always a good price compared to the black market.
We are working on other projects!
For other news stay tuned, for info ask to government (send pm) or join discord
1. The Government sells cheap or give free heli/ship q5 to swiss citizens to fight in important battles
2. The Government sells cheap heli/ship q5 for double energy weekends
3. Tax refund 100% to swiss citizens (you must be swiss citizen by at least 15 days) and 90% to foreign citizens (need ss before and after upgrades)
4. Salary 5g for double work, to swiss citizens that looking for a work, salary in gold +60cc
5. Cheap cc to producers in swiss, rate 0.005 (you must ask it on discord). Normal rate for MM is 0.006
6. At least 2 Tournaments every month, we choose a battle and first 3 positions for damage in this battle take awards (in these tournaments awards are also for allies): first Tournament - second Tournament - third Tournament
7. To every swiss citizen that bring another citizen if this new citizen have at least 10k strong and he stay in swiss at least one month you take 30g as award (you must send notification to government when you bring this citizen)
8. If a swiss citizen must buy one or more raws companies q4, he need 3k cc for every raw company q4. In swiss 3k cc are 18g, we can give you this 3k cc for 10g (price of raw company q3 is 10g, but you can buy the q4 at the same price)
9. Loans only for swiss citizens who help our country
10. Cheap stuff in swiss market, always a good price compared to the black market.
We are working on other projects!
For other news stay tuned, for info ask to government (send pm) or join discord
ALBANIA ARMYMagellanG 4 M p3trOs V E RDictAt0Rarman9nagant895DictAt0RDictAt0RKame SenninLackoaNemethGuepoGuepoGuepoコメント (24)

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/29651 - News from Swiss Government - Day 636

S v c


good news :o o7


well done!!!! love u all

Good job

thank you

This is really good

https://www.erevollution.com/en/article/29651 🚬 🇨🇭 Switzerland is recruiting 🇨🇭 🚬

very well


thanks for support 

U make a good job here 

the whole team, the government works well





Nice, 1 day i wil come to CH.

sure, you are welcome