掲載する国 United Kingdom - エレヴォリュウション、最初のステップ - 04 Jan 2018 12:19 - 120
With that we are bringing you new updates to the game as well as discounts and free daily gifts for anniversary. The joyful time will start on 6th January and will last till 15th January. Between you will be able to receive free daily gifts. The discount will include 25% off for all buildings except for Field Hospitals and 300% more Gold on Gold Packs.

Starting with updates, we are making some changes to max energy. We are introducing a new building Field Hospital 2000, which provides you with +2000 Max Energy & 20 Energy Recover (recovers 20 energy every 6 minutes, from current 10). It will be available for 199 Gold.
The old Field Hospitals will have the price permanently reduced. Field Hospital 50 will cost 49 Gold and Field Hospital 100 will cost 99 Gold. You can have only 1 of each and is not visible in store page if you own it already.

Cost for making Life Kit has been increased and now uses 1000 Food per quality of Life Kit you are making.

We are also making changes to the gold reward of medals:

Update on battle for hits, it is increased from 10 Hits to 20 Hits.

We also fixed some graphics.
Thank you for being with us,
eRevollution Team

hoomankhan127Blak Foxassassin98Permanently bannedCitraMoNDewiszDarken Rahldgyx1983Wallace PlatavelecaroITZMEAKDODOsaeid1379Indonesia FuturefranciscoRR05RuPiCroMaXorAlmir Alvesコメント (120)

First o7

2000? Wow.

and pink stone drops never 

pff neki

Really nice hahahahahahah

My feelings are %50-%50 on this one..
Why increase the food usage for the life kit? 600 is already high as it is..! And what is it with the gold reduction for the medals? Not really pleased, but then again the majority might be happy with it, so..

c quoi cette merde encore

*We also fixed some graphics* ... You mean you copied from somewhere else, right? 

2000 energy thing is good. More active players can hit more and do more damage than tanks who just 2 click. But that greatly increases the food weapons consumption. Shits going to change massively.


well, i dont know whats better the +300% in gold packs or +2000 energy 

1- discounts for 9 days?
2- 2000 extra energy besides what we have now? That means that one full energy bar will recover in 24 hrs so if I work,train and fight at DC I dont have to log in till next day. Reduce the time to recover energy or you will lose players

lel why why why

@Radu vith +2000erg u have +20erg recover now u have 10 


3 golda medalja...e moj tovare opet šmrčeš

At least Admins are alive :-))))

6th january is my birthday so donate me gold


sad kad sam sve nadogradio of tc-ova I strateskih zgrada I sve kompanije daju popuste, pa sve vam ...

Q5 TC ?

from the begging? who did u beg

10 dakika sonra çıkaramadınız demi haberi huur çoçukları!!

@Srdjan - indeed. I read it between the lines. Thanks for heads up 

With more energy we will need more gold to fight. Instead of this team makes lower rewards for TP. Good luck on killing the game u are doing pretty well

@Admin - thanks for highlight it in red 

i dont like hits update - please decrass hits to 1 hit

Bunda! Kajavásárolgatás a bennfenteseknek!


These nibbas r alive?


Good update

KILL, i wanna KILL,KILL KILL the game :-) 1000 q5 food per DAY ? 4 gold reward for every 50,000,000 damage??
The 2000 storage things is (maybe) ok, but the rest??????

pffffff shit, really want the kill this game

With 30hp refill for every 10hp we re getting now, we would basically have 3x more chance to score pink stones, only with higher food consumption of course. That last update (20 hits per berserk) is a remedy for that? 

It s shit.

так много глупых людей, столько глупых комментариев

time for users like ere.p,don t like it

Update in 4 words: more costs, less gold.

Energy good. But medals... bad idea

We need more golds for these news but if we win less golds how we do it ?

news copied from a similar game
every update this game is always worst!
If your objective will be kill the game is the right way!

Admin s attention; bring back paysafecard payment option

OMG :sream:


1000 q5 food for life kit is waaay too much

Energy - great, medals bad, food for Life kit - too much.


bring paysafe back paypal doesnt work in my country!

The food is very scarce, come on:/ Only you succes leave new players without cheeap food with this.

what will be in erev and supply pack?


great update guys keep up the good work

Increasing health will increase weapon consumption,their price as well.You are also lowering the reward from the medals...So we have 2 choices:
1-Hit with weapons and keep getting poorer and poorer
2-Hit with bare hands...
Also it took us 1500 gold to make 3 k5 food companies for the k5 kit,and now we have to make 2 more to be self-sufficient. Thats just crazy


v c

Admin s attention; bring back paysafecard payment option

The game has shaped a lot over time, some updates being better than others
are you still intoxicated by the alcohol from the new year s eve

Keep it this way, you killed eRev long time ago.

We will receive less gold in medals , but we can buy it , not !? ... more and more difference between those who use VISA and those who do not . No vote

when will i see a pink gem in battlefield?

time to left game..this shit changes make me sick

no one will fight for TA medal any more
some bad, some good updates... Where is new TC and another LK building?? I was expecting that.. vote because you are alive

Nice work admin o7

Lol so much crying
Don t tell me that you only get income from medals. What did you do with your industry in the past 1-2 years? If nothing, maybe you don t understand this game.

sve podignite cene, a ukinite medalje skroz.
Sad je kao cena za field hospital smanjena trajno, pa smanjite onda nama ovu novu od 2k energije kad smo vec bili ludaci i kupili prethodne po punoj ceni.

Insider info and leaks from Admin are no-no.
drogan had started to buy up all Q5 food he could lay his hands on days ago... I already wondered why. Now we see it - he had insider info. Probably others too, but I remember him by name.

Admin s attention; bring back paysafecard payment option

I need Worker Pack


Tuzlak666 04.01 04:49 only few elite players know about updates and buy a lot of food and weps. dont sell food and weps and help them to make a big profits after updates !!!!!!

its very bad for players

skofjaloka (and Tuzlak666) +1 Game s administration proved themselves once more as unprofessional. How do you expect to make some money if you allow leaking information all the time? Grow up or replace moderators, start acting like in business, not as game s players :-/

Admini, najljepše vas molim da nam predstavite genijalca koji je smislio sve ove promjene. Posebnu ovu oko vrijednosti medalja. Za svaku sledeću treba potrošiti više oružja i energije a dobiti manje golda, stvarno nevjerovatno genijalno!

I understand you wana earn some money from players put gold on sale cheap so we can buy it example 1k gold 20 euros..if that is the price i would buy gold many times at this pricrs now its crazy you expect anybody buy gold..if you start selling packs cheap you will earn some money and develop game more and advertise it... pls do this...o7

10 hits to 20 hits is a pretty bad idea. 20 hits should be just an option. Give us the possibility to choose how many hits we want to use

well done, admins

1260 gold is 200% not 300%

تو روحت ادمین خبر مرگت با این اپدیت جدیدت

Even discount gold is still very expensive.

Lol. These guys cant even name the right date

Admin s attention; bring back paysafecard payment option

Can I buy packs with bitcoin

Viva 2 anos

اگر مدال هارو منفی هم کنی ما ایرانیا گلد بخر نیستیم که نیستیم ((((((:


Need more improvement in proofreading, it is DAILY not DAILEY 

2000 is too much 

2000 mas de energía, recuperas mas rápido gastas el doble al pegar, suben los costos de las posiones y bajan el oro que podes ganar.
1) Mas dificultades para los no visa
2) Mas dificultades para los nuevos
3) Para el resto todo es igual en proporción, pero vas a poder pegar un poco mas (si tenes la infra para eso)
4) Va costar mucho mas montar infra sin comprar oro.
5)Tal vez, solo tal vez, si hay mas nuevos, el mercado se haga mas dinámico.

Change war module!

Good update exept decreasing medals gold. 

It is Daily

I was very angry with the game for a while , I did cheat , too. Admin deleted 5,000 gold . I would have left the game. I actually, I deserve it
Despite everyting, we need to support the game with buying gold by visa. Because this game is nice despite everything , I think the updates are nice , o7 Sorry for bad english. Sil

Do not make us harder to get gold from medal!!! The last time you did, so many active players became 2-click players.. And do not increase life kit production cost! 

less gold on medals for more damage??? WRONG WAY! / Life Kit??? this game is gona need one of those

BTW less gold for more damage and an increase in food for life kits are not an improvement i like the way it is now less needed the more you spend... spending on the LK Building should count for something other than a higher % increase in life

how will work the 300% more Gold on Gold Packs?

wtf, so who will buy equipment for their 100-200energy center :|

@Lutz you get 300% more golds when you buy one of gold packs

shitty update,
you give us more energy aka more spending on wep and food
then increase cost of making bottles
and you take us our main income with lowering medals value
hope you guys have short life expectancy with this one

good like

@Tepic Thanks 

You forgot the thing we need most. Worker packs.

Please take a strategic that has air plain ore air ship that has alot if dmg

what about an update of your marketing strategy?
the game is stuck, it desperately needs more fresh new players.

1000 food is too much

Make damage reduction for every congcured region so game will be more intresting,,and if you can chang battle moduke to be 3 round it will bring the game alive....


@keefee like e.d.o.m.??

Great update, everyone had full Q5 companies and there were nothing to do with gold, now we have some new objectives to catch up with this crazy amount of energy

Add Workers pack

changes to the gold reward of medals sucks

Scammer Admin