掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 15 Nov 2017 00:00 - 129
Equipment Set will offer 5 different items to equip, each offering different attributes:
- Jacket (increases energy)
Pants (increases energy)
Shoes (makes energy recovery faster)
Gloves (additional fire power for land battles)
Headgear (additional fire power for navy battles)

You will be able to buy each item on the store. All items bought on store start with level 0 or Q0. You will be able to upgrade them for improved attributes with Enchantment Stone. Max level of each item is level 5.
You will be able to equip items based on what you need for battle from your storage.

Increasing an armour boost level also increases its stats. You can be successful on every attempt depending on the boost material used.

Pink Enchantment Stone is always 100% successful.
You will be able to get Blue Enchantment Stone as a random drop in a battle(0.05% chance) or buy it on Store. Pink Enchantment Stone will only appear as random drop in a battle(0.05% chance) and will not be available in Store.
You will be able to trade Equipment with other players globally. They will be tradeable on a new trade page called Trade Broker. Fee for using Trade Broker will be 0.5 gold per item placed.

When the update becomes live all VIP players with 2 stars or more will receive 2 free Pink Enchantment Stones.
We are also introducing some other changes to the game:
- We are adding a new navy battle item and factory. Current Shipyard will now be renamed Submarine Factory which produces Submarine(s), and is needed to build Shipyard which will produce Warship(s)
We are increasing the limit to vote to 30% to prevent multi accounts.Countries will not receive 3 gold anymore when a new player reaches level 23 to prevent multi accounts.Cooldown of 24 hours for Resistance War is active again.
Updated fire power for all items.Updated scalings for medals.On the day of update you WILL BE UNABLE to receive medals and gold for them, as a script will run to calculate the proper number of medals for each player.

We are once again looking for new moderators. If you want to apply, please take into account the following:
To apply you have to meet certain demands:
-Age above 20 years
-Must have access to a computer at least 2-3 hours a day
-must be active as much as possible
-good English knowledge
-must be without a ban
When applying we urge you to write about yourself as much as possible, like where you come from, how old
you are, how much time you have, what you do, if you had any previous
experience with being a Moderator. The better you introduce yourself,
the better chance you have to be selected as a Mod.
Some questions to answer, for better application:
-Do you have experience with Moderating in any game?
-Are you a quick learner?
-Have you ever been banned in eRevollution?
-Do you have a job?
-Do you have access to computer at least 2-3 hours per day?
-Do you play the game via mobile or computer?
-Are you active in Skype?
-What is the reason which made you send us application for moderator position?
-What do you believe you can really contribute to our moderation team?
-Describe your character.
Send your application to our email: erevollutiongame@gmail.com
We wish you a good day,
eRevollution Team

TovarDanteUnIqUeMiNdsaeid1379GovernadorGottfried BouillonDonquixote DoflamingoHalfvolleXVIdreeEl MachichoMcQueenTopSecretmatin28tzaloo28コメント (129)


e- sim ?

c c c c


Tovare mi te volimo

middle age clothes into modern tanks...hm.....puting update into a wrong game maybe?

Traduction please!!

Good for old player sucks for new... you coping other new game?? lol

fix naval and true revolutionary medal count first

Yes for new players nothing

Good thing for us (reach players). Thanks admin.

And pay to win 

RPG gives now bonus damage whit weapons?

True 21st century warrior flies in his helicopter wearing 17th century outfit

Admin is alive and wants His gold back xD

Tovare mi re volimo x2

If i understand is right: i have to consume all my RPGs and damage boosers....

Tovare mi te volimo x3

nothing about uefa champions league ?!?

fix the fucking sea legend medal before adding update about navy battles -.-

Молим ћирилицу !


I need a hat with gems and an 25 kg armour for my new submarine...

Bad update. Need more elfs, dragons, magical talking trees!! FFS!!

We all got a lot of gold due to latest changes in medals. Time to spend it

this is erevollution if league of legend?

useless update ever

RPG now will be less than a pistolino Q3?

Noob x2

randomly destroying a 99gold item is a very bad idea, it is not a casino guys!!!


So right now from 5,4m/hit with booster and NE,with new formula just 4,6mil? fck this shit

Apart from all of the above, I feel for people who built several ship factories.

wtf is this crap

Kako RGP sada deluje? Na kom principu???

Gurgians feel afraid, I just sent my application for moderator position

لطفا جوراب و عرق گیر رو هم اضافه کن وگرنه من نمیتونم اینا رو بپوشم 

I have only 21 negative trillions at naval battles, so I cant wait more for sailing with my submarines...


admin like Bring my gold back Update

Will houses work as now?

Its type error, RPG will be x4 , article will be updated

ja ne kuzim nista...jel moze za nas glupe objasnjenje...jel ovo znaci da cu sa svim tim novim stvarima pucati manje jer smanjujete formulu za dmg ,te samim time cu moci dobit jos manje medalja? 

will we able to cast spell with those clothes?

I have bad feeling about this 😕

What do you mean by random drop on battle? 200 hits guarantee 1 pink enchant?


Why changing medal calculations??? it is OK now. If you fight a lot then you need more dmg for medal. After 1k medals we need 50m for medal and it is already not economical to buy heli and fight for medal. So why change it?

What is the medal damage count right now,you wrote only the new,someone know the old one?

I m too old for this shit.

randomly destroying a 99gold item is a very bad idea, it is not a casino guys!!!

i will leave game if this will be add

Bahahahahah this is amazing! I can`t do anything but laugh at a Renascense armor (aka clothes) in a game where you hit with weapons, tanks, helis, RPG, ships, submarines, missiles... Pahahahah but then again, this game never ever had a sense of design so who cares. Just another nice troll be the few (one) remaining admin. gg wp

What a fu*k is this????
I have 5 q5 and q4 ship factories. I want at least 90% refund on dissolving companies


Good job ! ô7

HAHAHAHAHA this i love you guys.

Booster is worthless with this change

Close the server please, all people will be happy. Trust me.


its really weird but i think is an interesting update xD

tovare pi ko 

Can you write this down in English as well?

admins are you crazy?
you will definitive destroy the game and kill every possibiliy to made interest to game for the newest 


Hmm.. putting game content from other games is not punishable by law?
)) those items look familiar..

Copy paste from other game xD and a bad one...

wingardium leviosa

awesome! xD

اونا ک پول دادن ب این روزنامه فقط://

Admini da li vi to imate neko interno takmičenje koji će od vas veću glupost da smisli??

i dont understand this new booster change, 0.5 means it will reduce your damage by 50% or what ?

Heroes of Might Magic

u wot m8?

the ship Q5 (not factory) will remain ship Q5 or change into submarine q5?

Váyanse a la muerda, que es eso xD


unbelievable , i mean really. See you guys who spend 1000 s on a game just plain ruin it for the rest of the world. Admins think they have a gold mine. And as per usual all woodsie gets is The Shaft.

Add Dice or i will quit

q5 ship back to the admin factory bare 640 gold we will not be mad We have not been told to vote before we set up the ship factory

NEW UPDATE: The ships will be drowned and become submarines! Admin is a GENIUS! If we put in fire the helis, we would have spaceships too...

good update

This makes game more interesting , gj

I didn t see information about how much time each item will work, so, if I buy an item it will be used for how long? a week, a day, an hour, forever?.... Do you really think that 99Gold per item will do the game better?... 

And after 3001th medal ??

I like.

BULLSH*T im leaving

v c

let s be surprised.

if we have helicopters and warships with modern look, than why we shoud where clothes form 17th century

dear admins:
1 - Equipment set like a medieval game not a war game? Isn t better uniforms??? We are soldiers.
2 - Changing on dmg forumula and dmg of items not good.
3 - On board and newpapers there are a lot of good possible updates and you made this one? oO
In every cases for a new player... ok the beginner camp but how can be have any possibility aganist us (old players)
bad update 

we are living at 21st century
also using helicopter not sword,i think admins living in middle age

You are an amazing p0rn actor.
Please continue destroying this pussy game.

Nice o7

old damage formula, old fire power, and old medal calculation are okay. Why do you want to change them, admin?

so if you are changing shipyard and effectively making all today shipa second tier sea weapons, will you offer 7 days 100% gold back for destroying factories who has more than one, as its case with gun/tank only needed one to reach and produce helies and there is no point and nobody would build few of them, especially lower tiers.

also using booster for land combat player will do lets say with gun 1 dmg with q1 booster he will do 1.1dmg
but in sea battle , without booster if player does 1 dmg with q1 booster he will do 0.1 dmg???? and with q5 booster 0.5?? is this mistake or im just nuts?

change the equipment please, we are soldiers not medieval soldiers! and the stone is not good, is better adrenaline for example

@ TopSecret, you must add 1 to the coefficients. So 0.5 is like old 1.5 (+50%)

We all know the game is next door to dead, this is just the final nail in the coffin

Genijalno glupo...

since this game started, you have made many updates, and people always complain or agree. But this time i think its for real.
This is the worst update ever. nice trolling with us players.
when i started here i loved it so much i quit the other one. but this game in the last months have changed so much to worst... im out of words

Хрень какая -о


Really time to quit this game even from 2 click mode . . .

lol. from one bad update to another. i dont even know why i waste my time anymore.


Guyz plz change outfit design. Its looks really awkward, medieval age outfit 

finaly good update o7

finaly good update o7

What a stupidity and greediness... Now it is too much for me, I quit... Thanks for one and a half year playing.

big lol for this .. tanks ships and helicopters with middle age clothe .. omg .. gimme number of your dealer


this changes done right could really improve the game. please do not screw it up, admins...

Who want to quit please consider for a small donation to me...
Look at my avatar or here..

¿ io?

Waiting for swords, bows, crossbows and catapults in game...

@Svani 9 - best coment ever

E-Sim if you ask me!
Just E-Sim have done better job with eqipments..

I Hope this update Will be deleted like previous. Is not good for us!

now you just need to fix congress viability so we can see who is running and who won so that we can add them to our chats and have communication with them.

Visibility sorry auto correct

time to move to newer copy of this game?

@Admin Images are not available